Amazon 'SkyNet' Alexa

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I still don’t know why anyone would want one in their house. My cell phone is always listening already. I’ve tried turning off Siri, but she keeps popping up and asking what she can do for me. Leave me the hell alone is what she could do.....
There was a thread about this earlier. I had one. Lots of people said how they could listen and record. I wasn’t too alarmed at first. I did decide to read up on it, and there is another concern that hackers could get into the Alexa and gain access to bank accounts and other information. I read about this one night a few days ago around 2 am. I got up and unplugged it and put it away. I mostly used it as a kitchen timer. Now I just use the timer on the microwave. I don’t like it, so I may still invest in a manual wind up timer.