A Look at London after 3 days
I just want to look at the hypothetical effects of a societal collapse on London if the
power went off completely for more than a few days.
Let’s start with the obvious
No Street Lights
No Traffic Lights
No Tube Trains
No Railways
No Telephones
No Cell-phone system
No Elevators
No Fridges or Freezers
No Petrol pumps (how many accidental fires caused by thefts of petrol from cars?)
No Shop lights or shop freezers
No Power to the homes
No Electronic door locks
No CCTV or Traffic Cameras
No ATMS or Cashpoints.
No mains powered radios, tv’s or game stations
No Air-con or heating
No 999 Service
No Street cleaning
No Hospitals after a few days if they don’t get fuel for the generators and note many hospitals now
rely completely on external catering companies for the hospitals food supplies delivered each day.
This of course will ensure no food or fuel is delivered either, where do you suppose the now
hungry thousands of gang members will go to find food, You saw how only a few hundred reacted
in August 2011 in Tottenham.
That’s just for starters, don’t expect any refuse collections, don’t think any but a few brave cops or
medics can get to work, Don’t expect the army to help much, most London garrisons have long
since been relocated far from London.
The hospitals and frozen food stores have back up power supplies as do SOME telephone
exchanges, but the amount of fuel stored varies between 4 and 7 days worth, what’s going to
happen if no fuel supplies arrive?
As for the three IIRC oil refineries in that areas all are utterly reliant on power supplies to operate
the crackers and distilleries, and of course the pumps that push the fuel from plant to truck.
Now after approximately 3 days the water in the cisterns and tanks will be running dry, toilets will
stop being flushed and that’s only part of the problem.
Back in the 1800s after the Great Stink of 1858 the authorities built a huge magnificent sewage
system to carry the city’s waste and effluents, rain and storm water to brand new treatment
stations to the east of London.
The system had shallow sloping sewers that ran to giant effluent holding tanks that could hold up
to 3 days of the city’s waste which was PUMPED to the treatment works then pumped
out to sea. Originally the pumps were huge great steam powered beam engine lifting pumps, but
these old machines were replaced by ELECTRIC MOTORS years later.
When new this system could carry the waste of the 3,188,000 Londoners of the 1850s to tanks
that would fill in 3 days, today London’s population is 7,753,000 plus a few hundred thousand
illegals. After the tanks are full if they are not treated and emptied the sewage will soon back up
along the entire shallow drop sewer network before eventually finding its way out into the streets
and cellars and find its way into the water table.
Oh yes let’s not forget London’s numerous tube and railway stations that are underground or
partially underground and below the water table, If the power goes off the pumps that keep these
soggy tunnels dry will stop and the stations and tunnels will flood.
(That makes me wonder where the millions of rodents like mice and rats will go to if
they are displaced from the sewers and tunnels)
Do you believe the police will go to work keeping the criminals and ethnic gangs in check and
leave their families at home alone in the dark? No I thought not.
Look at the effects on London after the riots in Tottenham erupted, looting, rioting, rapes, street
robberies, multiple cases of arson often resulting in entire clusters of properties being destroyed,
anarchy, vandalism, drunken hooliganism and the Metropolitan polices initial response for 3 days
was to WITHDRAW from those areas in order to protect their officers and not offend the ethnic
community further !!
It has been clearly established that the Urban prepper community is in general aware
of these issues and has contingency plans in place, but it does no harm to frequently
renew your “Risk Assessments” for your family / group.
I just want to look at the hypothetical effects of a societal collapse on London if the
power went off completely for more than a few days.
Let’s start with the obvious
No Street Lights
No Traffic Lights
No Tube Trains
No Railways
No Telephones
No Cell-phone system
No Elevators
No Fridges or Freezers
No Petrol pumps (how many accidental fires caused by thefts of petrol from cars?)
No Shop lights or shop freezers
No Power to the homes
No Electronic door locks
No CCTV or Traffic Cameras
No ATMS or Cashpoints.
No mains powered radios, tv’s or game stations
No Air-con or heating
No 999 Service
No Street cleaning
No Hospitals after a few days if they don’t get fuel for the generators and note many hospitals now
rely completely on external catering companies for the hospitals food supplies delivered each day.
This of course will ensure no food or fuel is delivered either, where do you suppose the now
hungry thousands of gang members will go to find food, You saw how only a few hundred reacted
in August 2011 in Tottenham.
That’s just for starters, don’t expect any refuse collections, don’t think any but a few brave cops or
medics can get to work, Don’t expect the army to help much, most London garrisons have long
since been relocated far from London.
The hospitals and frozen food stores have back up power supplies as do SOME telephone
exchanges, but the amount of fuel stored varies between 4 and 7 days worth, what’s going to
happen if no fuel supplies arrive?
As for the three IIRC oil refineries in that areas all are utterly reliant on power supplies to operate
the crackers and distilleries, and of course the pumps that push the fuel from plant to truck.
Now after approximately 3 days the water in the cisterns and tanks will be running dry, toilets will
stop being flushed and that’s only part of the problem.
Back in the 1800s after the Great Stink of 1858 the authorities built a huge magnificent sewage
system to carry the city’s waste and effluents, rain and storm water to brand new treatment
stations to the east of London.
The system had shallow sloping sewers that ran to giant effluent holding tanks that could hold up
to 3 days of the city’s waste which was PUMPED to the treatment works then pumped
out to sea. Originally the pumps were huge great steam powered beam engine lifting pumps, but
these old machines were replaced by ELECTRIC MOTORS years later.
When new this system could carry the waste of the 3,188,000 Londoners of the 1850s to tanks
that would fill in 3 days, today London’s population is 7,753,000 plus a few hundred thousand
illegals. After the tanks are full if they are not treated and emptied the sewage will soon back up
along the entire shallow drop sewer network before eventually finding its way out into the streets
and cellars and find its way into the water table.
Oh yes let’s not forget London’s numerous tube and railway stations that are underground or
partially underground and below the water table, If the power goes off the pumps that keep these
soggy tunnels dry will stop and the stations and tunnels will flood.
(That makes me wonder where the millions of rodents like mice and rats will go to if
they are displaced from the sewers and tunnels)
Do you believe the police will go to work keeping the criminals and ethnic gangs in check and
leave their families at home alone in the dark? No I thought not.
Look at the effects on London after the riots in Tottenham erupted, looting, rioting, rapes, street
robberies, multiple cases of arson often resulting in entire clusters of properties being destroyed,
anarchy, vandalism, drunken hooliganism and the Metropolitan polices initial response for 3 days
was to WITHDRAW from those areas in order to protect their officers and not offend the ethnic
community further !!
It has been clearly established that the Urban prepper community is in general aware
of these issues and has contingency plans in place, but it does no harm to frequently
renew your “Risk Assessments” for your family / group.