Another step on the road to a surveillance society

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Awesome Friend
Nov 14, 2019
Not here
Do you think that the end of THIS pandemic will see the end of this?
Coronavirus: Apple and Google team up to contact trace Covid-19

Apple and Google are jointly developing technology to alert people if they have recently come into contact with others found to be infected with coronavirus.

They hope to initially help third-party contact-tracing apps run efficiently.

But ultimately, they aim to do away with the need to download dedicated apps, to encourage the practice.

The two companies believe their approach - designed to keep users, whose participation would be voluntary, anonymous - addresses privacy concerns.

Their contact-tracing method would work by using a smartphone's Bluetooth signals to determine to whom the owner had recently been in proximity for long enough to have established contagion a risk.

If one of those people later tested positive for the Covid-19 virus, a warning would be sent to the original handset owner.

No GPS location data or personal information would be recorded.

"Privacy, transparency and consent are of utmost importance in this effort and we look forward to building this functionality in consultation with interested stakeholders," Apple and Google said in a joint statement.

"We will openly publish information about our work for others to analyse."

President Trump said his administration needed time to consider the development.

"It's very interesting, but a lot of people worry about it in terms of a person's freedom," he said during a White House press conference.

"We're going to take... a very strong long at it, and we'll let you know pretty soon."

The European Union's Data Protection Supervisor sounded more positive, saying: "The initiative will require further assessment, however, after a quick look it seems to tick the right boxes as regards user choice, data protection by design and pan-European interoperability."

But others have noted that the success of the venture may depend on getting enough people tested.
Sorry guys I dont see in or believe in conspiracy nonsense, HOWEVER I do believe in the elites and opportunists using a disaster as an opportunity to garner ever more info about us and by default more control over us. Big Brother / Feds / Totalitarians ? Socialists see this as an opportunity to take more control, Big Business sees it as the way to grab more of the market share of commerce and banking.
Icke said GW Bush was one of the lizard men and wore a red dress.
Hillary Clinton is also a reptilian according to some conspiracy theories.

I am fully aware of the potential for this to be used to increase all types of surveillance and control. But extensive surveillance is not necessary if people would just not be idiots and stay home. And it won't be effective if people will just leave their cellphones at home. However, it was this type of technology that has kept South Korea from having so many cases of the virus, so it is effective, no matter how distasteful and ultimately dangerous it may be. I guess in this case it's the question of the lesser of two evils and the "government can solve all the problems" or "companies can solve all the problems" types will each believe that their chosen tyrant should be entrusted with this information to prevent the "greater" evil.
Dudes and dudettes, you do remember from history class,when they thaught you what the Nazi-regime forced Jews to wear as a id-badge on their chest?

well. one doctor from the higher levels of THL ( CDC over the pond ) sugggested that those who had this disesase and were deemed healthy should wear an armband,so that all and everyone could se it.

hands up everyone who honestly belive that no one would discriminate pepople with this armband??
come on now,wouldn't the general pop be smart and understand that an armband like that is a show of good health and that you had it but no more have it`?
Dudes and dudettes, you do remember from history class,when they thaught you what the Nazi-regime forced Jews to wear as a id-badge on their chest?

well. one doctor from the higher levels of THL ( CDC over the pond ) sugggested that those who had this disesase and were deemed healthy should wear an armband,so that all and everyone could se it.

hands up everyone who honestly belive that no one would discriminate pepople with this armband??
come on now,wouldn't the general pop be smart and understand that an armband like that is a show of good health and that you had it but no more have it`?

One of our left wing Europhile loons thinks everyone should be fitted with a programmable microchip to ensure those who are tested are allowed out "Achtung Juden" I absolutely F***ing well know they will end up using the chips to totally control everyone.
No chips, no armband, no cell tracking. There isn’t a person on the planet I would give that power to!
I believe that EVERY cell phone sold in the US has a GPS tracking chip in it, the US of A has been able to track most cell phones for years, many even if turned off.

