Well it looks like it may be happening. The wife and I are having to move to Indiana to be closer to her ailing dad, and where we're moving is close to a larger city. I am NOT happy about it and really, neither's she. Looks like we'll be moving to a house in the sinking suburbs and losing a lot of land, and we're going to be suburbanites in a super The move's to be quick and it's all gonna suck.
Does anybody live in Indiana who can tell me what I should look out for as far as the people there? Are they prepper-minded and all that? and what weather hazards are there? What's their take on firearms? From what I've read they're a Red state, not all socialist like California or any of them, so I'm a little relieved at that.
I'm also in full mitigation mode. No more goats or chickens or pond. We'll have neighbors (ugh!!) , a modest back yard which I'm planning on gardening as much as I can. Closest water source is a man-made retention pond near a set of condos behind the house we've bid on. In a pinch I could get water from there. I also got some 55 gal drums with purified water I'm taking along with me. The house we bid on and are likely to win has a decent basement but it's unfinished. I figure I can stock up down there; move from the sustainable living on land to a storage strategy. security's more of a problem, too, but I have a mind for that. Anybody who's a good prepper living in that kinda situation, suburban near a city, who can provide some advice I'd very much be grateful.
Does anybody live in Indiana who can tell me what I should look out for as far as the people there? Are they prepper-minded and all that? and what weather hazards are there? What's their take on firearms? From what I've read they're a Red state, not all socialist like California or any of them, so I'm a little relieved at that.
I'm also in full mitigation mode. No more goats or chickens or pond. We'll have neighbors (ugh!!) , a modest back yard which I'm planning on gardening as much as I can. Closest water source is a man-made retention pond near a set of condos behind the house we've bid on. In a pinch I could get water from there. I also got some 55 gal drums with purified water I'm taking along with me. The house we bid on and are likely to win has a decent basement but it's unfinished. I figure I can stock up down there; move from the sustainable living on land to a storage strategy. security's more of a problem, too, but I have a mind for that. Anybody who's a good prepper living in that kinda situation, suburban near a city, who can provide some advice I'd very much be grateful.