amateur radio

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  1. Clyde

    Helpful Info. What happens to Ham Radio When the Internet Disappears | Tactical Ham Radio

    If you are a Ham Radio operator, do you use any of the digital modes (DSTAR, Fusion and DMR)? If you do have you given much thought to what will happen to the digital modes ones the internet stops working for whatever reason? Take a look at this video by K6UDA on this very subject.
  2. Clyde

    HF 40 Meters

    Well today was a great day for 40 meters! While operating from the car I was able to hit Bullhead City, Arizona from the south end of Los Angeles County. Not a huge distance, but when you think about how crapy the bands have been of late it does make your day a bit. I hope the band will fix...
  3. Clyde

    FCC FCC Fee for Vanity Call Signs to Disappear

    The FCC regulatory fee associated with Amateur Radio Vanity call signs is no longer required. Beginning Thursday, September 3, 2015, applicants will be able to file all vanity applications (new and renewal) without having to pay a regulatory fee. FCC decided earlier this year to eliminate the...