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user 6493

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Oct 25, 2016
I doubt the numbers are any where near this high,,,I think it is just the Media twisting things to raise ratings


click the link to read it all

This inaction comes despite steady polling showing that more than 90 percent of voters want a tougher federal background check system for gun purchases. And on immigration, about 85 percent of voters support a legislative fix allowing dreamers to stay in the United States.
I think it’s a shame that when lawmakers aren’t doing what the majority of the people want they aren’t fired.
I think it’s a shame that when lawmakers aren’t doing what the majority of the people want they aren’t fired.

I know a lot of people and have not heard any screaming for more gun laws,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so who is the 90% they are talking about,,,,,,,,,,,,the Democrats hand pick survey participants or the medias ,I know that they are not talking to any gun owners or NRA members to get numbers like that,,,
I know a lot of people and have not heard any screaming for more gun laws,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so who is the 90% they are talking about,,,,,,,,,,,,the Democrats hand pick survey participants or the medias ,I know that they are not talking to any gun owners or NRA members to get numbers like that,,,
I agree with a side cherry picking half the facts or one side of information to make their point. I personally feel that both sides are full of ****. The hate both sides have for each other is the main reason nothing gets done now. I think everyone has forgotten we are all on the same team and should be doing what makes sense for the country. Everyone should forget the red and blue crap and focus on making things better.
The hate both sides have for each other is the main reason nothing gets done now.

yes the hate is the biggest problem this country has,,,every one of them should be kicked out of office,term limits should be in place ,,,,,,,,,,,but we all know this is not going to happen,,,so all we can do is watch
yes the hate is the biggest problem this country has,,,every one of them should be kicked out of office,term limits should be in place ,,,,,,,,,,,but we all know this is not going to happen,,,so all we can do is watch
If you take any of the insanity too seriously it will drive you nuts too. I try to not worry about much in the world. I believe we are on a runaway train heading for a cliff, but I also believe since I’m not driving all I can do is hang on and make my little place in it the safest it can be.
How about some Authoritarianism, Brent? Going with the majority is just fine when your part of them, the problem is when your part of the minority.
Hey, part of living in a democracy is accepting the majority wins... I really don’t think a quarter of the people in this country are even smart and aware enough to be allowed to vote on things. I’m being generous saying a quarter.....
Here is a stupid alternative. Skip term limits. BUT, ban prosecution of anyone who shoots at any congressman/woman who exceeds xx years in the job? They only get charged if they miss & hit someone else (gotta be a reasonable exception!).

That should resolve any term limit concerns. Think of all the funds that could be raised for great charities auctioning off the first/second/third people who get the opportunity to NOT get prosecuted for shooting at an over-term-limit congressrat! Talk about pay TV we'd all line up for (raising even more $$$ for charities!). I'd buy a raffle ticket for Pelosi and others...

I know... pipe dream. But put me on one of those juries & I'll help them along...
Hey, part of living in a democracy is accepting the majority wins... I really don’t think a quarter of the people in this country are even smart and aware enough to be allowed to vote on things. I’m being generous saying a quarter.....

Democracy is a very general term, thank God we dont live in a true democracy. We do not live in a democracy.
If you take any of the insanity too seriously it will drive you nuts too. I try to not worry about much in the world. I believe we are on a runaway train heading for a cliff, but I also believe since I’m not driving all I can do is hang on and make my little place in it the safest it can be.

this old world has become worse over the years,no doubt about that,I moved away from the east coast to Arkansas,less crowds less people better chance of dying in my sleep,,,I avoid the crowds as much as I can,my thoughts are I can't get caught up in one of these shootings or a terrorist attacks if I am not where they might happen,

and to be honest I don't think I am missing anything by my choice of places to call home
GG, 90% of the people in The Beltway (D.C. metro area) because that's the only people they talk to. They think they need a visa to travel to the rest of America.
I agree with a side cherry picking half the facts or one side of information to make their point. I personally feel that both sides are full of ****. The hate both sides have for each other is the main reason nothing gets done now. I think everyone has forgotten we are all on the same team and should be doing what makes sense for the country. Everyone should forget the red and blue crap and focus on making things better.

