A twist on terrorism

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Awesome Friend
Mar 28, 2017
N.E. Ohio
of sorts.
I'm outlining a tactic used by Muslim men in the U.S.A.
Bear with me.
Young Muslim men come to the U.S. with a visa for some reason.
Visit family, work visa, education visa, etc.
Almost NO U.S. agency checks to determine if the "visitor" really leaves.
Hummmmm a LOOPHOLE? Sure is.
A common tactic is to seek out vulnerable young women and woe them, and propose
Most often the vulnerable and DUMB say yes.
The catch is the Muslim man tells the bride to be that they must travel to the Muslim
country of his origin to have a huge wedding with all his family in attendance.
The girl is lured by the thoughts of a huge wedding and gifts and an exotic country.
The vulnerable girls almost NEVER gets to come back home to Canada, U.S, England, etc.
They soon find they must wear the burka, can't leave the house without a male escort,
can't drive and can't call home.
This has happened to my dumb granddaughter.
She is in her early 20's has a child with no father and is going to Egypt for the
big wedding and a bigger surprise.
Most women have zero rights at all in Egypt which ranks as one of the worse countries
for women's rights. They have no rights.
Egypt is #1 in female abuses.
Poor, dumb kid, and neither her parents nor I can do a thing about it.
Teach your kids well.
you could pay the young man a visit,bust his ass and send him packing,if he is still able to walk

A great idea but I live in Ohio and the granddaughter in Philly Pa.
Reality will expose itself if she goes through with this.
As I mentioned this is a common tactic among 'em to get the vulnerable, young, females.
Kidnapping is another tactic they use. Years ago I took my beautiful young blonde wife on vacation to what I thought was a "safe" muzlim country. Big mistake. Twice when I wasn't watching she was grabbed and dragged off. Of course I was able to get her back but I ended up hiring a body guard for the rest of the trip, no more problems. Never trust ANY muzlim.
Kidnapping is another tactic they use. Years ago I took my beautiful young blonde wife on vacation to what I thought was a "safe" muzlim country. Big mistake. Twice when I wasn't watching she was grabbed and dragged off. Of course I was able to get her back but I ended up hiring a body guard for the rest of the trip, no more problems. Never trust ANY muzlim.

It says in the Koran that lying is acceptable if it is used to promote Islam.
That's a broad license what?

Jihad Report
Mar 25, 2017 -
Mar 31, 2017

Attacks 39
Killed 221
Injured 337
Suicide Blasts 6
Countries 10


Add that ^^ to your list of favorite site and be informed of what you will NOT see
on the 6 o'clock news.
several women have left the UK to go to a moslem country to get married and have never been seen again so its a common tactic.
Though Saudi Arabia and Iran are far worse than Egypt ;) My wife done geological work (environmental) in Egypt in 2009 (partner with the American university in cairo), she found Egypt to be very accommodating for the month she was their.