20 Question Survival Test

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Nov 26, 2017
US of A
I am posting this survival test from prepperswill.com. I am not use a quote box because I want it to be easy to read but everything below is direct from the linked article. I will post the answer key down below inside of a spoiler tag. Take the test and see how you do!

Survival Test – 20 Questions To Test Yourself!

January 2, 2020 by Bob Rodgers

Who knows which among many facts learned from books and or actual experience will be the bits of knowledge needed expressly for your survival? This survival test will challenge you and maybe, you will discover you don’t know “everything” when it comes to survival.

Here at Prepper’s Will, we decided to publish a simple survival test or self-test, if you will, in order to challenger our readers. Not only it’s a fun exercise, but it’s also an occasion to discover what knowledge you lack when it comes to survival.

Questions and answers in this survival test are designed to determine where gaps exist in your personal store of survival knowledge. Questions are taken from a variety of books, including texts on first aid, military tactics, nutrition, edible plants, home security, firearms, bushcraft, hiking and backpacking, animals and reptiles, and, of course, survival.

When you uncover a weakness, a tact missing, research in that area to make yourself more expert in the ways and means of survival. I hope you will enjoy this survival test, and the score you obtain will push you to learn more about emergency preparedness and survival.

Survival Test – 20 questions to test yourself:

1. What plant has green leaves, white flowers, grows In the Northern Temperate Zone, resembles a carrot or parsnip, and is deadly poison?
A. Green lichen.

B. Wild cucumber.

C. Water hemlock.

D. Scotch broom.

Recommended article: Common Poisonous Plants You Should Steer Clear Of

2. The flesh of which fish is poisonous?
A. Bonefish.

B. Surgeonfish.

C. Cuttlefish.

D. Stingray.

3. If you are in the desert, where daytime temperatures reach 120 degrees, with 10 quarts of water, end walking only at night, you can expect to fast:
A. 3 days.

B. A week.

C. 8 days.

D. 11.5 days.

4. You are caught out in the woods as darkness falls. It is very cold and snowing. You should:
A. Build a huge fire to keep warm.

B. Build several small fires in a circle and sit in the middle to keep warm.

C. Build a medium fire against a bank so that it reflects heat to keep you warm.

D. Build a shelter with a small fire inside.

5. In using Iodine to treat a wound, it should be:
A. Poured directly into the wound.

B. Used to sterilize the Skin around the wound.

C. Poured onto a gauze pad, and then applied to the wound.

D. Used only when the wound is deep and the danger of infection is almost certain.

6. What plant makes a good short-term insect repellent?
A. Juniper berries.

B. Cascara bark.

C. Wild onion.

D. Watercress.

7. A home defense gun ideally should be:
A. Kept loaded and cocked at all times.

B. Kept locked away where children and/or visitors cannot touch it.

C. Kept unloaded and separate from its ammunition.

D. Kept high on a closet shelf, out of reach of children.

Read next: 5 Guns Every Prepper Should Own

8. If a wound displays arterial bleeding, the first thing to do Is:
A. Suture the wound closed.

B. Elevate the wounded area.

C. Apply pressure directly to the wound.

D. Apply pressure to the nearest pressure point between the wound victim’s heart and the wound.

9. Vitamins and minerals:
A. Usually are lacking in a normal diet, so they must be supplemented with massive daily doses of vitamin pills

B. Are required for life, but do not depend on one another.

C. Are required for life, and are dependent on each other, needing combinations of vitamins and minerals in order for desirable reactions to take place.

D. Are not required for life, and do not depend on one another.

10. The U.S Crisis Relocation Plan:
A. Will dump millions of homeless refugees into outlying communities on the threat of nuclear war.

B. It is well thought out and thoroughly funded by the federal government.

C. It is just that, a plan, with no funding for administration, training or implementation.

D. Will dump a few refugees from big cities Into distant communities on the threat of war.

11. Water from an unknown source should be purified because:
A. It may hold bacteria, viruses, and amoebae.

B. It may hold parasites. chemicals and pesticides.

C. It may hold heavy metals, radioactivity, algae, sediment, and silt.

D. It may hold all of the above.

Read next: How To Kill Water Contaminants On The Field

12. Foil packaged foods have a shelf life of:
A. Two years.

B. Three years.

C. Four years.

D. Ten years.

13. How can you best convince friends and loved ones to become preppers:
A. By coersion and force – make them prepare.

B. By deceit – trick them into preparing.

C. By cheating and lying – buying food and arms, and saying they’re (or something other than survival.

D. By good example – preparing yourself, and helping others to learn about preparation and survival.

14. When protein is lacking in a diet:
A. Bones deform.

B. Resistance to disease is lowered.

C. The pancreas no longer produces insulin.

D. All of the above.

Did you know that: Protein, Is The Foundation Of A Survival Diet?

