Are you seeing a U.F.O. What to think?

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The Man

Super Friend
Oct 25, 2017
Northern Canada, Yellowknife
Amateur Radio Call Sign
If you think you are seeing a U.F.O. Remember it still has to obey some basic laws of physics.

In TV shows and movies anyway, they seem to move really fast sometimes. Even a hollow balloon with a engine strapped to it, would make a huge sonic boom, moving at that speed past you.

Thar sonic boom, should pick you up, and throw you, a hundred feet on more, as it passes you.

Could just be the military doing things to keep people away, or experimenting, on them, in the real world.

What if you think you are seeing "aliens". Sometimes anyway, in the movies, they seem to blink out, and then reappear, closer to you. In horror movies too, some spirit or something too. It is well know, that certain blinking lights, can cause seizures in people. Like in video games, for example.

Really bright blinking lights, might make people, have a special type of seizure, where they loose a second or two of time or more.

If I was to shine a really bright light like that, at you, and just walked towards you. You might think because of your "blackout seizures" that I'm jumping or blinking, in and out of existence, with some type of super powers or something.

Turn your back on the lights and leave. Go behind a corner. Use dark glasses, like welder goggles. The Inuit of Northern Canada made special sunglasses, out of drift wood. They shape them into glasses and cut narrow slits into them, to let just a little light in. This is to prevent snow blindness even on a overcast day.

I can say from personal experience, that snow blindness, even on a overcast day, is real. It make you feel like your eyes are on fire, and for hours. Blurry and hard to see also. It's from the glare off the snow.

To simulate these goggles, you could use some type of tape, to do the same thing to your glasses or sunglasses. Limit the amount of light that gets into your eyes. If you make some type of funnel out of paper or something. That will also limit the amount of light that gets into your eyes from the sides anyway.

Remember the truth is out there. :>)
It is in the "General" forum, so can be about anything.

This is a subject I've actually studied for a LONG time. I've had chats (both virtual, and in person) with pretty much any "expert" you'll see on any Alien/UFO TV special....not to legitimize me or anything, just to point out my level of interest in it. I've even done my own fair share of web-published resources on it, etc.

I went into it with a VERY skeptical mind. The thing is, the BEST evidence for it is actually from the government's own actions following some of the best cases. There is definitely something to this. I have no doubt we've recovered craft of alien origin.

Now, that said, I also believe that over 90 percent of most UFO sightings are actually misidentified mundane phenomenon. With modern tech, even moreso, as anyone can fake very convincing UFO "evidence" with just a PC or laptop. That is primarily why I looked at older cases. That, and the fact that the government took it VERY seriously back then, so it begged the reason...why?

It's really hard for me to accept an abduction account...though one of the best cases, remains one of the first (the Hill abduction). I mean, the lady (Betty) came away and described a star map of a constellation not even visible in her hemisphere, and then confirmed the COLOR of the stars, years before astronomers would confirm she was correct.
So whats the Off Topic section for :) Aye Cap'n Gazrok I to think there is stuff out there we dont yet understand, Its space Cap'n but not as we know it.
I for one really don't believe in UFOs (not of alien origins that is) Air, heat, water vapors, clouds and light can distort many objects and even create illusionary objects. Personally I would just prefer they don't exist. For the very slim chance such a critter exist, it's best not and try to contact these things and leave it with this phrase 'beware of what you wish for'
I'm prepared to keep an open mind on alien life as odds are stacked heavily in its favour, I got this way after being shown a 4k ultra high definition image projected onto a huge cinema screen of the Hubble Ultra Deep field image. For those not aware of it basically what the spaceologists did was find a tiny dime sized spot of space where they could see absolutely NOTHING, then they pointed the Hubble scope at it and IIRC left it pointed at it for a week or so ( not sure of the time period, just sure it was pointed at a tiny utterly empty bit of space. Then when they went back and looked at the image collected of this bit of empty space they saw THIS.

