A vision of Europe today and AMERICA tomorrow

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I bet you lot did not know that almost every night for the last 5 years in many French cities disenfranchised muslim gangs have been fighting running battles with the police, burning cars etc just like the Pallies do in Israel, it does not reach the international media.

Or in London Whites are a minority in five boroughs
in some areas less than 15% of people actually speak English
It's a bad situation. I feel for the war displaced people, but don't think letting people in unchecked is wise either. I do know one thing though. If I was from some war torn place, I'd do whatever it took to find a safer place for my family as well. I saw a show on Syria recently, and the masses that have fled are enormous. Jordan has taken a lot but are overwhelmed. I'm not against helping good people, but he ones committing crimes need to be dealt with quickly and harshly, otherwise it will just continue to get worse.
Less than half of one percent of these hordes of economic illegal immigrants are actual refugees, 99 .5% ar simply Africans and others looking for ( and receiving)
Free Housing
Free Money ($70 per week)
Free Health care
Free Dental care
Free Education
Free Transport
Free Legal aid
Free Translators
Free Social support
etc etc all paid for by the British tax payer at the very same time THOUSANDS of VETERANS live homeless on British streets with NO support from the same system.

I know REAL genuine refugees rarely stray far from their countries borders waiting for the earliest opportunity to go home to their families, ALL of these filthy parasites cross through MULTIPLE safe, secure countries like Italy, Spain, Greece, France etc to get to the UK.
I was reading comments about this very subject on Facebook. And all the Libs were saying this is good we need a world without borders and anyone whose against the influx of illegals are just evil racists. What is so dang hard to understand this is not good and not sane? The only way their is ever going to be a world
Without borders is when their is a global dictator. And seeing how corrupt our world leaders are. That's a very very scary prospect. And how all the developed countries are on very shaky ground financially how is an influx of people who wish to live off that government going to help stabilize it? Why are people so insane?
They estimate up to 10 million illegal immigrants are trying to get into the eu most heading for the UK, We are already the over crowded country in Europe and we need to build another 3 million homes ALREADY just to cope with numbers already here. These migrants arrive with nothing and demand
Free housing, free schooling, free healthcare, free dentistry, free education, free travel, free benefits money ($70 a week), fre legal aid etc.

And the Liberal lefties and socialists say, OK we need to raise taxes to pay for caring for these people, The UK is about the most highly taxed country on earth.

Remember we are an island no bigger than Kansas and we already have 70 million people living here.
Saw a report on the Eurotunnel from France to UK that its a freeway for terrorist to get from France to England . I never thought of that but France has some of the worst of the worst muslims that would love to hit London .
We cant keep letting immigrants into the country illegally. We pay for everything to keep them in good health. One day soon there will be to many to support even with the borrowed money we take in. This is a huge issue, but no one wants to really put out a plan to stop them. This will be the breaking point of america turning it into another 3rd world country.
Thank goodness Oz is an island, and one that's pretty hard to get to. That said we are having similar problems on a much smaller scale.
Speaking of Austrailia has anyone seen the 2 Wolf creek movies .

I saw the first one, it just pissed me off because the victims made so many dumb mistakes.

I've camped at the crater as well and have friends who broke down there, I bet they were on the lookout for a truck with a lot of lights :)
I saw the first one, it just pissed me off because the victims made so many dumb mistakes.

I've camped at the crater as well and have friends who broke down there, I bet they were on the lookout for a truck with a lot of lights :)

I cant beleave Im recomending it but you gotta see the 2nd one .
it was reported yesterday that there are 8.3 million people living in the UK that weren't born here, that shows you what immigration has done to this country, that is the equivalent of the population of all London, or 8 Birminghams or 32 Plymouths.
it was reported yesterday that there are 8.3 million people living in the UK that weren't born here, that shows you what immigration has done to this country, that is the equivalent of the population of all London, or 8 Birminghams or 32 Plymouths.
I remember watching a documentry in the late 1970's about Federal and local Police dragging illegal imagrants out of houses and sending them to be deported . The reporters blamed the Govornment for abuse and splitting up families . Since publicity like that no official wants to touch the subject and the flood gates have been open . Someone needs to step up and make the hard decision and get the job done . Round em up throw them out and close the gates to anyone that cant pass the screening for work visa or citizenship .
Here in Germany, we are overrun.

At Passau, about 2,000 cross-over daily. Of those, about 500 are actually fingerprinted and recorded because there simply isn't enough resources to process them all. In southern Bavaria, where I am, they're showing up in Munich on the trains from Italy - several thousand weekly. They're talking about forcing people to take them into their houses, because there just isn't a place for them to go. Munich is now under a "crisis watch".

The propaganda here, as I'm sure you can imagine, is thick. Radical liberals are now in control of everything, and the moment you even begin to question something, you are immediately a "Nazi". Meanwhile, the liberals won't take any into their homes, and for that matter, neither will the German Bundestag.

Now, they're going to put them into some of the castles here, if you can imagine that. Here is where a few thousand of these ******** will be living in the coming weeks:



I fully expect everything to be stolen, vandalized, and that little is left, to be smeared in feces.
Wonder how many are sent by isis or have other terrorist ties ? I saw where the Czech's said they would take in some as long as they were not muslim .
On another note our only German Resturant near here closed when the owner retired . The theme of it was blue and white plaid with a Castle in the Alps painting that took up one wall .
Germany gets even more migrants than the UK does but it is a much bigger country, but even so insane numbers of immigrants pour into Germany every day including hundreds of thousands of Roma Thieves, Turks, Middle Easterners etc and Frau Merkel is loving it because her plan first for a Greater erman Soviet Socialist Republic is going the right way as is her plan of a Single Party Socialist EUSSR. My heart breaks for Britain and Germany two nations being destroyed by evil left wing ideology.
Iv never seen that side of Merkel , the left seems to think she is to far to the Right . But I hav'nt followed her politics that close . Socialist have had thier daggers in Europe since Marx . The other day I was picking my Grand Son up from school and a SUV in the pick up line had a big red star and picture of Carl Marx on the back glass . Notice some of the Democrats here have started useing the words socialism and even communism .
"Being destroyed" is short of the goal posts. We are already past the point of no return now. There is no way any of this can be fixed. I'm loading up the family and we are coming back to the US, hopefully, in a few weeks.

Wait til you hear Hillarys dulcet tones she sounds like a Merkin version of Merkel.
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The Clinton's are despised by Conservatives that run the same areas I do . You know the wounded from the Somalia Operation ( Black Hawk Down ) were in recovery when Bill Clinton visited them they said they were only as cordial as regulation said they had to be .
The Clintons are a much more dangerous force to the U.S than Obama . they have the same powers behind them and same ideology but the Clintons are old pro's at the "progressive" movement .
latest suggestion from our do-godders leftist is;private persons should accomodate these illegals in their own home and feed them and provide for them...