A Venezuelan prepper writes

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Very interesting read. He makes a good point that law enforcement will do what's easiest & best for them, ignoring any and all laws.

A key point of prepping is reading the tea leaves. If there is a regional problem, see it in advance & get out of the target zone. It's hard to imagine your entire nation imploding, but this is one example of it. And having sufficient for your family is only one factor, how long can you hold out, and what if the 'takers' include the local police?

Scary indeed.
If anyone ever says you're silly for prepping, just point to Venezuela!!!

It's not like we are totally immune to that in America. Far less likely, but not immune.
shyt can happen all over this globe.
it prolly comes in different ways than expected,we are finally "wakeing up" here over all those so called refugees they let in here.
but it can be finacial,weather,war,diseases..possibilities seem to be endless
Go look at those short vids from SA I just posted. Yesterday Zimbabwe, Today South Africa, tomorrow Italy, not long after London followed by California,

The Canadian journalist expresses surprise at the gated communities in SA and the armed citizen groups and preppers as though this is unique to SA. yet the UK and US and some EU countries are well served by secure gated communities, in Austria they are ENCOURAGING citizens to apply for gun permits. Armed off gridders and preppers are everywhere these days.