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I'm Nora, (...At the moment anyway, heh...😒), I'm twenty-six years old, (...Heh, for now at least!!! Hehehe! 🤭), I live in the State of Montana with my seventy-year-old mother; no father or siblings anymore, (we left them back in the arctic where I grew up...they were awful LOL. 🤣) and we live in the middle of the slums of a small city, surrounded by people, and I hate that, (...But I friggin' looove it! :cool: ). I'm transgender, I have Social Anxiety Disorder, (SAD), Autism Spectrum Disorder, (ASD), and Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, (C-PTSD)...I'm basically terrified of everything; people, bugs, predators, hospitals, doctors...pretty much the world in general, (...Fortunately though, I'm a highly-trained sociopathic badass and can handle ANYTHING! :m4:), despite being a former firefighter and kinda like...really..."in tune" with my surroundings? My mind/body? ...I dunno. ...I get my intuition from my mom's side of the family...she can read minds and see ghosts and stuff lol, (...Oh don't be so modest, Nora. ...What she REALLY meant to say is that she inherited SUPER powers, and now she's a crime-fighting SUPERHERO! 🦸‍♀️)

Ugh! SHUT UP!!! Stupid voices in my head! 😖

...I also have Dissociative Identity Disorder, (DID)...formerly known as "Multiple Personality Disorder," (MPD). 😣

.........And I've been kinda freaking out about what the hell I'm gonna do when the world ends...😶

...Sooo...now I'm here. 🤷‍♀️
Voices in your head? Your own, or of someone else (there's a shot for the latter, called Invega ~ works good for a friend of mine)? You make it sound like the former, in which case you are no different than most in that respect. This is especially true for introverts who find being in their own minds to be more rewarding than engaging in the small talk of others. Question: Do you really have multiple personalities that are distinctly separate with gaps in memory between the two (I ask because you seem to be well aware of it, which is not common in that case), or do you just portray multiple personalities to suit the particular preferences of the various company you enjoy? Social anxiety disorder is another one I question. Is there a legitimate feeling of fear being in the company of many, or do you just prefer to be by yourself? There is no wrong answer there, I'm just curious. The way you describe intuition and and being in tune with your surroundings make me think you are simply more observent of others on a higher level ~ a characteristic of certain introverted personalities, one of which I have. Have you taken a Myers-Briggs personality test? If I had to guess, I'd think that you merely grew up in a remote and cold area devoid of bugs and abundant in meat-eating predators, lacking in hospitals, and, in general, having a population of few unknown people. The upbringing also explains the notion of being a bad ass, because you need to be one to survive up there in the Arctic. In my opinion, what you are suffering from is merely the shock that accompanies bringing your personality and remote upbringing to the lower 48. I would recommend you start by keeping social encounters limited to under 4 hours and try to keep in touch with your introverted side (as there is nothing wrong with that) and have a list of excuses ready when you feel like you just want to go somewhere quiet and think. The transgender thing, nobody needs to know about that (and ditch the "hehehe's", just my advice). You have free will, so don't think you need to defend yourself. Forcing others to know about your private life will only result in confrontation. Everyone else enjoys the same free will as you, the same freedom of religion, and the same right to their own opinion. If transgender people wouldn't advertise their personal preferences in such a manner as to make others feel like they are being forced to personally accept it, there would be, IMO, much less hostility over the issue. I don't go around telling everyone I am straight, why would I? And finally, check this out, it made me realize that I am more normal than I thought growing up (although I was more on the T side with respect to the 3rd letter):
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I may not be as traditional as most people here, but I am plenty far to the right and, not only do I respect what God gave me, but I very much value it.

However, what really surprises me is to see people who think/claim they value the Constitution apply their traditional religious beliefs to others and judge them for not following suit as if they lack that same freedom. I'm not anti-bullying, people need to toughen up these days, but if someone wants to enter into a lifestyle that precludes reproduction, it's a self-terminating gene pool ~ take it as a win. I think it takes a fairly insecure person to see that as any type of real threat... Look at all the other taboo topics that became common practice, y'all probably practice some of them in your own bedrooms. I wouldn't be a tad bit surprised if those who publicly take issue with someone else's private life have a double-headed dong and let their wives bang them in the ass. The only thing I have a problem with is being forced to hear about it and be expected to accept it - and with that, we circle back to that freedom thing everyone claims to value. I'll worry about you, you worry about me, just as long as none of us worry about ourselves. It's the American way!
Wow 3 posts to 4, what happened to the 10 or 20 rule Before a post? I even took your approach.

Did you read her intro post? 10 posts only for sane people. Use the search function to find her previous posts and what other members think about her. She’s just like that other wacked job, The Parahunter.
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