My most recent sword:

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A reverse bladed Falchion..

Totally Awesome. :cool: Can't wait to show this to my Sons, they'll eat this vid Up. 'specially my Younger (the 'Knife-freak' of the Fam ;) he's actually Made a few pieces himself (including the little 'Framing-nail' one, heh.. 😍

...I'll have to see if I can find the Pix he sent me of the Halberd and Broadsword (ish..) he made.. Embedded in texts from him a couple-three years ago, but I thought he did a Great job, considering what he was working with.. (Iirc, an old leaf-spring section, for the blade, and I seem to recall he started with a large 'Spade' or something similar for the halberd-head..)

Anyway, Love it, Man.. 👍 Just so great to See it 'demo'd that heirlooms like this Can be DIYd, as in days of yore. Loved seeing ya do the 'finger-guide' / striping-technique with the Dremel, used to use that constantly back in the 'Kitchen-installs & Sign-shop days' .. :) Cherish that 'old-World Craftsman wisdom'..

PS, In honor, I nominate one of my Peter Murphy favs as the 'backing track'..


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A reverse bladed Falchion I just finished:

Very nice!

You got 1.1k views in a day ... Wow.

How long did it take to make that blade?

I also liked how the anvil danced around. Did you decide on a optimal position?

I like the filet you finished with a Dremel tool. It takes a steady hand.

I am a Dremel tool fan. It was the first power tool I was allowed to use . I have burned up 6 or more tools. My bad not Dremel. :rolleyes:
