All is lost

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015

Crazy. A mom who lets her 11 year old son dance in drag at a gay bar gets a free pass from CPS.

And when people say that gays don't go after kids... just click the link & watch the video. These guys are throwing money at an 11 year old boy in drag. How sick can things get? This is considered acceptable parenting?

All is lost.
As liberal as I am (and I don't believe gay marriage is a bad thing), and nonjudgemental.....I have all kinds of problems with this.

No 11 year old should be in a bar at all.

And while I don't have a problem with the kid being out of the closet.....I wonder if such things are a magnet for a certian breed of pedophiles that hunt the internet.

Even kid beauty pagents are controversial because they bring dangerous child molesters out from under their rocks. Jon Benet Ramsey is, perhaps, the best example of this....but I could come up with more.
does any 11 year old know what they are yet? or are they just trying out their sexual feeling.
I wont have any truck with gays or gay marriage, I'm not religious but I believe its against nature and is a perversion, but that's just my opinion.
I support gay marriage.

I think a lot of the backlash against gay marriage has to do with money.

There are issues with things like getting a spouse on your health insurance, tax issues, and so on.

I've had my face rubbed in these issues when I worked as a paramedic.

I am--for example--required to be nonjudgmental when I do my job. I have to sign an ethics statement when I get my license that points this out.

Now, I found out that when a man is having a heart attack (for example), that having his calm wife in the back of the truck keeping him company means that I get to use smaller doses of cardiac meds to accomplish whatever it is that I want to do.

There is also the added benefit that I don't have a nervous spouse folliwing me to the hospital six inches off the rear bumper of my truck, so there is less chance of an accident.....and I want to believe that nobody wants to see anyone get in a bad (or possibly fatal) car wreck.

I expanded these ideas to include the other half of the gay couple under the theory that I have to be nonjudgmental, and this is where I ran into problems with the religious hospitals.

People would write me up for violating policy because only a spouse is allowed to visit, and a gay partner isn't a spouse.

So I get stuck in this stupid double-bind "damned if you do and damned if you don't" conflict between a religious hospital and the requirements of my professional ethics.....and it's all idiotic.

If gay marriage resolves conflicts like these in healthcare, then I'm all for it.

One more point on the subject: a catholic school recently refused to accept a straight kid as a student because the kid's parents were a lesbian couple.

That is--in my mind--almost as bad as an 11 year old doing a drag show in a bar.
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I knew an old lady at one time who had been a nurse, some of the stories she would tell me about her time nursing homosexuals and the health problems they had because of the abuse they had inflicted on their rectum would turn your hair grey, and the lesbians weren't much better.
an 11 year old is too young to decide what their sexual orientation is, they are under the legal age of consent, nor are they old enough to have gender reassignment, the world has gone mad.
First, I have decided to no longer use the "Nice" or "Socially Approved" terms. I am just too tired of being acceptable. If the Queers want to get married then they should be allowed to have civil service or IF a religion / church is freely willing to perform the service, more power to them. They should be allowed to experience the joys of divorce. As for the religious school, that is their business. Since it is against their religious belief system to condone Queers cohabiting, then why would a pair of dykes want their child to go their?

As for sexual / gender identity. These liberal parents should be prosecuted for child abuse. Children do not have the faculties to choose gender and their parents do not have the right to 'help" them choose. Once they reach the age of consent "legal Stupidity", then they can do what ever puffs their shorts. And I got news for the Liberals. There are only two sexes. Being male is not the same as being a Man. Being female is not the same as being a woman. You can swap all the body parts your want but that will still not make you the opposite sex from what you were born with.

I am also tired of all these protected groups. Queers, Dykes, Fubar Sexuals , blacks, browns, yellows , muzzies, or any other group that feels inadequate and needs protection. they do not need protection, they need to grow a pair, or maybe keep the pair they were born with. I carry a firearm and there are businesses that post signs forbidding my entry. I don't feel picked on or need a safe space to hide in, I simply don't do business at that place. The business should and does have the right to determine who they will serve. As I have the right to refuse to shop there. FXXK these bleeding heart laws. Nobody in this day and age NEEDS special legal protection.
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I have personal beliefs (based on my understanding of my religion) but I don't believe it is my place to judge or condemn anyone. When it comes to government intervention in people's lives, I like to quote Rand Paul, "I don't want my marriage or my guns registered in Washington." But this is a whole new level, and I do believe that children should be protected. In my opinion, this could be in the same category of exposing children to explicit materials, depending on what was going on in that bar. Regardless, this is terrible parenting.
Couldn't really find a place to put this, but this thread seems appropriate. . . All Is Lost when this kind of crap happens.
A former Rowan County, Kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples was ordered to pay $260,104 in attorney fees.

Kim Davis, the Christian clerk who refused to sign gay marriage certificates because of her beliefs, was jailed in 2015 after she was found in contempt.

US District Judge David L. Bunning, a George W. Bush appointee, sided with the attorneys who sued Kim Davis and ordered the former clerk to pay more than $260,000 in fees.

