Let's get off this queer stuff . As the thread title says "all is lost " for many that failed to prepare as it now appears SHTF is going to hit simultaneously from different directions leaving the ordinary person in a crossfire . We are facing oil being used as a weapon Without oil zero food will be delivered to cites . Without oil commercial farming as we know it will be no more . Without oil getting in a vehicle and driving to fetch water or reach a real survival site will not be feasible . --- Attack from another direction , though I know some are so un-prepared they prefer to try to convince themselves a Nuclear attack on their homeland will never occur , yet here we are receiving threats or perhaps promises of a Nuclear attack from more countries than I care to list . --- Here we are with inflation destroying families as they find they can't pay rent , utilities and buy food simultaneously . Many in this category are living on credit cards , grasping onto hope something will financially change before the credit cards end and they become homeless trying to survive exposed to crime and desperation from others also having become homeless . ---- Preppers , at least the ones that could see this coming from the distance of years in the past tried to warn people of this catastrophe only to find the usual reaction from the unprepared was for them to think no-one could predict the future and they had just encountered a lunatic . This is sad times for those that wouldn't prepare .
once a subject has been raised,, you can't turn it off just because you don't want to talk about it,,,,,,,,,,,,, as for me the gays are about as low as you can get,, and if they weren't shoving this crap in our faces it would not be an issue,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, no one wants to see them or hear about them unless they swing that way ,,the liberals are pushing the POLITICAL CORECTNESS ******** ON THE REST OF US,,,,,,,,,,,, no way in hell should 1 to 5% of the population be able to dictate how the rest of us think or feel