A couple questions for school

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May 6, 2013
Hello I’m pretty new to Prepping, but I do believe in being prepared for any catastrophic event. I am currently posting these questions for a research paper I’m working on for school. Any of the information I use or quote will be anonymous. I’m hoping to spark some good discussions on everyone’s different views.

1. Do you guys believe there is a point in where prepping has become too much in someone’s life and where it can be unhealthy and is there a line that can be crossed if so when is too much too much?

2. Also would anybody say that being cautious can turn into paranoia and when this happens does this help or hurt doomsday prepping?

3. Would you guys agree or disagree that religion or having faith can be key to surviving a catastrophic event.

4. In your opinion what is more important knowing how to be a survivalist and live off the land or actually prepping and having a well-stocked cache?
Hi Tub dog welcome to the site , you have four questions there ,and you could get four different answers to each question . everyones situation is personal to them and will no doubt vary in many respects from one person to the next. There are many wise and knowledgeable people on the forum ,some of them will give you some of the answers you seek.
Hi Tub dog welcome to the site , you have four questions there ,and you could get four different answers to each question . everyones situation is personal to them and will no doubt vary in many respects from one person to the next. There are many wise and knowledgeable people on the forum ,some of them will give you some of the answers you seek.
Thanks and I hope I do get some responses.
Prepping can be crippling to a person's life if all they do is obsess over what might happen. It can also cause great financial strain if someone is spending the money on extra doodads for prepping rather on house payment, food for the family, and utility bills. You have to be able to step away and just live life once in awhile and not fret over every little grain of rice.

I don't know about paranoia, once again, you have to be able to step back and look at the whole picture. It is a good idea though to always be aware of your surroundings and who is getting into your personal space when you are in public.

I think faith can be a great motivator and comfort for some people when disaster or calamity strikes.

I am a creature of comfort. Although I camp and can gather my own food from the wilderness, the reality of it is this. There are very few places that a person can run to nowadays to live like Grizzly Adams, nearly all land is owned by osomeone and most times those someones are not going to take kindly to strangers on their land.

If you live in a city you might want to consider making friends with someone who lives out of town, someone that would be okay with you coming to stay with them as long as you've put your own provisions in place at that location. If you are in the country I'd stick to home if it was defendable and you had what you needed. Whether you bug out or bug in you have to have food, water, and shelter of some sort.
Hello I’m pretty new to Prepping, but I do believe in being prepared for any catastrophic event. I am currently posting these questions for a research paper I’m working on for school. Any of the information I use or quote will be anonymous. I’m hoping to spark some good discussions on everyone’s different views.

1. Do you guys believe there is a point in where prepping has become too much in someone’s life and where it can be unhealthy and is there a line that can be crossed if so when is too much too much?
Yes, there can be a point in which prepping can be too much. I don't think you can quantify that point for all people. It would vary for each person.

I used to teach Psychology and when I would cover Mental Disorders I would always get a student that would come to me after class and tell me that they suffer from the same symptoms that I had discussed in class. I would always ask them the same question... "Does it cause you or anyone else any problems?" If they said "no" then I would tell them not to worry about it... but if they said "yes", then I would tell them to seek help (of course I would go into more detail).

I think I would say the same here ...not that prepping is or should be classified as a Mental Disorder. ;)

2. Also would anybody say that being cautious can turn into paranoia and when this happens does this help or hurt doomsday prepping?
This is a philosophical question... I don't think being too cautious will turn into paranoia but that being paranoid will cause some to become too cautious. And extremes in any thing can hurt. Personally, I think many of the people on the show "Doomsday Preppers" hurt the Prepping movement. They tend to be kind of wacky... not all of them. Understand that it is in the shows best interest to get the people to come across as wacky.

