Anti Gun Jim Carrey

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
Here is a tweet by actor Jim Carrey about people who buy what the media calls "assaut rifles"

"Any1 who would run out to buy an assault rifle after the Newtown massacre has very little left in their body or soul worth protecting."

Got to love this stupidity of entertainers.
oh sorry. . he has an assault unit to the neighborhood he lives in (if not on his property), . . and his fane
sty world. I have to protect myself and loved ones.
oh sorry. . he has an assault unit to the neighborhood he lives in (if not on his property), . . and his fane
sty world. I have to protect myself and loved ones.
I agree.
The fools screaming the loudest for gun control all seem to live in their ivory towers with 24 hour armed security at home and body guards when they are away.
There is no such thing as an assault rifle!!!! Stop using the term your only helping them!!! Its an AR-15 AR stands for Armilite. You don't here them calling the AR-7 an assault rifle. They are simply rifles. Calling them assault rifles makes them sound like their only for the military or the state or cops. NO NO NO NO.

I agree.
The fools screaming the loudest for gun control all seem to live in their ivory towers with 24 hour armed security at home and body guards when they are away.
You are sure right about there ivory towers. Seems like the ones pushing for gun control are from big cities and not people from the country. These are the people that will need guns more than us in the country. There is no way I want my family and I in the city when TSHTF. I know I have been letting our major home in the city go a bit. There are things I need to do there but Im more worried about getting our BOL ready. Seems there are alot more preppers now than ever before.
You are sure right about there ivory towers. Seems like the ones pushing for gun control are from big cities and not people from the country. These are the people that will need guns more than us in the country. There is no way I want my family and I in the city when TSHTF. I know I have been letting our major home in the city go a bit. There are things I need to do there but Im more worried about getting our BOL ready. Seems there are alot more preppers now than ever before.
With the king getting a second term it is only going to create more preppers.
There is no such thing as an assault rifle!!!! Stop using the term your only helping them!!! Its an AR-15 AR stands for Armilite. You don't here them calling the AR-7 an assault rifle. They are simply rifles. Calling them assault rifles makes them sound like their only for the military or the state or cops. NO NO NO NO.

Great video! Thanks for posting this!
With the king getting a second term it is only going to create more preppers.
I sure hope so. We need more preppers now than ever before. People say it can't happen here, well it already did. Think of the great depression, 100s of thousands of people died in it. It will be worst this time because in those days people helped each other. With society the way it is, people will kill you for a can of soup or a gal. of water. Also, people in those days had gardens, raised their own chickens, ect. We are a spoiled society. In those days, lets say I had a garden and you raised chickens, well we would exchange vegies for eggs. That won't happen when TSHTF now days. This is a great site for preppers to exchange ideas and information. People on this site seem to all pretty much have the same mindset.
We are a spoiled society.
We have put ourselves right where the government wants us, that being a state of dependency!
This is a great site for preppers to exchange ideas and information. People on this site seem to all pretty much have the same mindset.
The members on this site are extremely knowledgeable, and very willing to help others out!
So does Carrey expect to be able to tell an intruder a joke to keep from being harmed? I swear the stupidity of the masses knows no bounds. We have open carry here in Missouri, and we do openly carry rifles in the trucks in gun racks. That used to be a very common sight years ago, not so much now. For an example, I had to go up to Columbia, MO the other day for a doctor's appointment and some college aged moron was filming me as I parked, getting right up close and trying to get my face as well as the rifle while his other buddy was calling 911. OMG guys, did you know I was a terrorist?!? Both of those kids were from the East coast and had no concept of rural living, varmint killing, or manners. That was an hour of my life that I won't get back due to those little shits. Am I going to stop carrying? Hell no. Would I protect Mr. Carrey if I were in a position to do so and he needed the help of someone with a weapon.... I'm going to go with no.
Sorry for the rant.
I carry a flashlight designed to flash and mess with their camera and just like they have a right to film I have a right to blink that light at them!!!! Really pisses the hippies off here in cali!!! ps carry pepper spray a say that you were in fear for your saftey.. lol
It would be nice to be able to carry something like that Roninsensei, but I'm afraid that would trigger a seizure for me. I seriously wanted to relocate the kid's cell phone to the darkest part of his anatomy that I could reach, maybe even use a stick to shove it in deeper.
Why thank you kindly. Most people consider me a little... ornery to put it nicely. I really like the fact I don't have to sugar coat anything on this board.
Madam I would insist you never sugar coat a thing you post.. It just wouldn't be you. Sometimes it's completely refreshing to have a no nonsense woman's opinion. I thank you for you wisdom.
Awwww you made me blush. Thank you again and I'm glad someone is getting some use from what I've learned over these years. Even if it is only to make them chuckle. How I am here online is exactly how I am sitting here sitting at my table and I would like to think most others are the same way.
ARGH! Mr. Jim Carrey quit talking out your ass and go back to Canada! When the SHTF your security will leave your talking bum to defend itself! Then we'll see what's left in your body and soul left to protect! For me I'm going to sit back in my secured location with MY "assault rifle" and laugh at you!

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