Edit, this is how Wiki described it
The Hubble Deep Field (HDF) is an image of a small region in the constellationUrsa Major, constructed from a series of observations by the Hubble Space Telescope. It covers an area about 2.6 arcminutes on a side, about one 24-millionth of the whole sky, which is equivalent in angular size to a tennis ball at a distance of 100 metres.[1] The image was assembled from 342 separate exposures taken with the Space Telescope's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 over ten consecutive days between December 18 and December 28, 1995.[2][3]

Each bit of light is a galaxy containing BILLIONS of Stars surrounded by billions of planets.

There are 10,000 galaxies just in the 1 24,000,000 piece of space alone
And estimation was made this year by assorted ologists using available data suggesting there are 4 TRILLION Galaxies we can see, 4 trillion, each one having many BILLIONS of suns and those suns have planets.

The odds are stacked in favour that in a Galaxy Far Far away that Luke, Leah, Han, Capt's Pickard / Kirk/ Lorca, President John Sheriden and Delenn and the Space Family Robinson are doing their stuff. :)
The U stands for unidentified. There are around 3 Air force bases near here and a large Wind tunnel testing facility . If I saw something unusual I'd wonder what they built now . Reminds Me of the 1970's when Everyone had a UFO story .
I have strong opinions about this, as I am a published sience fiction writer.

I'm more than 99.99% convinced that there is other intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe.

I am also more than 99.99% convinced that we haven't been visited, and UFO reports--although valid--are not the signature of intelligent life.

I, personally, have seen so many UFOs that I wouldn't bother crossing the street to see another one.

Florida is flat, and subject to weird electrical storms and other kinds of extreme weather.

I have seen ball lightning on maybe three occasions. Once, it followed a fence until in popped out of existence. I have seen lenticular clouds that look like flying saucers, planes that look like saucers when viewed through the ripples of a temperature inversion, and so on.

I'm tempted to say that I'm a hundred percent sure that we haven't been visited, but I throw 99.99% out there in discussions like this only because I believe it's important to be open-minded, and because I like to believe that I'm not so arrogant to think I have a monopoly on truth.

FYI, the leading believer/promoter of the alien abduction paradim is the novelist Whitley Strieber. He was abducted many times, and it turns out that it's likely that he's got a form of temporal lobe epilepsy that predisposes it's victims to have hallucinations.

I, myself, hallucinated people invading my bedroom (not necessarily aliens) during an episode of sleep I can see where a lot of this comes from. I believed it completely at the time, so I can see where a lot of it comes from.

All my best.
I also experienced sleep paralysis once. I was a teenager, and had just watched the movie "Gremlins" at the theatre. We had some cats and a dog. I was just about awake, and could not move, while asleep, but somewhat conscious, as my cat jumped up on my window ledge, right in front of me, to be let in. At first, it looked like a gremlin, and then changed into the cat, right in front of me. That's when I became fully awake, and could move. I was sort-of half asleep, and seeing, what's going around around me, just before I woke up.
I believe there's life on other plants. BUT! I'm yet, I'm one of them people that has to see it, to actually believe it 100%. It's the same as someone telling me there's 1 million just sitting in a parking lot. I gotta see to believe.
I've seen some pretty strange things, including OBEs. Some had explanations, but others just defy any rational explanation. Some I don't talk about because I would think I was crazy if I did. :confused:
I've seen some pretty strange things, including OBEs. Some had explanations, but others just defy any rational explanation. Some I don't talk about because I would think I was crazy if I did. :confused:

I would like to think I'm a little more open minded.

While working as a medic, I had an incident that's relevant to the OBE and mear-death experience.

We were wheeling a terminally ill patient (metastized pancreatic cancer) through the hospital, and he stopped talking when we entered the elevator.

He laughed when we got to the ground floor, and I asked him to share the joke.

He thought he died on my stretcher, because he was floating over his body...looking down at himself.

We went to the same hospital later that night for another call...and that was when I discovered that there was a mirrored ceiling in the elevator.

It's a true story.

I had it published in Skeptical Inquirer.
It seems highly improbable that in the vast seemingly infinite outter space no other intelligent life exists. I mean there are still millions of different life forms within our own planet that have yet to be discovered.

We could be the equivalent to an ant or even a micro organism to another advanced life form.