3. Would you guys agree or disagree that religion or having faith can be key to surviving a catastrophic event.
I would strongly agree. In the Korean War, one of the first things the North Koreans would do in the Prisoner of War camps is separate the Chaplains and remove them from the general population, because they knew the power that faith has on people... they wanted to break the will of the POWs. Faith is so under rated by people now days. People in need understand the power of God... it is not by accident that a faith in a Higher Power is part of Alcohol Anonymous' 12 step program.

4. In your opinion what is more important knowing how to be a survivalist and live off the land or actually prepping and having a well-stocked cache?
In my opinion... for where I live ... being a prepper and storing up supplies is the most important thing... HOWEVER... after my supplies run out... being able to live off the land to a degree will be very important!! (I've never been a farmer but I have just started my first mini garden in hopes that I can really produce some thing good and to gain knowledge/skills.

Please, if you have any more questions... feel free to ask.
Well tub dog you asked some heavy stuff... i m sure there's a line you can cross although I don't know where it is. That's hard to say. But a lot of what your asking seems to come from presuppositions. First of all... just because some people think they might die, doesn't necessarily mean they are afraid. Example... massive nuclear strike...although the likelyhood of survival is bleak, do you intend to walk out and greet death. Nothing is wrong if that's your choice. Next angle ....what is the chances of a nuclear attack on the country you live in. My answer 100%. Only question....when.my opinion is that as long as men know how to make weapons of mass destruction ....so.done will. Therefore its just a matter of finding a seam of delivery.. do you think we have no leaky seams. Do you think we are loved so much around the world that no one would wish us harm. Would yomamma Ben late down have used a warhead if he had the chance.sure he would have. It would be foolish to think the threat doesn't exist.
What about a giant earthquake around 9.0 on the Richter scale. We didn't have one this week. Does that mean we never will? It'd be foolish to think not because you and I know ( if we are truthful) it will happen sometime, when, if I could tell you that i would be a rich fortune teller working wall street. How do we know it'll happen? It has always happened. We just don't choose to remember history. Everybody wants to go to xisneyworld and live happily ever after. You could go on and on with scenarios and reach endless possibilities. Can I prepare for everything? Not a chance. But it sucks when you knew the likelihood of one incedent or another to be coming and you do nothing to prepare. When its summer, do you cut firewood or hope we never have winter again? One is a foolish thought the other is prepping.. yet prepping is portrayed as foolish. What is extreme? I guess depends on who's right about what they prepared for. Though I'd call some extreme examples ....say zombie attacks....they look kinda stupid to me right now. But when a zombie rips out my throat , I guess I was the idiot because I wouldn't listen. Should have been prepared.
Do I think my faith can help me survive a catastrophic event. My faith teaches me that there are no catastrophic events. There are only events. How well I prepared determined how catastrophic it is. Does that make sense? My faith says all I can lose is my life, My God says whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall gain it. Either I believe it or not is relative to the strength of my faith.
Thank you for taking the time to listen. Hope that answers some of your questions.
PS I'm sorry I am not nearly as eloquent as bravery. I tried to post before him so he wouldn't make me look so redneck. But I lost. Anyway ...good luck with your project.PS I did almost pass English one year.
G'day tugdog89. A few thoughts from Down Under.

1. I don't believe prepping is unhealthy. Most people prep without actually consciously realising - buying that little bit extra to stock the pantry is prepping.
2. Can it lead to paranoia?? Yes, I think it can go too far, and too far to the extremities. I've been on this site for a little while, and most people are pretty level headed. I believe most people just want to keep their families safe and well fed in the event of a natural or un natural disaster, and by being prepared, they ultimately ease the burden on the govt and other aid agencies.
3. I believe, and I believe that having faith helps people through difficult times - history proves this. Your country was founded by pilgrims who had faith that God would keep them safe, and by their faith your great nation was born. Those who have no faith, have nothing, those with faith have a hope, and a belief that things will work out for the better. Even a faith in their abilities, and not in God can be a source of strength. Me, I believe in God, and trust that He will help me, but that it is also up to me to use my abilities and common sense to get through whatever life throws at me.
4. Tough question, but a good one. Me, I can live off the land, and have minimal preps at home. I've been hunting/fishing all my life, so feel confident in my abilities in the bush. But, there are many others out there who have equal, even better abilities than me. This is a choice one must make for themselves.

