Another mass shooting in Chicago

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Kevin L

Awesome Friend
Feb 3, 2017
Boynton beach, Florida
Evidentally, a crazy person starting shooting people (including critically wounding a cop) in Mercy Hospital in Chicago.

When will this **** stop?

So far, six people shot . . . but still a developing story, so numbers may change.
I'm not arguing with you about their mental state, but...

That's not abnormal in Chi-Raq.

That's a normal day, no crazy required.

When we used to go the rowhouses around Cabrini, you could hear a slow, steady trickle of gun fire. Sometimes closer, sometimes far away... But present like traffic.
I'm not arguing with you about their mental state, but...

That's not abnormal in Chi-Raq.

That's a normal day, no crazy required.

When we used to go the rowhouses around Cabrini, you could hear a slow, steady trickle of gun fire. Sometimes closer, sometimes far away... But present like traffic.
I've heard stories that agree with your statement . . . but a hospital?

I guess it shouldn't surprise me after the school shootings.
Still too early to tell, but one witness said the shooter was walking with a woman when he basically stopped and executed her. Domestic issue? Either way, he decided to go out in a blaze of glory and kept shooting. There are way too many unstable people with firearms out there.
Still too early to tell, but one witness said the shooter was walking with a woman when he basically stopped and executed her. Domestic issue? Either way, he decided to go out in a blaze of glory and kept shooting. There are way too many unstable people with firearms out there.

You are partly correct, there are too many unstable people out there. The gun is just the tool. It could have been a knife, like in London or a car driven into the closest crowd. Never blame the tool for the owners behavior. Nobody calls for banning the knives (except the stupid London Mayor) or automobiles / trucks. Crazy is as crazy does, the tool used is not the problem. How would it have been different if all those shot or shot at, could have returned fire. Again gun free zone equals free fire zone.
As far as gun free zones, damn, I’m sorry, just didn’t notice the sign..... in reality I have never needed a gun yet in my life, but I don’t intend to not have one if I ever do.

Brent in my 62 years I have never had to use mine,although in the mid 90's I came within 2 steps of shooting a guy in his own front yard,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I was turning my truck around I had pulled into his drive way and he went nuts grabbed a club out of his truck and started for my truck my 10 year old niece was with me.I had a 9mm with me I told him one more step and I would drop him,,,,he stopped cussed at me but stayed back and I left with no one hurt,,,,,,,,,,,,that was as close as I ever want to come to shooting someone
There are times when a verbal warning is the right choice and then there times when shots may have to be fired and then there are times when you have to shoot somebody. So far I have been fortunate enough to only have been involved in the first two phases.
Sometimes I like to respond to insanity with matching insanity.

It was very polite of the nutjob to do his shootings at the hospital. It saved several ambulance trips, it made response time much faster, and the doctors were able to save lives all the faster. He could have done it at the emergency room area (I don't know where the shootings were?). And it was so nice to do it in Chicago, where the whole populace are disarmed, well, other than armed criminals. What a great strategy, it's working great.

Something I asked the other day. How many of these shootings happen in "cop bars"? Has anyone ever heard of a mass shooting at a gun range? How about at gun stores?

That gives me an idea. Let me respond to liberal stupid ideas with a matching one. There have been zero mass shootings at gun stores, ever. So, ALL stores will now be required to have at least one counter where guns are sold and where multiple employees are armed. It doesn't matter your business. Car dealer? Have a gun counter. McDonalds? I don't care, they have to have a gun counter with armed employees. Taco trailer? Yup, get a mini-gun-counter and arm everyone. Yes, it will be expensive to run their businesses (but aren't all liberal ideas the same?). But it will save so many lives, it'll be well worth it.
There are times when a verbal warning is the right choice and then there times when shots may have to be fired and then there are times when you have to shoot somebody. So far I have been fortunate enough to only have been involved in the first two phases.
I once--during the aftermath of a hurricane, when cops and EMS weren't available--shot a fox that was staggering around and foaming out the mouth in broad daylight.

I saved the body in my ice cooler and turned it over to the health department when the roads cleared up enough, as I thought everyone should know if there was hydrophobia in the neighborhood.

It turned out (foxes are scavengers) that ghis animal had been eating dead rats that had died from rat poison, so the animal was indirectly poisoned.

The gun was a snub nose .38 revolver (a Smith and Wesson Model 10) with a 2 inch barrel.

I used +P .38 Special ammo . . . 158 grain SWHP, which used to be made by Winchester.

I was about 10 to 15 feet away, and shot this thing through the torso.

I also got sick after, as I was a strict vegetarian at the time and was very upset.
On two separate occasions I have been surprised by and surprised my doctors. On both occasions, I though I was going in for a consultation and the doctors decided on an examination. On both occasions, I was carrying. One doctor was a bit upset, the other doctor was interested in make and model. I am a bit more cautions about what the appointment will consist of now. If it is just to talk, I ignore their signs. If exam. I give pistol to wife to keep in her purse, until I get out of the doctor's exam room. Empty holster still sends the message to the doctor.
I've always said a gun alone does not kill anyone, it has to have a human finger on the trigger, so don't blame the gun blame the person.
in this case I think I heard the shooter had been dumped by his girlfriend and that sent him over the edge, not sure if that is true but its what I heard.

Continuing my insanity-response to insanity...
in this case I think I heard the shooter had been dumped by his girlfriend and that sent him over the edge, not sure if that is true but its what I heard.
Well that explains it. After all, 4 people always die when a dating couple break up. The guy, the girl, and their two kids. It was a perfectly logical response.

OK, back to serious. This is part of the problem with snowflakes. They can't handle reality. I just read where a college is telling profs to not use capital letters because it triggers the snowflakes. How in the world can you expect people to live in a stress-free world? As we've all said, these things will keep happening more and more. The only logical choice is to avoid crowds and be prepared to defend yourself.

Continuing my insanity-response to insanity...

Well that explains it. After all, 4 people always die when a dating couple break up. The guy, the girl, and their two kids. It was a perfectly logical response.

OK, back to serious. This is part of the problem with snowflakes. They can't handle reality. I just read where a college is telling profs to not use capital letters because it triggers the snowflakes. How in the world can you expect people to live in a stress-free world? As we've all said, these things will keep happening more and more. The only logical choice is to avoid crowds and be prepared to defend yourself.
yes I read that too about the college, how these students ever expect to go out into the wider world with all its stress after having such a sheltered life i'll never know, life isn't like that-I should know:D
I avoid crowds as much as I can, people piss me off give me a dog every time, dogs don't let you down like people do.