I Use To Crochet, May Take It Back Up

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1. Do you ladies/guys know anyone who makes the teeny tiny burial outfits, blankets? The last thing a grieving parent(s) wants to do is worry about that.
2. Those who knit or crochet for NICU: everything I ever read about making clothing, hats, blankets for NICU patients indicated the place of production needed to be pet-free in case of allergies. Do you abide by that? I really want to do it, but I've got two pets. I don't let them lie on my fabric, yarn, etc. but I will say that the cat's lovely long hair floats sometimes.
I know there are organizations you can contact and they get together once in a while or frequently at someone's home and go crazy knitting and sewing.

3. Do the NICUs wash the little items or do they throw them away? Just curious. I've seen patterns for these things too.
Our NICU had a little basket of hand made hats of all sizes Micro-Preemie to newborn at the front desk.

I hadn't heard of the no pets rule. They just ask that they are washed in free and clear and no fabric softener.

They also take clothing donations of all sizes. Blankets, swings, bouncy chairs, rock n plays. Little Bean bags ( they position around baby to put them in a variety of positions comfortably and snuggies( it's a little pouch with these velcro straps you can wrap around the baby to make the feel held)
Etsy has shops that have burial outfits. Alot of hospitals have memorial boxes that will contain an outfit, booties hat, blanket, teddy bear, picture book footrprints etc...

Unfortunately I know this from experience.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you . Losing our son 6 years ago was the reason we left the city and came down to SC so I could be closer to my parents. It me several years to actually want to try again and we got our little miracle. we almost lost him too...several times. But God works in very mysterious ways, I believe we have a guardian angel looking over us now. Protecting his little brother.
Thank you . Losing our son 6 years ago was the reason we left the city and came down to SC so I could be closer to my parents. It me several years to actually want to try again and we got our little miracle. we almost lost him too...several times. But God works in very mysterious ways, I believe we have a guardian angel looking over us now. Protecting his little brother.
You never know what someone has been through and I have made the mistake of mentioning lack of children in people's lives before, like an idiot.
I hope you haven't felt the sting of that.
Peace to you and your family for feeling the protection.
A person such as yourself then knows the need for such items. Do you mind if I ask you...was it enough? Were there other things (items) that, in retrospect, you wish would have been included? I hope you don't think it insensitive of me to inquire.
You never know what someone has been through and I have made the mistake of mentioning lack of children in people's lives before, like an idiot.
I hope you haven't felt the sting of that.
Peace to you and your family for feeling the protection.
A person such as yourself then knows the need for such items. Do you mind if I ask you...was it enough? Were there other things (items) that, in retrospect, you wish would have been included? I hope you don't think it insensitive of me to inquire.
I don't mind at all...act actuaour NICU had tons of clothes, hats and blankets. One thing that was nice is a nurse practitioner there would make little hats with babies names on them. I loved that. One thing that was nice too was a family who had come in every Christmas and gave every baby a quilt. Another family came in with stuffed animals. Or little gift bags for moms ( like a crossword pizzlp, pen, lotion , hand sanitizer , candy)

For grieving parents that's tough. I didn't care what they gave me after TJ was born. I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible after we spent our time with him. What sucked most was being in public aferwafter. People who knew I was pregnant but didn't know he was stillborn, would see me in the store and say things like " oh you had your baby! " Or something similar and I wouldnt even be able to get words out I'd just bawl. So moving was nice because noone knew our situation.
I do keep his memory box and urn and teddy bear he got his pics taken with on a shelf in my sewing room.

I used to go through that box all the time. Now I can't even bring myself to open it. I just will.pausr and lay my hand on it from time to time. I don't know how other people do it. It's a hard thing to live with.


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Sunshine, I can only in the smallest way understand only because I knew I was pregnant and miscarried at 3 months. It took me a while to understand why my heart was so sad. Only when I let my self grieve did my heart heal. It takes much longer when a baby is lost at or close to full term. And that child is and always will be a part of you.
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Sunshine, I can only in the smallest way understand only because I knew I was pregnant and miscarried at 3 months. It took me a while to understand why my heart was so sad. Only when I let my self grieve did my heart heal. It takes much longer when a baby is lost at or close to full term. And that child is and always will be a part of you.
Hugs. any loss is so hard. It always thinking of what could have been.
1. Do you ladies/guys know anyone who makes the teeny tiny burial outfits, blankets? The last thing a grieving parent(s) wants to do is worry about that.
2. Those who knit or crochet for NICU: everything I ever read about making clothing, hats, blankets for NICU patients indicated the place of production needed to be pet-free in case of allergies. Do you abide by that? I really want to do it, but I've got two pets. I don't let them lie on my fabric, yarn, etc. but I will say that the cat's lovely long hair floats sometimes.
I know there are organizations you can contact and they get together once in a while or frequently at someone's home and go crazy knitting and sewing.

3. Do the NICUs wash the little items or do they throw them away? Just curious. I've seen patterns for these things too.
My daughter was a preemie and spent 15 days in NICU. She had a knit hat that was given to her at the NICU unit which is still with her baby things.

If there is a challenge for you with your pets, consider meeting with a group somewhere other than your home. If you take your projects home, consider keeping it in a zip plastic bag. I work with a crafting group which meets at a library, in one of their meeting rooms. There are a few groups that meet with different focuses in my area. The library has generously allowed us to use a closet to store our materials.