Anyway, hope I have assisted you in some small way. Feel free to ask more ?s if you like.
LOL... y'all make me laugh! Don't be threatened by my avatar. I'm not sophisticated at all. I'm just a simple person... hell, I'd be surprised if when you meet me if you don't say... "man, he really is a dumbass!"
Oh I'll accuse...I hope his althiemmers makes him forget that he ever took english and I'm gonna lie to him, like a dog. Telling him how he used to copy off my papers.
LOL... y'all make me laugh! Don't be threatened by my avatar. I'm not sophisticated at all. I'm just a simple person... hell, I'd be surprised if when you meet me if you don't say... "man, he really is a dumbass!"
Threatened? The most interesting man in the world sendsME a Christmas card every year. Him and every Man in Texas( including Chuck Norris, I used to take his lunch money EVERY day.) They all want to keep me happy. LOL...I got to get back to work.....y'all know I can't think about two things at once. FOCUS Bill
Hello I’m pretty new to Prepping, but I do believe in being prepared for any catastrophic event. I am currently posting these questions for a research paper I’m working on for school. Any of the information I use or quote will be anonymous. I’m hoping to spark some good discussions on everyone’s different views.

1. Do you guys believe there is a point in where prepping has become too much in someone’s life and where it can be unhealthy and is there a line that can be crossed if so when is too much too much?

2. Also would anybody say that being cautious can turn into paranoia and when this happens does this help or hurt doomsday prepping?

3. Would you guys agree or disagree that religion or having faith can be key to surviving a catastrophic event.

4. In your opinion what is more important knowing how to be a survivalist and live off the land or actually prepping and having a well-stocked cache?

First off nothing is anonymous these days.

1. That is a value call, different cultures have different values on how to live life. The west might hyper fixate on being sanitary, and scientifically correct, allowing other people to provide your means of survival etc.. When it comes down to it a hardcore prepper is the ideal member of a libertarian society because they take care of themselves. Now is there too much, personally I think the line is crossed when you start acting like government and taking out threats to your security found in other people, example killing off people who know your security secrets, or who could endanger you if SHTF, I think that that is where the government goes too far, as soon as you start acting that way you are in the terrorist/state realm, what you could find in organized crime. Now is it really going too far, no, but can it still be called "prepping" probably not. Prepping generally is about getting information, installations, equipment, and capacity, it doesn't involve waging war against threats to your security in a way that violates the law. Prepping is an activity law abiding citizens can undertake. I think another name would need to be assigned to preppers who break the law as part of their prepping, I'm not sure what would be an appropriate name though, Outlaws for Life?

