A rant about texting

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
This is just a rant regarding my frustrations with texting.........

I remember the days when you got a call on your phone which was connected
to a wall or you were lucky enough to have a hard-wired phone on the end of a
long wire.
You'd get a call in the morning that lasted maybe 10 minutes and it consisted of
everything that needed to be said for that day. hope your doc appointment goes
well, don't forget the dog food and remember to get gas before you head up the
hill, and if you can stop by the post office and pick up some stamps. Have a
good day sweety, i love you, I love you too, be safe sweety, talk to you later.
This all took 10 minutes of your day and hopefully had you prepared for the
rest of the day until you got home with the dog food, the stamps, and a full tank of
gas and remembered that your wife loves you then you get home at night and
could talk some more with the wife.
Today it's so frustrating to have that 10 minute conversation spread out over
the entire day getting a sentence here and there. you get a text and it says, hope
your appointment goes well, LY, LY2, 30 minutes later you get another text, hey,
don't for get the dog food, LY, LY2, 45 minutes later you get another text, hey
sweety, stop and get gas before you come home, LY, LY2, then 2 hours later
you get another text, hi honey, can you please stop by the post office and pick
up some stamps please, yes dear I will, LY, LY2 sweety. You get a last text 3
hours later, Hi honey, have you left yet?, yes sweety, already got gas and on my
way. 15 minutes later you get another text, ok sweety, see you when you get
home, LY, LY2 sweety...........This took 7 hours to convey when it used to take 10
minutes of your day........texting is good? Really, for me it makes much more
work and patience to handle the every few minute text that could have been said
in 10 minutes back in the good ole days..............
This is just a rant regarding my frustrations with texting.........

I remember the days when you got a call on your phone which was connected
to a wall or you were lucky enough to have a hard-wired phone on the end of a
long wire.
You'd get a call in the morning that lasted maybe 10 minutes and it consisted of
everything that needed to be said for that day. hope your doc appointment goes
well, don't forget the dog food and remember to get gas before you head up the
hill, and if you can stop by the post office and pick up some stamps. Have a
good day sweety, i love you, I love you too, be safe sweety, talk to you later.
This all took 10 minutes of your day and hopefully had you prepared for the
rest of the day until you got home with the dog food, the stamps, and a full tank of
gas and remembered that your wife loves you then you get home at night and
could talk some more with the wife.
Today it's so frustrating to have that 10 minute conversation spread out over
the entire day getting a sentence here and there. you get a text and it says, hope
your appointment goes well, LY, LY2, 30 minutes later you get another text, hey,
don't for get the dog food, LY, LY2, 45 minutes later you get another text, hey
sweety, stop and get gas before you come home, LY, LY2, then 2 hours later
you get another text, hi honey, can you please stop by the post office and pick
up some stamps please, yes dear I will, LY, LY2 sweety. You get a last text 3
hours later, Hi honey, have you left yet?, yes sweety, already got gas and on my
way. 15 minutes later you get another text, ok sweety, see you when you get
home, LY, LY2 sweety...........This took 7 hours to convey when it used to take 10
minutes of your day........texting is good? Really, for me it makes much more
work and patience to handle the every few minute text that could have been said
in 10 minutes back in the good ole days..............
my Grand Pap,,,,when talking to him you had best be on your toes,,,,,most of his call would go something like this

PAP,,,,are you going to be home for a while

ME,,,yeah I am here,,,,,

PAP,,,I am on my way ,,,,,CLICK HE WAS GONE,,,,,

yeah this was him short and to the point,,,he hated talking on the phone
I held off as long as I could, just ignoring text messages and telling everyone, that if they needed me immediately CALL otherwise email me.

About the only time I texted was at deer camp when it was the only way to communicate. I couldn't keep a signal long enough to call or email, but if I sent a text it would get sent whenever the signal faded back in briefly. It sometimes took hours to go out, but it would go out.

Then my daughter got a phone with no internet, but it had text.

Then when my mother passed away, my sisters all communicated about funeral plans by group text.

I finally threw in the towel and started texting. I've got this app that intercepts incoming texts and will say out loud what number sent me a text and then read the message out loud. It automatically sends back a text message, like "I am not texting right now. This is an automatic reply" or "I'm driving, I'll text you when I'm not. This is an automatic reply"
I happen to like texts better than talking. Gives me more time to consider my response as opposed to a real time answer... much like email. So for me, I prefer texts & emails over a phone call. I like that I can delay answering until I have time yet still know what the person wants. I like that you can include multiple folks in the discussion and don't have to call everyone separately. As another plus, you can include pictures & other documents. At work, if I discuss a project over the phone with a client, I tell them to email me with a recap of the phone conversation so that we have a written record of what we each stated.
Great for work CYA, communicating hours on remote sites, finding places, looking up stuff on the job.