15. In order to survive on a fish-only diet, each day you would require:
A. 15 pounds of fish.

B. 10 pounds of fish.

C. 5 pounds of fish.

D. 2.5 pounds of fish.

16. If a victim appears to be caught in downed electrical wires:
A. You should grab him immediately and drag him away from danger.

B. You should not touch them until you are sure no voltage is present.

D. You should hose him down with water to keep him from burning up.

C. You should use a steel or aluminum pike pole to drag him free of the wires.

17. In a future survival situation, smallpox:
A. Would be no threat, as it is nearly eradicated now

B. Would be a threat to newborns, as they would have no access to a vaccine against the variola virus.

C. It would be a threat to infants and many adults who had not received booster shots for a long period of time.

D. Would be no threat to adults who had been vaccinated before the crisis and hence would be no threat to their children.

18. Gas masks:
A. Usually are preventative only against military gases.

B. Usually are preventative against only one gas.

C. Usually are preventative against biological agents.

D. Usually are preventative against radiological agents.

19. A Kevlar vest is likely to prevent fatal injury to the wearer’s torso if he is shot with:
A. .308 (7.72mm NATO) or lesser caliber.

B. .223 (5.56mm NATO) or lesser caliber.

C. .44 Magnum, or less.

D. .38 Special or less

20. Venison has:
A. Sufficient fat for a nutritious human diet.

B. Insufficient fat for human nutrition.

C. Sufficient complete proteins and fats for human nutrition.

D. Sufficient vitamins and tats for human nutrition

Answers for the survival test questions:
  1. – C, 2. – B, 3. – A, 4. – D, 5. – B, 6. – C, 7. – A, 8. – D, 9. – C, 10. – C, 11. – D, 12. – A, 13. – D, 14. – D, 15. – A, 16. – B, 17. – B, 18. – A, 19. – D, 20. – B.
The total score for the survival test:
For each survival test question answered correctly, give yourself five points, then add up your score. If your total score is:

  • Bellow 70 – You should spend your evenings reading more about survival and emergency preparedness
  • 75-80 – You should spend two-thirds of your evenings grabbing a survival book or two
  • 85-90 – How about reading half your evenings?
  • 95-100 – In your case, maybe one night of study per week will do for now.

This survival test should be a wakeup call if you score below 70 points. We can’t know everything when it comes to survival and emergency preparedness since much of it can be learned only through practice.

However, in theory, most “serious” preppers should know the answers to these questions or at least have an idea if they are wrong or not. Just like in a real emergency situation, there are no wild guesses when it comes to survival.
#2, if you showed me those fish, I could identify a stingray.
#10 made me laugh
#12, like a foil wrapped tuna sandwich for lunch, or Mylar with O2 absorbers?
#18, insufficient information on cartridge for mask.
#19, insufficient information on vest.

So, 80-90%, I might be ok for a bit.
I will admit it. I failed miserably. But this has to be one of the dumbest questionaires I have ever seen. I don't care what fish has poisonous skin. If I have to eat an all fish diet I will eat every fish I find. I don't care how many I should eat a day. I don't care about the dietary benefits of venison. Smallpox is bad. Period!! A Kevlar vest is good. Period!!

Nuff' Said. gaah
I will admit it. I failed miserably. But this has to be one of the dumbest questionaires I have ever seen. I don't care what fish has poisonous skin. If I have to eat an all fish diet I will eat every fish I find. I don't care how many I should eat a day. I don't care about the dietary benefits of venison. Smallpox is bad. Period!! A Kevlar vest is good. Period!!
Nuff' Said. gaah

Me, too!

I think any of these questions could be a topic of discussion here, with photos, and more.

I do think that many of these questions are about things that don't make a difference now or in many SHTF situations, which could become survival situations.

I won't be eating random plants. I am aware that there are poisonous plants out there. I have read about hemlock. I have read that you don't even need to eat it, but having it on your property and removing it with contact to the skin is dangerous. It resembles Queen Anne's Lace or carrots that were not pulled their first year, and bloomed on their second year.

I don't think most people can identify random fish.

Venison: I was just talking to someone about the importance of fat in or diet. He told me that he and his wife had venison ribs recently, at a restaurant. I said I couldn't imagine that venison has any fat? He said their ribs did. Okay, got venison and need fat? Go for the ribs.
you've got to watch it eating venison in the UK, a lot of the deer have T.B., its not reported that fluffy Bambi has T.B. because it would upset the snowflakes.
We have a growing problem with Chronic Wasting Disease in America. You can get a deer, but especially in Wisconsin and Minnesota you'd better have it tested. I would think in a SHTF situation here, you'd better avoid venison, no matter how hungry you are.