Also from Quora
Is there black market demand for old cellphones without GPS (ie harder to trace)?
4 Answers

Phil Karn
, former VP Technology at Qualcomm (1991-2011)
Answered Mar 21 2016 · Author has 484 answers and 916.2k answer views
Not in the US, because the FCC requires that all cell phones have positioning ability. The originally stated reason for this requirement was to ensure that emergency services could find you when you call 911 -- and who could argue with that? Naturally, other uses have since become much more common, whether you like it or not.

It is essentially impossible to hide your location when carrying a cell phone, even when it is not in a call. The standard advice was to turn it off and remove the battery, but you can't even do that easily with most current generation phones.

If you're unwilling to be out of touch, you could carry an old-style receive-only pager (if you can still find one -- not a 2-way pager) and turn your phone on to make or return a call only when you don't mind revealing your location.

But to avoid being tracked you'd still have to evade the increasingly ubiquitous license plate reader (if you're driving) or the already ubiquitous security camera in public places. In other words, you're screwed.))


If you're paranoid about the ability of authorities to find you using your cell phone, you might want to sit down: The FCC will require that cell phone service providers and Voice over the Internet Protocol providers ensure their products meet stricter standards for location accuracy that currently apply to phones with GPS capability. The FCC intends for these standards to be implemented by a date to be determined beginning after 2019. Providers will be able choose either a handset-based system (imbedded GPS type chip), a network-based system, or a hybrid of the two.

Devices that are not GPS-enabled must be tracked via triangulation with local cellular towers, a time consuming process that can only give an approximate location and can dangerously delay critical assistance. The new regulation will allow almost universal pinpoint location of 911 callers by emergency responders. No date was given for when non-GPS enabled devices must be discontinued, but given FCC estimates that by 2018, 75 percent of all mobile devices will be GPS capable, it is likely that the assumption is the sunsetting of obsolete devices will occur naturally as consumers chuck outdated gadgets for shiny new ones.

There may be interesting legal aspects to the new rule. In addition to increased safety for accident or crime victims, the regulation will affect all mobile phones, including pre-paid phones that don't require users to create accounts. This will make it possible for Law Enforcement agencies to locate people via mobile device regardless of service provider or phone model, and finally bring reality into full CSI/NCIS-compliance
On older Android phones there are two types of location services that you have control over - GPS and WiFi. If GPS is turned off, it will detect the nearest WiFi routers and triangulate your position from those. Not as accurate as GPS, but it can still locate you within 50 ft or so in a major city. Out in the country is it hit and miss as you pass WiFi routers. You can turn both off, but your phone can still be tracked by triangulation between cell towers. This is more accurate in cities than out in the country.
AGENDA 21 is getting closer. Just look at how the left coast is announcing a "pact" and "regional plan".

California Gov. Gavin Newsom said a regional West Coast reopening plan is in the works for California, Washington, and Oregon

If you don't know about Agenda 21 (passed by 179 countries at the UN in 1992), look into it, and think about how it has come to fruition since then, and even now, rapidly falling into place, as planned. It's not conspiracy theory, it's conspiracy, but it's real, and easy to find.

Another reason I think 5g is a weapon. Get everyone into urban areas with all of the towers accessing everything, and the high frequency can easily be used to impact people, who are 70% water. If you don;t know what frequency can do to water, youtube it.
Just don't take the damn phone with ya, I've done quite well without taking the cell phone with me every time I gone into town. I never understood this fascination of taking the phone every time they leave, g'damn thing is like a drug.
It's my watch and shopping list. :D

And my wife freaks out any time I don't answer her call on the first ring. :rolleyes:
Just don't take the damn phone with ya, I've done quite well without taking the cell phone with me every time I gone into town. I never understood this fascination of taking the phone every time they leave, g'damn thing is like a drug.
I agree. But unfortunately the only time I can call my wife is from town, or from the top of the mountain. I can text from home, usually, but can't make phone calls from home.
Idiot from Illinois "I wasn't thinking about the Bill of Rights when I did this". DUH

Idiot from Michigan "it's snowing right now anyway, you don't need landscaping materials and seed." This woman is actually on Biden's short list for VP.

Most Americans don't even realize what is happening. It's amazing how we are going down this slippery slope and people aren't seeing the end game.

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