The Associated Press reported:

Former county clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses in Kentucky to same-sex couples, must pay a total of $260,104 in fees and expenses to attorneys who represented one couple, according to a federal judge’s ruling.
That’s in addition to $100,000 in damages a jury said the former Rowan County clerk should pay the couple who sued.
Attorneys for Davis had argued that the fees and costs sought by the attorneys were excessive, but U.S. District Judge David L. Bunning disagreed and said Davis must pay since the men prevailed in their lawsuit, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported.
In 2015, Judge Bunning ordered Kim Davis to be jailed for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

She was released from jail a week later after major backlash from prominent conservatives.
Whatever happened to our RIGHT to religious freedom? Antifa thugs rioted and burned down city blocks…attacked and harmed police and citizens. This woman stands up for one of her RIGHTS and she gets put in jail?! While blm and antifa thugs don’t have any consequences. We are way down the drain folks.
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people are in employment to do a job, if they cant do the job then they shouldnt be in the job.
being "offended" is not an excuse,.
jailing her is a bit OTT.
people are in employment to do a job, if they cant do the job then they shouldnt be in the job.
being "offended" is not an excuse,.
jailing her is a bit OTT.

She wasn’t “offended”, she was not willing to violate her religious beliefs…which IS her RIGHT! You being non religious and not giving a crap about Christian’s beliefs…while Clearly caring about the homos beliefs, glaringly shows you to be without morals or any sense of fairness.

The woman had her job for many YEARS and was an excellent employee…until the **** came and attacked her because she wouldn’t go along with their deviance.
then she was in the wrong job.
no I dont care about Christian beliefs, or Islamic ones, or Gay ones, or any other for that matter.
Let's get off this queer stuff . As the thread title says "all is lost " for many that failed to prepare as it now appears SHTF is going to hit simultaneously from different directions leaving the ordinary person in a crossfire . We are facing oil being used as a weapon Without oil zero food will be delivered to cites . Without oil commercial farming as we know it will be no more . Without oil getting in a vehicle and driving to fetch water or reach a real survival site will not be feasible . --- Attack from another direction , though I know some are so un-prepared they prefer to try to convince themselves a Nuclear attack on their homeland will never occur , yet here we are receiving threats or perhaps promises of a Nuclear attack from more countries than I care to list . --- Here we are with inflation destroying families as they find they can't pay rent , utilities and buy food simultaneously . Many in this category are living on credit cards , grasping onto hope something will financially change before the credit cards end and they become homeless trying to survive exposed to crime and desperation from others also having become homeless . ---- Preppers , at least the ones that could see this coming from the distance of years in the past tried to warn people of this catastrophe only to find the usual reaction from the unprepared was for them to think no-one could predict the future and they had just encountered a lunatic . This is sad times for those that wouldn't prepare .
The nice thing is that everyone is allowed their opinion in this great country and everyone is allowed to disagree with it too. How butt hurt that makes people is their problem, on both sides. I am not a fan of same sex stuff, but it don't bother me because natural selection has moved them to the front of the list. Let them shine on their way out, I got better **** to do.
Let's get off this queer stuff . As the thread title says "all is lost " for many that failed to prepare as it now appears SHTF is going to hit simultaneously from different directions leaving the ordinary person in a crossfire . We are facing oil being used as a weapon Without oil zero food will be delivered to cites . Without oil commercial farming as we know it will be no more . Without oil getting in a vehicle and driving to fetch water or reach a real survival site will not be feasible . --- Attack from another direction , though I know some are so un-prepared they prefer to try to convince themselves a Nuclear attack on their homeland will never occur , yet here we are receiving threats or perhaps promises of a Nuclear attack from more countries than I care to list . --- Here we are with inflation destroying families as they find they can't pay rent , utilities and buy food simultaneously . Many in this category are living on credit cards , grasping onto hope something will financially change before the credit cards end and they become homeless trying to survive exposed to crime and desperation from others also having become homeless . ---- Preppers , at least the ones that could see this coming from the distance of years in the past tried to warn people of this catastrophe only to find the usual reaction from the unprepared was for them to think no-one could predict the future and they had just encountered a lunatic . This is sad times for those that wouldn't prepare .
once a subject has been raised,, you can't turn it off just because you don't want to talk about it,,,,,,,,,,,,, as for me the gays are about as low as you can get,, and if they weren't shoving this crap in our faces it would not be an issue,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, no one wants to see them or hear about them unless they swing that way ,,the liberals are pushing the POLITICAL CORECTNESS ******** ON THE REST OF US,,,,,,,,,,,, no way in hell should 1 to 5% of the population be able to dictate how the rest of us think or feel
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, no way in hell should 1 to 5% of the population be able to dictate how the rest of us think or feel
Or live, or eat (vegan), or drink (sugar), or drive (EV), or sing (rock and roll), or think (evolution), or cook (fat free), or walk (adidas), or vote (the FIVE), or believe (Billy Graham), or shop (walmart), do I need to go on? LIVE FREE,Gary
Agree with GG completely! The issue is the PUSHING for everyone to accept and PARTICIPATE with the homos. How many Christians have had their lives destroyed because they were TARGETED by homos? Cake shops, Flower shops, etc that were built with years of work and devotion were made to close…and the owners bankrupted…even though down the same street another cake shop would happily have made a **** “wedding” cake. This woman’s career, where she was considered one of the best, until homos refused to go to the other workers on each side of her…would have given them a license. NO, they TARGETED a Christian woman.

How can fellow Christians accept what they did to this woman? I don’t understand. I believe our problems in America started with Christians scurrying away instead of fighting for what was right years ago.