Hey guys I'm doing a essay for English class and I really need some input from anyone willing to share....
Basically my study is about "doomsday" prepping and about the people that who are actively preparing for the possibility of our world ending as we know it..
If you just answer the following questions as best you can it would be a tremendous amount of help. And just to be safe I will not refer to real names in my final paper
Do you think something catastrophic will happen to the world? What might that be?
What are some things you do to prepare for this occasion?
Do you live your day to day life differently relative/in relationship to prepping?(i.e set aside 5% income to supplies, buy 4 canned goods every trip @ grocery)
Do you have a specific plan to execute?
Are your family/friends aware of prepping?
Additionally any discussion about doomsday or doomsday prepping in general is welcome! Food for thought!!
Thanks for your help!
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Basically my study is about "doomsday" prepping and about the people that who are actively preparing for the possibility of our world ending as we know it..
If you just answer the following questions as best you can it would be a tremendous amount of help. And just to be safe I will not refer to real names in my final paper
Do you think something catastrophic will happen to the world? What might that be?
What are some things you do to prepare for this occasion?
Do you live your day to day life differently relative/in relationship to prepping?(i.e set aside 5% income to supplies, buy 4 canned goods every trip @ grocery)
Do you have a specific plan to execute?
Are your family/friends aware of prepping?
Additionally any discussion about doomsday or doomsday prepping in general is welcome! Food for thought!!
Thanks for your help!
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