9 Ways To Become A Better Prepper In 2020 (The Election Year)
PLANNING, Psychological Prep.
Bill White
December 10, 2019
In case you’re the one in a million people who haven’t yet heard, next year is an election year.
You know what that means; we’ll be bombarded constantly with campaign ads, polls and pundits making their prognostications. It will be as if normal life comes to a halt, while the business of selecting the president for the next four years and a number of other politicians on federal, state and local levels.
If you’re a big TV fan, like most Americans are, all your favorite shows will be interrupted at one time or another. If they’re not preempted by political debates, they’ll be peppered with false advertising, where one politician or another tries to convince us that they’ll actually do something for the American people for a chance, rather than just for special interest groups and their big campaign donors.
It’s Already Begun
We’ve already seen this process start, as campaigning is something that never seems to end. Politicians in office start campaigning the day they are sworn in and those who don’t manage to get elected start posturing to try and get nominated the next time around.
Every speech that every politician makes is part of the campaigning process, building their base of support and raising funds for the next campaign. So if it seems like they are spending more time and effort trying to tell you how great they are, than they are in being great, there’s a reason for it. That’s exactly what they are doing.
Then There’s Impeachment
The impeachment debacle is all part of this process. Democrats started talking impeachment as soon as the results of the presidential election were made known. They didn’t even have the good manners to wait until inauguration day for it. No, they were sure that they were going to find ground to impeach the president, if for no other reason than he is a Republican.
Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, said it herself, “The President has left us no choice but to impeach him.” While she’s trying to make it sound like she’s doing it for the benefit of the country, the only real thing that Trump has done to be impeached for is to be elected. She can’t control him, so she wants to get rid of him.
This is not a first, by any means. Democrats have tried to impeach every Republican president since Reagan. While they haven’t necessarily gotten as far in their efforts as they have in the current case, impeachment has been a major part of their strategy to prevent Republicans from accomplishing their agenda, when they are voted into office.
But this is going much farther than the typical obstructionism that we’re used to seeing out of the Democrat Party. Rather than just trying to stop the president from doing his job, this is an outright coup. They’re trying to reverse the will of the people, eliminating the value of voting.
Of course, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen Democrats trying to undo the will of the people either. Back in 2000, Al Gore tried to use a recount of the Florida election to reverse the results of the presidential election. Every time Democrats lose an election, they try to reverse it.
Nevertheless, we’re seeing a new precedent going on right now. That is, a sham trial in the House of Representatives, trying the President based not on facts, but on the opinions of a number of Deep State operatives. The only “evidence” being presented is their opinion of what the President meant and what his intent was, not on what he did and the results of his actions.
Remember, this is the same Deep State who gave Hillary Clinton a free pass for breaking the law, because they thought that she didn’t have any intent to break the law. Apparently actions no longer matter, all that matters is intent. If you’re a Democrat, your intent has to be good and if you’re a Republican your intent has to be bad.
Digging a level deeper into what is happening, we see a dangerous precedent. Nancy Pelosi’s witch hunt is all about bringing the President under subjection to the House of Representatives. Remember when she was voted to be the Speaker? She said that being the Speaker of the House made her the “equal of the president.” No Nancy, the Congress as a whole, both houses, is the equal of the president, not you.
If Democrats get away with what they’re doing, then they will have broken the Constitution and stripped the power of the presidency. A successful impeachment, based on the lack of credible evidence they have now, will mean that they can oust any president they want, who doesn’t do what they say. That will turn our government into mob rule and the mob will be the House of Representatives. Their next targets would be the Senate and the Supreme Court, so that they could consolidate power.
Tired of it Yet?
Are you tired of all this yet? I know I am. The 2020 presidential campaign hasn’t even officially started and I’m already tired of all the drama. I’m not sure I can put up with another year of it. In fact, I’m seriously considering throwing away my television, until after the election. Oh wait… I already did.
So, what are we going to do the next year? Allow me to present a few ideas for your consideration; things you can do, if like me, you’re going to try and avoid politics as much as possible. There are much better things we can do with our time, rather than watching television anyway, even without politics taking it over.
Work on Your Preps
We all complain about not having enough time for prepping. Well, I think I know where you can find some. All you have to do is turn off that television; or better yet, disconnect it, and you’ll find that you suddenly have more time. You can spend at least some of it working on your preps, getting done all those things that you never seem to find the time to do.
Build Your Off-Grid Power System
Speaking of projects you never find the time to do, what about building your own off-grid power system? Did you know that you can save half the cost by building your own solar panels, rather than buying them? Building solar panels really isn’t all that difficult, just time consuming. If you build a couple at a time, you’ll also make the project a whole lot more affordable than trying to buy 30 or 40 of them.
Likewise, it’s cheaper to build a wind turbine, than it is to buy one. I’ve built a couple of wind turbines and in each case, the cost was less than a fourth of buying one of comparable power. Not only that, it has given me the opportunity to experiment with making turbines, seeing how different styles functioned and their relative efficiency.
Start a Garden
Here’s another time-consuming project we all talk about doing; starting a garden. Now, I’m not talking about a little 10’ x 10’ garden here; I’m talking about something that’s say 20’ x 30’. Something big enough to actually provide some food for your family. But also something that can be scaled up to be a true source of food, in the event that your family has to live off it.
While you’re at it, you might as well start raising chickens, rabbits and fish to give your family some good sources of animal protein. The more self-sufficient you become, the better off you’ll be. This year could be a year of great investment for you, providing returns for years to come.