I can't agree, with respect, Brent. I think this idea that we're all on the same team is OldThink, from a happier day in America. I've been doing a lot of heavy pondering, and it's like World War I with the two trenches facing each other: the British didn't yell over to the German trench "Let's talk about it!" They tried to kill them and advance and overwhelm them and win. That's where we are. We're at war, and there is no going back. An enemy is an enemy and it's too late for diplomacy when the war starts. I'm okay with this: it is what it is.
Hey, part of living in a democracy is accepting the majority wins... I really don’t think a quarter of the people in this country are even smart and aware enough to be allowed to vote on things. I’m being generous saying a quarter.....

They aren't accepting that we won. So I'd say the heck with democracy. I'm not really expecting a civil war per se (our Civil War was actually a war of secession). I'm expecting another secession breakup, as happened to Russia in 1991 and as England narrowly avoided with the Scottish vote a couple years ago. And the European Union is losing Britain. The U.S. breaking up would certainly suit Russia, which presumably is why they are working so hard on perverting our elections.

Could be a coup, though. That almost happened in the 1930s, Smedley Darlington Butler.

There was nothing 'Civil' about the war. If you look at it objectively, you would realize it really was the War of Northern Aggression. Being in Maryland, you're bias likely makes that hard to see. You are close though with your War of Secession comment.

BTW, welcome to the forum. Note that Brent is our resident moderate (I call that a democrat in camo...). You live in a liberal hellhole up there, it must be hard not to just scream sometimes. Your note about this being a war is more true than not.

Liberal vs Conservative
Workers vs Freeloaders
Owners vs Thieves

There is no "meet in the middle". I earned what I have. Either I keep it or thieves steal it. I'm not going to stand for them stealing on half of it. Either Marriage is one natural man and one natural woman, or it means nothing (2 men, 2 women, a man & his cat, a girl & her computer... it becomes meaningless). Either laws are applied equally or they don't.

I don't see any room for negotiations on a single one of these.

There was nothing 'Civil' about the war. If you look at it objectively, you would realize it really was the War of Northern Aggression. Being in Maryland, you're bias likely makes that hard to see. You are close though with your War of Secession comment.

Oh, sure, it was called the War of Northern Aggression by most of the South and certainly by Maryland, a slave state that wanted badly to join the Confederacy, but you recall federal troops stationed in Baltimore prevented that, and in fact imprisoned the grandson of Frances Scott Key. Volunteer Maryland horse troops fought with the Confederacy; we've always been strong on horses, Maryland.

And why was it called the War of Northern Aggression? Because the slave states simply left. Starting the day after Lincoln's 1860 election win. He was not on the BALLOT even in most of the South, so we are not quite as far gone as that toward war: Trump at least was on the ballot in all the states. The South seceded and hoped to be let alone. However, the North went after them, that was the Battle of Bull Run, which the South won, considerably to the surprise of Washington, D.C. People nowadays say over and over that this war was about slavery! Of course it wasn't at all --- the secession was about slavery, but the war itself was about the states' right to leave the union, which I was taught in school long ago in Tennessee. It was not a joke to lose half the states of the United States, and that was a WHOLE lot more important than slavery at the time, and ever since, I'm sure.

It is obvious that England and France should have supported the Confederacy and broken up the United States and its power, and I am sure they've been kicking themselves ever since for not realizing that. Russia now is trying to break us up: it certainly is in their national interests to do so.

BTW, welcome to the forum. Note that Brent is our resident moderate (I call that a democrat in camo...). You live in a liberal hellhole up there, it must be hard not to just scream sometimes.

Thank you! Really, it is quite a problem, even in this county (it's not so bad out in the farmland, but still....). A lot of relationships did not survive the election. Boy, have I been learning a lot lately.
obama and hillary are both very involved in what a lot of media outlets put out....they have plenty of people to do it for them regardless of the truth...there is no end in sight....the 90% the media speaks of is just a made up fake number....

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