12" PVC sch 80 need help with fittings.

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Pocket change.........wait till you see what the "screw-off end caps cost, (if they even make them for 12") for the 10" which is the largest I have found so far. $390.ish each.

We are wanting to build some wilderness cache container, with fixed cap on one end and screw-off cap on the other. They are going to be about 132 pounds each 56" container.
Pocket change.........wait till you see what the "screw-off end caps cost, (if they even make them for 12") for the 10" which is the largest I have found so far. $390.ish each.

We are wanting to build some wilderness cache container, with fixed cap on one end and screw-off cap on the other. They are going to be about 132 pounds each 56" container.
Why sched 80?

Great question..........we have a 14 foot stick of sch 80 in the yard. It is $65.00 per foot FOB Lower 48 states, America. My "wild" guess is it would run $100.00 per foot in Alaska.
Does anyone out there know if sched 40 cap will glue on sched 80?

I will not ask what you are storing that would not fit in sched 40 X 6" pipe.

..wanting to build some wilderness cache container, with fixed cap on one end and screw-off cap on the other. They are going to be.. 56" container.

Is the 56" length 'mission critical'? Cuz: HQ ISSUE Gun Burial Tube, 12"x 46.5" ..Just an 'alt-idea' (once they're back In stock, etc..) Perhaps some 'reseller' (ie: Amazon, et al) may Have stock of that model, and/or an alt-model, close to it.. 🤔

Just an idea, Fwiw.. :cool:
Is the 56" length 'mission critical'? Cuz: HQ ISSUE Gun Burial Tube, 12"x 46.5" ..Just an 'alt-idea' (once they're back In stock, etc..) Perhaps some 'reseller' (ie: Amazon, et al) may Have stock of that model, and/or an alt-model, close to it.. 🤔

Just an idea, Fwiw.. :cool:

NO length not critical. It would be nice to be able to put high powered rifles with 24' or 26" barrel complete with scope. Maybe two or three of those. The goal is a container that will not rust in 200 years. The biggest Grizzly/Kodiak Brown Bear can't bite it and damage it. Waterproof, Moose stepping on it proof. And if the SHTF and your being chased, or for any reason need a full size rifle, ready to go, scope mounted, sling mounted, etc. A daypack, a sleeping bag, tent, etc.

I do this now but I use 55 gallon steel drums........sadly they will not last 200 years, they will rust out. The thing is we have this hunk of pipe, and it is perfect........If we can find caps, at some price that makes sense. We could do (2) two "SEVEN" foot long caches, or any combination that we can do from 14 feet of pipe.

I think the odds are this will never happed, simply because the caps are very expensive. Hell the pipe is expensive. Might just dig a hole with the excavator and drop this stick of pipe in, for water.
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Perhaps you might save some money by buying a 12X6 or 12X8 reducer and then buying the more common, and therefore cheaper, threaded end cap. Use neversieze, it will help block water and you should be able to open the threads later.
..It would be nice to be able to put high powered rifles with 24' or 26" barrel complete with scope. ...The goal is a container that will not rust in 200 years. ...

Well.. If that 'length' is not an issue, and (it sounds like) you've 'Got a few bux to Throw at this' - Why not 'go Pelican'? ie: For yer Long guns: 1720 Protector Long Case | Pelican :cool:

..and there are Many more size options, but.. Go with the 'OEM Pelicans' - not the 'Storm' or 'V-whatever' - those seals are Not as 'bury proof', as the OEM Peli's.. Absolutely 'crush proof' / Bear-proof, and you won't have to 'bury as deep', as a cylinder-style..

IF for 'other Crash-Camp / Wilderness emergency supply' purposes - there, too - the Peli's are a SuperHero (imo..) For Us, I standardized on the Peli 1660 case: 1660 Protector Case | Pelican ..I get them withOut the 'Foam' (but have some to 'tailor-fit' anything as I wish, but..) Much cheaper, and more utility out of a 'bare one'..

..And believe me when I say that you can pretty-well pack a 'Small Camp's-worth of Shelter / Heat / Cooking / Water-treatment', and much more, in just a couple-three of 'em.. Literally, an Entire 'small' (Base-Camp level) Camp's worth of Stuff, in just 3x 1660s.. :cool:

I know this thread Isn't about 'Camp packs', but simply encouraging that - If you're looking to make 'Buryable-caches' (especially-if for More than just a few Rifles / Ammo, etc) the Pelicans Will Absolutely be 'tough enough', and Water / Mud-proof enough, and give you MUCH more 'flexibility' / utility, once you recoup the stuff Out of 'em.. ie:

..3x of those 1660s - and a Long-Gun case.. And you've Also got yerself a 'Table and Two Chairs', perfect for in-Tent makeshift.. :cool: OR, get some good 3/8" climbing rope / few carabiners, etc, and a nice high / thick Branch - and whammo - you've got yerself a Pretty doggone Bear-Proof 'food locker' (who's contents I Doubt even They will 'smell'..)

Point being - Perhaps 'think outside the Tube'? :) For us, at least, they're Champions for So much more than just Guns n Ammo.. :cool:

Oh, PS - IF you decide to look into 'em - a) Check around in local / regional Craigslist / eBay, etc - a Lot of times, they can be had for a Fraction of "new" - and IF you get one that's 'damaged'.. The Other great thing with Peli, is that, b) even IF you didn't "buy direct, from them" - they Still Honor the 'Lifetime Warranty'..

..Ergo: Call / email 'em up, say 'I bought a 1660 from XYZ, and it got damaged - here's the Pic (ie: damaged latch / wheel / handle, etc) And they'll send ya a New Part - On Them - and sometimes (IMExperience..) even a Whole New case (ie: if it's not an 'easy replace', ie: a whole Lid or the hinges, etc) Been there, Done that, and got the Spankin-New Case to prove it.. :thumbs:

Just my .02
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"SoJer"........I think you and I are looking at different goals. Your idea and plan is perfect, for having a mobile survival camp. If I lived in an urban/semi-urban/rural area/far out in the country/ or semi-wilderness, and was prepping for possible bugging-out if necessary, your whole set-up is perfect.

That is different then a vault or series of vaults, intended for future generations. Yes.......it is possible the vaults could be needed at any point, even the day after they were put in place.

Think more along the lines of........."Sundown at Coffin Rock".
"Sundown at Coffin Rock" Part 1 and Part 2 | Homesteading & Country Living Forum (homesteadingforum.org)
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If you can get sheet PVC you can fabricate your own glue on lids.
The objection I have to PVC is it gets brittle in the cold. You can keep things from rusting by use oxygen absorbers (for food) and desiccant packages just before your tubes are sealed. There is enough moisture and oxygen in a sealed PVC tube that anything that can rust will.
I've sealed 22 ammo in electrical grade silicon rubber (non-corrosive) for twenty years and still had problems with rounds that didn't fire. Just the air in the box was enough to get into the cartridges and affect the primers. Long storage in closed containers is a problem no matter what you use especially when buried.
I will not be much cheaper, but stainless steal may be better.
One end welded & the other slip or sealed.