2. I think the threats are real in many cases, the probability is not so great but if you look at an illness that kills 20 people or infects a hundred on a planet of billions the effects are pretty limited. Millions are spent on sanitizing and inspecting food, putting up borders staffed with paramilitary, a hyper police state is created for things that arn't that likely or have limited effect. Ok if you are solely preparing for a meteorite strike for your home in Kansas and forgetting about other issues like hurricanes, flash fires, earth quakes, nuclear and chemical accidents, nuclear attacks, riots etc.. you are probably missing the bus. Paranoia is when there are no grounds, the stuff happens. Paranoia really only comes into play when they are paralyzed by the issue or afraid. I can not be afraid but still recognize a risk for something. Example I'm not afraid of bears, but I took my hatchet out with me because I could run into a bear. I did. Now walking around with a hatchet may not make sense to other people,but I had forsight. Nothing happened I just backed up slowly and wished the bear a good summer. I was not affraid but I did bring my hatchet. I applied for a firearms license for much the same reason, I was concerned about wolves while hiking as i encountered a wolf locally and there are even more to the north where I plan on hiking. Only 1 in 30 Canadians have a firearms permit they all have them for different reasons, a lot may be for hunting others may have other reasons, I wouldn't call them paranoid if it is for the 1 in 50,000 chance their home gets broken into they can potentially control the situation, although chances are they may never use the gun for anything but plinking their entire life, does learning to shoot encompass paranoia? How many people shoot other people, not a lot per capita, how many burgerlers get shot, not very many per capita. How many people get the flu, who is wearing a headscarf or face mask day in and day out. How many people have bomb shelters, or hurricane shelters or tornado shelters, how many people build earthquake shelters etc.. fact is these things happen. You can opt to walk around with body armour or not, how many cops wear body armour, now how many regular citizens? Fact is you can be prepared or you can be unprepared. Some people enjoy being prepared. Fact is SHTF can happen, but the odds are probably low per capita, the odds may increase, but chances are as those odds increase machines and "control" systems will be more and more evident as they are in Europe with all public places, road ways etc.. being monitored either by humans, machines or a mix of both, it is already happening. Personally I'm libertarian though, when it comes down to it, I don't want to be controlled I want to be self supporting, I want to be able to protect myself so someone doesn't have to control my life to protect me or themselves depending on their intention. I don't want a government occupation because I know some people are corrupt and some people have different cultural values, and some people will take advantage of people for their own gain especially when the politician system is so partisan. Really prepping is a way to enhance a libertarian society, and libertarian goes a long way to prevent too much state control on peoples lives. Sure you can help with safety but there is a difference between regulating freedom and insuring people are reasonable enough to recognize the importance of freedom and free actions.
So no prepper is not synonymous with paranoia it is synonymous with being prepared. A paranoid person is a paranoid person, a prepper is a prepper. If the US government is at risk of these things, then why is it the regular people are not, we live in the same area, do disasters, attacks and other calamities only happen to government agents, no, so should only government actors be able to defend against them, no.

3. No. Everyone who exists has some conscious sense of existence. I think anyone who is self aware will have a faith, it may not just be a major world religion that is a social institution as opposed to a personal belief system. Everyone has a personal belief system, it is only a matter of how aware they are of it, that is really consciousness and self awareness, but animals may survive without a religious system, religion is just a form of culture, but every living thing can be defined as having culture even bacteria.

4. It depends on the type of event that occurs, it could take both it could take one or the other. A survivalist will be prepared, the urban environment is not different than the rural environment or remote environment or tundra or mountain, there are ways of surviving in those environments. It is all about being able to live, human necessities biologically relatively remain the same, relative temperature, relative hydration, and nutritional intakes to repaircells to keep them operating, how you get that is your call Personally it makes sense to have food available even if you scavenge food. Now is it required, no, but could it help you regulate your nutrition, sure. People survive famines. Just look at hell week for the Navy Seals, not everyone has it in them to go through hell week, but people do. Is everyone going to go out and do seal training to prove they got what it takes, no, but will someone with seal training be better prepared to survive, in some situations sure, and in most life and death scenarios they are likely to have the mindset to survive because they will take the pain if needed because it is about the end of the tunnel. But to bring my responses to an end, a survivalist will be better suited than a stocker, but someone with stocks if the place they stock their supplies will have an easier time surviving, but that doesn't make them more prepared it makes them prepared enough, a survivalist will also be a stocker if their survival depends upon stocking food, a stocker is like a windows user compared to a computer programmer in many ways.

IMO just live life and do what you enjoy. I could have opted to have a much simpler life but I don't trust the government or the community to insure my existence, it is a very cruel, selfish and ignorant world. The only person you can depend on is yourself and if you fail well you did what you could based upon what resources and knowledge you had. That's life.

PS really good preppers should be graduated to the national or global security apparatus.

PS there are something like half a million bear hunters in the US under 50,000 bears are killed each year in the US.

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