no comment on the camo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but a space force,,,Trump may be letting the cat out of the bag that we are not alone and the feds have known this right along..............
no comment on the camo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but a space force,,,Trump may be letting the cat out of the bag that we are not alone and the feds have known this right along..............
We have had a space force for over 30 years. Come on, when the government announces anything like this, its already been around in secret for decades. Just seperate the disinformation from the truth. The uniform is more about not looking out of place and to different from other military uniforms, its what they have been using, you simply change the patches on the uniform.
Don't know why it'd matter what the uniform's look like in the long run,when it comes to outer space.on account its not like we got some place to hid out there.
quick duck behind the little moon before we're seen.
I personally don't see a problem though pretty fancy uniform for a ground based keyboard junky, but in fairness the uniform matches the environment they are working in, EARTH.
Least the uniform isn't pink, least the uniform isn't black making the soldiers look like they just walked off the set of a cheap B flick.
I think the controversy about the camoflague space uniform is ridiculous.
I could argue that camoflague is an appropriate choice for any astronaut or cosmonaut, because if you have to return to Earth from orbit in an emergency or crisis, you don't know where you'll land.
I would want a downed astronaut to have camo clothes if (s)he came down in Africa, or maybe some hostile place in South America or something.
I had the same thoughts but it makes as much sense as the current uniforms. And Air Force uniforms need to be camo in case they get shot down so I guess the Space Force would need for the same reason.
only private launch facility is in South America - Chinese bases to dominate the southern skyways are in South America & Africa - Australia facilities has always dominated NASA command & commo >>>> camo makes as much sense as any other ...