Are There Health Benefits to Owning a Pet?

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ok i give,where does dinner come in at?:confused:
Don't even try to figure where that one comes in from! I get more love from the dogs I have than I ever imagined. If I had known how good dogs could be then the kids would have been in trouble....
your pet also lower your blood pressure,just by letting you pet it.
never ever have I seen anything as loyal as a dog.

that's all so true..i probably would of had a total melt down since my mom passed away,if it weren't for my 2 dogs..matter of fact.thay've probably done me more good then i can immagine..
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Dogs are awesome pets! There are even ones that can alert you to medical problems of seizures, blood sugar problems and even certain dangers, like a snake, fire. Even go find help when you are not able to. . .so yeah I would definitely say health benefit.
None of my dogs are actually smart enough to do much more than love and protect but are part of the family anyways. Heck, that's better than some of the family members come to think of it....
I reckon there are healthy benefits to owning pets that extends beyond than just companionship, I see it around here with the kids grandkids and wife, kind of like an extension of their identity in a way a crutch to their emotions that human counterparts can't fill, I see it with them but don't understand it. I do know when a pet gets sick I get less work done around here sometimes at great annoyances with me that I generally keep to myself, it's safe that way ;)
one thing that my pomeranian does time to time,when she's on my lap..she'll lean against my chest in a loving,but in a sad manor. it's as if she knows what i'm going through,and knows that my mom passed away at the same time..and of course i give her some loving attention when she does that..
My guard dog is a border terrier, fearless but completely stupid, he chases cars for fun which I dont mind but its annoying when he keeps bringing them back and burying them in my lawn thats a problem :).

Mind you I would like one these.


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