Anniversary Question

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Need some advice, do you think my wife will count the roses in a vase. Want to tell her I got her a rose for each year we have been married 27 but only want to buy two dozen.
Yup. Do you have 3 children by chance? You could add 3 of another flower. Or you could do a dozen roses amongst other flowers. 💐
Need some advice, do you think my wife will count the roses in a vase. Want to tell her I got her a rose for each year we have been married 27 but only want to buy two dozen.
Therein lies the genius method I use. Never give her flowers on anniversaries or holidays but only when she least expects it. Off season the flowers are less expensive.

How about

1 flower for each pair of years of the first 24 years and 1 for the last 3 years. Would save you about $45.

I just gave The Princess a dozen a few weeks ago. She was thrilled and a dozen is a lot.

Or just get 27 and be done with it.

He always does the roses, and we both enjoy them. I get the bottle of champagne. We go out to dinner and have a steak if he is well enough. Last month we did go out, but in the wheelchair. Year before, I got a steak dinner takeout and brought it home. We've never bought any other gifts that I can remember.
You have to cherish the time you have left with him. It sounds as though you do.
Need some advice, do you think my wife will count the roses in a vase. Want to tell her I got her a rose for each year we have been married 27 but only want to buy two dozen.
LOL! I am over here laughing so hard.

Tell the truth. That earns her respect for you. Don't ever try to fudge the truth. It doesn't look good for you. She knows and yes, she will count them and she will talk about them to others.
go get 3 thin sticks from yard , make your own roses with colored paper, etc--write something sweet on the paper petals to her to make the full 27. something personal and lovely--she will keep and remember those for many years after. the cut roses will shrivel and die, the ones you make she will keeep forever.
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Myself, I'd do 24 roses. If she counts them and tells you that you're 3 short, just say "Wait, we've been married 27, not 24? My bad, at least I remembered our anniversary." She'll roll her eyes, shake her head and remind herself how dumb men are about remembering dates, ages, birthdays...
You, Any1 can buy a Single Red Rose, so Buy 3 and wrap Them singularly with post notes : Yesterday, Today and Forever...!!! Now You Have 27 all Special...!!
Okay, here's the plan:

Get 24 roses and 3 cheaper flowers, like carnations or something. Then say you got her a flower for each year of marriage. She she asks why 3 aren't as nice, say those 3 years weren't as good as the others. Also note I am unmarried and this advice could get you into hot water.
I stay in hot water.
Before you splash the cash- does she like roses? My husband makes me a bouquet of potato chips because flowers die, I don't have a sweet tooth, but I love a chip!
Maybe plant a tree instead? It will last longer.

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