I remember as a kid I used to wonder if there were walls in space or does it go on forever. Maybe we'll never know for sure.
Personally I would just prefer they don't exist. For the very slim chance such a critter exist, it's best not and try to contact these things and leave it with this phrase 'beware of what you wish for'

Folks have seen too many alien movies.

Here's my take on it. What is the ONLY reason humans go to war? Control of resources. Really. That's it. Now, we may use other crap as a cover story, but in the end, this is the only real reason.

Now, a people that has interstellar travel? Resources are basically infinite. Therefore, they have zero motivation (assuming they have similar motivations we do), for war. Any resource in contest, they simply find it elsewhere without a fight. Hey, there's a planet full of's one full of's a planet with a frozen ocean, etc., etc.

So, not too worried about the alien invasion scenario. Odds are, their motivations would not be for war.
I remember as a kid I used to wonder if there were walls in space or does it go on forever. Maybe we'll never know for sure.

I imagine we are thinking too linear. Chances are, it would be a lot like trying to walk off the Earth. Eventually, you just come back to where you started from. Though probably more like a flat donut than a sphere...if we use similar cosmic explosions as a basis for comparison.
We could be the equivalent to an ant or even a micro organism to another advanced life form.

Like in Men In Black....where an entire galaxy was on a cat's collar charm. Or where our Universe is contained in a marble, along with other marbles, in some unfathomable giant alien's marble bag.... Mind boggling really.
He thought he died on my stretcher, because he was floating over his body...looking down at himself.

I think this is more Astral Projection than a true NDE. (Near Death Experience). I used to think it was a bunch of hooey, but apparently, whenever I'm either knocked unconscious, or getting any kind of serious physical trauma, I just "check out" of my body and float for a bit and watch. Only happened a handful of times, but one time, i got jumped, I was giving the description of the assailants based on being able to see them while floating, lol....(of course, I left THAT part out of the police report).

Just like the bit about the silver cord (attaching your astral self to your physical body). Used to think that was pure nonsense, until seeing it. There is a lot of wisdom in our ancient past. Sure, a lot of it is pretty hokey, but that doesn't mean there isn't something of real substance there too. Had I not experienced it myself (and indeed, until I did), I would have not believed it at all....
Folks have seen too many alien movies.

Here's my take on it. What is the ONLY reason humans go to war? Control of resources. Really. That's it. Now, we may use other crap as a cover story, but in the end, this is the only real reason.

Now, a people that has interstellar travel? Resources are basically infinite. Therefore, they have zero motivation (assuming they have similar motivations we do), for war. Any resource in contest, they simply find it elsewhere without a fight. Hey, there's a planet full of's one full of's a planet with a frozen ocean, etc., etc.

So, not too worried about the alien invasion scenario. Odds are, their motivations would not be for war.

Hope your right Gaz. I very seldom ever watch TV, I’m trying to figure the last time when I’ve seen some alien/space movie, I’m more going along the lines of gut feeling on this one.
I’m more going along the lines of gut feeling on this one.

Certainly natural, given our human history. Any time a more advanced tribe met with a less advanced one, it always ended the same perfectly logical to have some fear and apprehension there!!!

However, the same situation does not apply. In our history, it was always explorers looking for resources. In the case of our hypothetical aliens, resources are a non-issue for them. There is nothing here on Earth that they couldn't get elsewhere, or grow themselves without contest. So there simply isn't any human motivation for them to come out of conquest.

Indeed, infinite resources are basically what allow the fictional universe of Star Trek to go without currency. The different warring factions are simply plot devices...there's really no actual reason for the Klingons, Romulans, etc. to fight.
And for anyone who says, "but the Earth has people and animals, etc."...there's no reason they couldn't just pluck a few examples (enough for gene diversity), and then clone, clone away, for all they need. All without firing a single ray gun...

Hmmm......... ;)
I understand your point and it's a valid point, the problem is, it's not so much the fear of the aliens as it is of the human reaction amongst the world powers. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) comes to mind (shoot first) and more realistic in terms of possibility than any other space movie I have seen. Every world power would want the technology (kidnapping?) of our spacely visitor all for different reasons and not necessarily for the good of man kind.