This is great dd! I was looking for an herbal remedy that I can grow myself!
Hi Lexirae, if you look into chamomille, baldrian, ginko and moringia, you will find the combination you need to HELP your anxiety. The CURE for your anxiety is another thing....The probable cause is your overdose of negative info since the CORONA BS, being a single mama and having too many bad people around you. Loud and aggresive persons are a vexation to your spirit. Also, stop telling yourself that you failed in your relationship with your childs father, he made the mistakes and you pulled the plug for reasons only you know and to make life better for your self and your little one. Life is good, you are a good person, remember above all things in hard times: IF YOU DO NOT CONSIDER YOURSELF A PERSON WORTH LOVING, WHY SHOULD OTHERS??
PEACE comes from within, BE at peace with yourself and it will get better, LOVE, GARY