Anyone watch the news?

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Brent S

Awesome Friend
Oct 10, 2013
South East US
I live a couple hours from Atlanta, so it's the majority of my local news. Anyways, I finished all my projects from the weekend, got a glass of wine, a box of cheese bits, and relaxed on the couch to catch up on what's going on in the world over the weekend. It's no wonder I'm a prepper! Every story was either crime, or bad economic news. Don't they have any good news to report on??? I like to keep up on what's going on in the world, but 90% of it is freakin depressing!
I watch hours of news through out the week and have other forms of news none of it from the internet .
anyone monitoring the biker shootout in Texas??
I watch hours of news through out the week and have other forms of news none of it from the internet .
I like the Internet, as you get to choose which stories interest you. I really don't care how many 'love children' some sports star has, or how many crimes were committed over the weekend.
anyone monitoring the biker shootout in Texas??
Was it nine people dead? I cringe a little every time I hear a story like this, as it's another rallying cry to ban all guns. Anyways, nine lives lost because of stupidity. Apparently this was a planned confrontation, even the police knew about it and were on scene, but they started shooting at each other anyways. Sometimes I think they should just let them go to war with each other out in the desert somewhere where no bystanders could get hurt.
I pretty much check CNN's site when I wake up, and do my morning business. While getting ready in the AM, I have my local cable channel's news station on in the background. After that though, I'm newsblind for most of the day, until I go to lunch. I have plenty of friends though, who'll tell me if anything big happens, that I miss during the blind spots.

Not a news junkie, just like to know at the start of the day, what's going on in the world.
I rode with bikers, been a biker most of my life, knew lots of "backpatch" people and am well known by them, but never had any trouble like this.
Didn't realize there was so much animosity between biker gangs. Most bikers I know, seems more like a frat than a "gang"...i.e. friends who have something in common.
These things happen from time to time . It was a "confrence" where all Biker Gangs in a area useualy a state send rep's to discuss operations and settle turf disputes . 2 Texas branch of Gangs one being the Bandidoes the other lesser known had ongoing trouble over the Bandideos telling the other that they could not ware the Texas rocker (bottom back patch) . It tured into a fight between 2 indaviduals then escalated . The Police knew there could be trouble and it was well known that this meeting would take place . It turned into a shootout in the parking lot and some Gang Members started to shoot at the COP's . Police returned fire .
yeah you cant wear your "patch" when travelling through another chapters turf over here, have to keep it covered.
I pretty much check CNN's site when I wake up, and do my morning business. While getting ready in the AM, I have my local cable channel's news station on in the background. After that though, I'm newsblind for most of the day, until I go to lunch. I have plenty of friends though, who'll tell me if anything big happens, that I miss during the blind spots.

Not a news junkie, just like to know at the start of the day, what's going on in the world.
I like to have an idea of what's going on, but it amazes me how many I work with that have no clue or care.
These things happen from time to time . It was a "confrence" where all Biker Gangs in a area useualy a state send rep's to discuss operations and settle turf disputes . 2 Texas branch of Gangs one being the Bandidoes the other lesser known had ongoing trouble over the Bandideos telling the other that they could not ware the Texas rocker (bottom back patch) . It tured into a fight between 2 indaviduals then escalated . The Police knew there could be trouble and it was well known that this meeting would take place . It turned into a shootout in the parking lot and some Gang Members started to shoot at the COP's . Police returned fire .
I just saw where they think the cops killed four of the nine. Moral of the story, don't shoot at cops. (Or biker gangs for that matter).
yeah.the news on tv and radio comes first with me.on acount,a person is liable to find out what's going on that way,before they find out by the way of.word of mouth.and then there's the internet as well..
How else would I have known they shut down traffic in both directions due to an escaped ostrich the other day! It actually was an emu, but it did snarl traffic for two hours. The news occasionally has something useful.
How else would I have known they shut down traffic in both directions due to an escaped ostrich the other day! It actually was an emu, but it did snarl traffic for two hours. The news occasionally has something useful.
I'd love to know I got rear ended by an eighteen-wheeler cause somebody don't have the cahonies to run over a fat bird
I've never had emu, yet. Anyone remember 25 yrs ago when everyone was going to get rich raising emu's for meat? I never did see it for sale anywhere.
it was actually a conspiracy by the NSA. They have tiny transmitters implanted in the emus infiltrating the rural areas sending info on you. They genetically engineered them to taste like armadillo so only in south Louisiana are they losing intell
On the few Emu farmes around here it seems the Emus get to retire and die of old age . I tried Emu jerky one time , it was bad .

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