Anyone here "NEVER" gets COLDS or FLU..??

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
Anyone never gets sick....??? Why is it that some never get sick....?????
I rarely get sick... it happens once in a blue moon, maybe two blue moons, but that's about it. I've been blessed that way, and of course, in recent years, the high desert has helped keep germs at bay. Germs don't fare well in this arid climate... neither do ticks & fleas, so the cats are happy too. BOT, I've always enjoyed good health, with a few notable exceptions... the times I did get sick, the illness was bad, but I've always recovered quickly, and I also seem to heal more quickly than most due to a fast metabolism. Now that's all slowing down with age, but I've had a pretty good run overall, so I'm happy. The longest "downtimes" in my life were actually due to injury, not illness, and the injuries were usually self-inflicted while skateboarding, dirt biking, partying heavily, etc. Oddly enough, I've only broken one bone in my body, a smaller toe, go figure. :cool:
Knock on wood, but I rarely get sick. Same for the wife.
I have only been sick a few times in my life. Only once sticks in my mind.; I had a nasty flue in China sometime around 2003 but not sure. That was enough for me. Been good before and after.

It's most likely due to coming from good peasant stock and life as a very dirty un-cared for kid. I drank from rivers, creeks and mud puddles and cooked a lot of grouse and other things on a stick after prepping it on a downed log or something, even in the dirt.

Lots of exposure to germs and quite literally, crap. My immune system was put to the test from day one.

In school, I ran like hell when the nasty witch with a needle showed up every year or two. I did get some vaccinations when I moved overseas, but nothing as a kid.

I ignored the whole covid thing. No sanitizers, touched whatever I would normally touch, walked in the wrong direction, didn't lock down, and ran like hell from anyone sporting a needle. My immune system didn't even blink.

I am a firm believer in use it or lose it. I don't take pills of any kind.
Very rarely get an actual disease. Allergies yes. Sick? Can’t remember the last time, so at least a few years. I can say that when I do get sick enough to where I know I have something, it knocks me out for a day or three.

I attribute it to eating dirt and no shots. I do not wash and sterilize my world, I let whatever ‘bugs’ that are around come in and introduce themselves to my immune system. Unless there is bird poop or slugs on the vegies, I eat them right as they came out of the garden. Root vegies get a short wash under the hose, but eaten skin and all. I go out in public, I touch stuff. Not like licking handrails or anything, but I need to be exposed to whatever the other humans in my area are exposed to. I avoid large crowds (mostly because I hate people in general) but hit a store at least once a week.
You're not going to like this but I haven't gotten the flu in 30 years but I get a flu shot almost every year.
Colds I do get occasionally but not often
Covid: got 2 shots, then after all the bad news about them came out didn't get any more but still never got Covid that I know of
We used to get a lot of colds when the kids were young. They bring crap home from daycare and school. If you don't go out to eat you can pretty much eliminate any stomach upsets and a lot of other sickness I think
I'm currently suffering through a bout of the flu. I thought it was a summertime cold, but the last three days of chills/fever have convinced me otherwise. I seem to get hit wit a bout of influenza every two or three years, the occasional cold happens at our house, but it is to be expected with two teenage boys and a wife who drives preschoolers to and from every day.
I had the flu in ‘08. Afterwards I had plant medicine. I caught the flu again in Jan of ‘20, spent a week sitting with my dad who was in the icu. I was badly run down, in a building full of sick people and eating poorly. I was asking for the flu!

But to say I never got the flu during all those years isn’t the whole picture. I would get colds/flu. However, I would rarely notice, plants took care of the problem. If it were a particularly nasty flu I might feel it coming on, feel achy, normal stuff. But within an hour it was gone.

I got covid 3 times. I didn’t know it until my sense of smell went wonky 10 days afterwards. I felt achy a couple days but never got the flu symptoms.

On these shelves are lots of medicines for different purposes. But, about 20 of them are also antivirals. 8 are the most powerful antivirals in n. america. Just one, poke salad, has an antiviral protein so powerful it killed the aids virus when tested on mice. So even if I get the flu I can quickly kick it’s butt, within hours, not days.

Because I’m only in public a couple times a week… Before leaving for town I dose heavy on antivirals. Again when I get home and a 3rd time the next morning… Even if I’m exposed I have enough plant medicine in my system to take care of any virus. Again, I usually don’t notice even if I get a bug.

I’ve put most of these plants in the natural remedy section.

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I remember being sick on occasion as a kid. Never went to the doctor for those times. In my adult life, I rarely get sick. maybe every 3 -4 years now. I couldn't tell you if it was just allegeries, cold, flu or Covid. l never get a Covid test. . . Just run away with anything dealing with Covid. I don't run to the doctor every time I get a sniffle
Since my wife and I have been following a blood type diet we rarely get sick, we have found that certain foods contain lectins that cause inflammation. I also got rid of a 20+ year problem with low blood sugar by being on this diet. The diet doesn't solve all problems but it does a great job overall.
I don't have allergies and have never had food poisoning and I have eaten a lot of street food.

Didn't catch any bugs when I was driving the school bus, either. I guess I am more toxic than my environment.
I got bacterial pneumonia 3 times in 6 months a few years ago because people wouldn't keep their sick kids home. Bronchitis went around the neighborhood/bus and because of my asthma I ended up with the stupid pneumonia and the shot for that doesn't work on me. I missed almost 3 months total of work.
I have an allergy to one of the preservatives in the vaccine, my last tetanus booster cost me a week of work.
I can't have a damn tattoo for the same reason.
Since my wife and I have been following a blood type diet we rarely get sick, we have found that certain foods contain lectins that cause inflammation. I also got rid of a 20+ year problem with low blood sugar by being on this diet. The diet doesn't solve all problems but it does a great job overall.
I have never heard of the blood type diet. Seems to be working for you though, excellent!

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