I barely remember what work was like before cell phones.

Texting with GF's, yeah, that's a bit painful. Tell me what you want to say, then leave me alone. This hours of random junk texts over the entire day... I just stop communicating with them, period. Then they get the hint. Then they figure out we aren't seeing one another anymore.
my Grand Pap,,,,when talking to him you had best be on your toes,,,,,most of his call would go something like this

PAP,,,,are you going to be home for a while

ME,,,yeah I am here,,,,,

PAP,,,I am on my way ,,,,,CLICK HE WAS GONE,,,,,

yeah this was him short and to the point,,,he hated talking on the phone
Sounds like most of my family. We aren't long talkers on the phone. My sister in law was complaining last week that she does not want texts from her daughter, she said I don't want your texts, I want YOU, I want to talk to YOU! Understandable.
I only text Wife and kids, I very seldom answer the phone if it's not from the family here. Everybody knows here on the property if a code doesn't lead the text message I'll ignore it, like Artic texting far more reliable. In fact 911 centers here are setup for texting instead of calling.

As an example, 3 of our personal codes, this way we don't have to stop what were doing to unlock the phone and read the message if it's not important.

2 (not important)
then your message

6 (need call back for answer)
then your message

9 (emergency call me)
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I do quite a bit of texting. Where I live I don't get phone service but for some reason texts usually will come through.
That's because the bandwidth required is extremely small compared to talking (unless you are attaching a picture or video), and when you send it, if you don't have service at the moment, it will send whenever it detects that there is a signal. It takes only a fraction of a second to actually transmit text, so the window can be very small compared to that required by a voice call.
Wow! What a response. I gave you all likes and the response was very good, a bit mixed but good. Most agree all day long little bits of "ok", "be safe", be well", "drive safe" and those one or two word texts are bothersome. I understand those who incorporate texting into important things like business and the like and for that's good.
I guess i'm just an ole fart who is very grateful of the ole simple things in life I grew up with. We were not freaking out because our signal was poor and we could not text with our freinds or our band-width slowed down.
I've seen some teens who literally fall to the floor in a mall because something wasn't right with their phone, kinda like trying to take someone to their rooms kicking and screaming.
Either way it has it's good and bad and for those who benefit, great, thats what it's supposed to be. For me it's too much and I guess I could go back to the ole hard line phone but I do like it enough to keep my cell just have to limit the texting.
I like getting pics of grandbabies. . . I would much rather have a conversation on the phone verses trying to text on my flip phone. My sister tries, I'll give her that but if it needs to be more than a two or three word reply, I will just call her.
I like getting pics of grandbabies. . . I would much rather have a conversation on the phone verses trying to text on my flip phone. My sister tries, I'll give her that but if it needs to be more than a two or three word reply, I will just call her.
I text pictures to the wife of the progress of our construction projects every couple of days. In order for the pictures to go through I have to hike to the top of the ridge above the house.
I text pictures to the wife of the progress of our construction projects every couple of days. In order for the pictures to go through I have to hike to the top of the ridge above the house.
That is understandable. If I was in that type of situatuon, I would enjoy those too. You are giving your wife's soul a happy dance. :) And by you having to do the hike, well that shows how much you love her and want to share in your accomplishments. So love that.
I'll send a text every once in a while.mainly to find out about something perticlur.to tell something particular .or to give a heads up about something,and without the 5-10 mintue conversation.. Like a bad storm heading in said persons direction.
I like texting , I can't stand getting phone calls . If I get a text I'll waite till I have time to check it then answer . A phone call and you have to take it then or check voice mails .
E mail is good to . Same reasons .
The introvert in me prefers texting. BUT, texting that is pertinent. Endless nothing texts, no thanks. I dislike the intrusion the phone ringing and answering when not prepared involves. But a text I can look at and think on before answering. Or look at it when I have time.

The hubby is fond of both, it does sometime bother me. He gets 2 15 minute breaks and an hour long lunch, and calls for all of them. Plus, texting throughout the day. Gees!! I try to hint that it's sometimes too much. I'm still in school, finishing the semester before I stop, and having to be mentally 'in' what I'm doing, the phone is a disruption.

My mother calls once a day. It used to bother me, but now that she's older, I don't mind so much. Never really anything to say, but I understand now that it is important to her, so I answer it every day.

Maybe a solution is to dumb down my phone, and get a plan with limited minutes for talk/texts, haha. That way I have a reason for keeping the minutes down. (puts on halo)
I don't text, I don't make phone calls, the only communicating is on my laptop, either emails or a comment on a forum.
I don't much care for people face to face apart from one or two exceptions both preppers.