Post "ONLY" accounts of what humans have endured through lack of food, or no food.
When I moved to Alaska 55 years ago, the Huntington brothers were top of the line champions of sprint-sled dog racing. I was introduced to one of them but have long ago forgot which one.
I'll start with this account (and hope @Alaskajohn can post the actual pages from the book "EDGE of NOWHERE".
Warning: this may super gross out some members, so read no further if you just finished a large greasy meal.
The book starts with recounting an experience when they were (I think four children) younger then 7 or 8 (I might be off a little on the age).
LAST WARNING: The account goes into substantial detail of what events led to this. Their mother died inside the cabin. Their father was away down river working. There was abundant food in a special closet, that all the children were forbidden to ever enter. So, they never entered that closet. (Note: I was raised in the 40's & 50's and if we were forbidden to do NEVER EVER considered violating the rules). I suspect that level of discipline and self-restraint is hard to grasp now days. The children were forced to survive eating the maggots that would go in and out of their dead & decomposing mother. I hope @Alaskajohn can copy and post those pages.
About the book:
When I moved to Alaska 55 years ago, the Huntington brothers were top of the line champions of sprint-sled dog racing. I was introduced to one of them but have long ago forgot which one.
I'll start with this account (and hope @Alaskajohn can post the actual pages from the book "EDGE of NOWHERE".
Warning: this may super gross out some members, so read no further if you just finished a large greasy meal.
The book starts with recounting an experience when they were (I think four children) younger then 7 or 8 (I might be off a little on the age).
LAST WARNING: The account goes into substantial detail of what events led to this. Their mother died inside the cabin. Their father was away down river working. There was abundant food in a special closet, that all the children were forbidden to ever enter. So, they never entered that closet. (Note: I was raised in the 40's & 50's and if we were forbidden to do NEVER EVER considered violating the rules). I suspect that level of discipline and self-restraint is hard to grasp now days. The children were forced to survive eating the maggots that would go in and out of their dead & decomposing mother. I hope @Alaskajohn can copy and post those pages.
About the book:
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