An X-Class Solar Flare Just Erupted

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im not sure to how serious it is..but serious enough where im taking the needed one link.they say it's not strong enough to fry electronics..but i figure.why take a chance...
ive noticed that cell phone reception really sucks today.
I was on a conference call where we had to switch to landlines today. Otherwise, haven't noticed anything, and it was just that one guy, so may have been his phone.
i haven't tried my cell phone yet..but yet.we did received a recorded phone call of some kind..couldn't tell where it was from much what it was about..on account it was breaking up to bad to know..

p.s. the call was on the land line
let's hope for the best...though it would be my luck..payday tomorrow and that flare knocks out all the atms ;)
im not sure to how serious it is..but serious enough where im taking the needed one link.they say it's not strong enough to fry electronics..but i figure.why take a chance...
Its rated an X-1 which is pretty high but not massive. The ranking goes A B C M X then super X... if the X-1 hit us directly we would see power grid failures everywhere but this one is going to skim the outer northern edge of our atmosphere so no real worries.. But always be prepared incase the "experts" get it wrong......
northern edge you said?? no wonder they told at weather forecast we're gonna have aurora borealis this time of the year,now it makes sense..
but they faild to mention why..
I'd better look into these flares and those classes, right now my problem is this computer,really don't know how to protect it or if it's even possible or worth the trouble
only way i know to protect a pc of any the same way you'd protect any other electronics.if you think or know a emp or what ever is gonna hit..then you take it down and put it into a faraday cage.or something where you know that its protected
that's my big problem for now, have to get a metal crate for my pc...just hopeI get it in time.
Oh and one more thing my Louisiana peeps anybody else worried about the invest 92L that will move into the Gulf soon? Or are you more worried about the upcoming solar flare or has the flare already happened?
i dont know about a emp or a cme setting us back to 5000 BC,but it'll definitely set us back before there was electrictricity..
and any vehicale with computer boards/chips will be worthless to me..on account,the compuerized parts will be fried..and so will be the power companys and the power grid.all this means no electric,no running water from water dileveries of any kind.all forms of communication,tv's ,desktop computers.all fried,and rendered worthless

and for those that are wondering what a emp or a cme is capable of's links telling about the 1859 solar flare.
i dont know about a emp or a cme setting us back to 5000 BC,but it'll definitely set us back before there was electrictricity..
and any vehicale with computer boards/chips will be worthless to me..on account,the compuerized parts will be fried..and so will be the power companys and the power grid.all this means no electric,no running water from water dileveries of any kind.all forms of communication,tv's ,desktop computers.all fried,and rendered worthless

and for those that are wondering what a emp or a cme is capable of's links telling about the 1859 solar flare.

Well Jim,

I've waited all day patiently for something to happen and I didn't even register a blip on my computer. Checked all my sources to see if they posted anything and nothing. On the home front, the solar panels and generator are working great, even have it hooked up to the monitor that feeds data to my laptop computer. Everything is running nominal here. I called a friend that works down at a generator plant here in Texas, since they kept extra staff on hand just in case and he said that they had not noticed anything. So I guess we may have dodged a big one....of course still have the rest of the weekend to get through.'s like you say..looks like we may of gotton out of this one..but like you said.still got the if i remember right..we'll still have to wait another 2 or 3 days.
just came on my television, those flares aren't the real bad ones, if a CME hits us...well, pony express would be the choice of mail delivery

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