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New Friend
Mar 5, 2012
Hello everyone, I'm Guardian. I consider myself to be a prepper, although not as much as I should. I'm more of a casual prepper, slowly stock things away and keep emergency kits, food and water supply and what not. Place piqued my interest so I had to stop by.
Hello everyone, I'm Guardian. I consider myself to be a prepper, although not as much as I should. I'm more of a casual prepper, slowly stock things away and keep emergency kits, food and water supply and what not. Place piqued my interest so I had to stop by.
Hello Guardian!
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com.
We all look forward to reading your future posts.
Yeah, welcome. Thanks for joining, too. I really have high hopes for this forum and it's growth.

I think most of us are more "Casual" than we'd like. It seems most of the Preppers in my Family try to build our resources as we go instead of just goin hog-wild and getting everything right now. Money keeps a lot of us from doing everything we'd like right away. Still, every little bit counts and whatever you're doing or have done is better than nothing(Which sadly is what I think most of the world has done: Nothing). Best of luck to you.
Yeah, welcome. Thanks for joining, too. I really have high hopes for this forum and it's growth.

I think most of us are more "Casual" than we'd like. It seems most of the Preppers in my Family try to build our resources as we go instead of just goin hog-wild and getting everything right now. Money keeps a lot of us from doing everything we'd like right away. Still, every little bit counts and whatever you're doing or have done is better than nothing(Which sadly is what I think most of the world has done: Nothing). Best of luck to you.
I know I wish I was a bit more a head of the game. One thing I have noticed is that there is some amount of hush, hush in the prepper community when it comes to sharing what they are doing. I know as for me i have not shared what I do as a prepper, not because I wish to see others suffer, but rather, for 2 main reasons. first, it is for protection. When things go south there will be a lot of desperate and dangerous opportunists. secondly, I don't want to hear the jokes about being paranoid. I have tried to bring up the topic in general terms with friends to see how they respond.
hahaha, now me on the other hand, i talk about it waaaay to much, tbh it has consumed me, although i dont really have much, but when shtf i know how to get/do/think/react w/o having to put my hand out or rely on someone else, but i talk about it constantly, i guess it would just be nice to talk to someone that gets it, and thats why im here, to talk to people that get what im sayen!
hahaha, now me on the other hand, i talk about it waaaay to much, tbh it has consumed me, although i dont really have much, but when shtf i know how to get/do/think/react w/o having to put my hand out or rely on someone else, but i talk about it constantly, i guess it would just be nice to talk to someone that gets it, and thats why im here, to talk to people that get what im sayen!
I too believe in educating yourself as soon as possible since we don't know for sure when it will be too late. And depending in the government in that situation will not go well in my opinion
i agree fully, hell, the government got us where we are, im gonna keep on trusting them?
i agree fully, hell, the government got us where we are, im gonna keep on trusting them?
Our current President has spent more money, or should I say wasted in his case, than all of the previous 43 Presidents combined.
true, not like he had a choice after george w. but like i said hes just a front man
true, not like he had a choice after george w. but like i said hes just a front man
I would rather have 10 years of G. W. Bush than 6 months of obama.
The whole house crisis began under clinton when he signed the bill that deregulated banks.
Thomas Jefferson warned of big banks. He said,

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies ... If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] ... will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent [that] their fathers conquered ... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
--- Thomas Jefferson

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