I am continuously surprised that some people don't know that you can own land and live inside a National Forest or a National Park.
I am in a wee'bit of discussion on a different forum about this, but a kind'a different aspect of it. What is interesting is they at first are in denial that you can own private land in a blissful paradise, totally surrounded by National Park or National Forest. That anyone, even a fairly poor person can live in paradise, with over abundance of fish and game and harvestable plants for a subsistence lifestyle.
Now here is the fascinating part........at some point they actually get that it exists, and they could have that. But......strangely they choose to instantly urinate on that, fabricating wild what'if concepts that are not possible. So that rather then simply choosing blissful paradise for themselves, they vomit all over it so they can be righteously dissatisfied with and embrace the futility of what they feel they disserved.
And "YES" I know that everyone is different.
End of Rant.........
I am in a wee'bit of discussion on a different forum about this, but a kind'a different aspect of it. What is interesting is they at first are in denial that you can own private land in a blissful paradise, totally surrounded by National Park or National Forest. That anyone, even a fairly poor person can live in paradise, with over abundance of fish and game and harvestable plants for a subsistence lifestyle.
Now here is the fascinating part........at some point they actually get that it exists, and they could have that. But......strangely they choose to instantly urinate on that, fabricating wild what'if concepts that are not possible. So that rather then simply choosing blissful paradise for themselves, they vomit all over it so they can be righteously dissatisfied with and embrace the futility of what they feel they disserved.
And "YES" I know that everyone is different.
End of Rant.........