Asking For Trouble

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Natural Selection IS Natures Way...!!

Natural Selection IS Natures Way...!!
I don't think she realized she was trolling with live bait:rolleyes:.
Shoot them all!
Make luggage out of their hides and feed the meat to Cajuns.
One of the few animals that makes my "exception list" since I don't hunt anymore.
I love animals.

But I will make exceptions: venomous snakes, groundhogs, wild hogs, coyotes, and gators are on my 'shoot-on-sight' list.
Every one less makes our world a better place.
Like the people protesting tossing the few remaining live samples of the scarlet-fever virus into the autoclave.
"It's the intentional extinction of a living organism!":cry:
Well GOOD! I'll build the fire if you need!
I'm also for the global use of Malathion to make the mosquito extinct too. We have the capability.
Anybody here gonna lose sleep if they all vanished?

Edit: Speaking of that, good to see AOL is still alive:rolleyes:.
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Eradication of species has led to serious environmental imbalances in the past - so I've read. Pseudo-jihads should be approached cautiously (I'm willing to make an exception for scarlet fever - Let It Be Gone). And Malathion has a bad rep in the side-effects category, right?
(I'm willing to make an exception for scarlet fever - Let It Be Gone). And Malathion has a bad rep in the side-effects category, right?
Sure it does, until it disappears in a week or two. Of course it's the same stuff that was sprayed in every residential area in the southern states, for decades:rolleyes:.
Malaria kills a half-million people every year, and the next year, and the next year.....and makes hundreds of millions sick, every year.
CDC said:
"In 2016, malaria caused an estimated 216 million clinical episodes, and 445,000 deaths."
I think it would be a fair trade-off if some people suffered a rash for 2 weeks to stop this scourge FOREVER!
Polio- GONE!
Diphtheria- GONE!
I remember them lining us kids up in the auditorium at school and shooting everybody with injection guns:eek:.
There were no permission slips to sign.
Diphtheria was completely wiped out in the US in less than a year. We did that.
Wikipedia said:
"In the 1920s, an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 cases of diphtheria occurred per year in the United States, causing 13,000 to 15,000 deaths per year".
(remember, there weren't that many people in the US in the 20's) Run the numbers of how many cases per year and how many deaths per year would be happening today if we had done nothing.
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When I was a kid, DDT was still the 1st resort for any buginess. I don't trust any gummint, no matter who's running it.
When I was a kid, DDT was still the 1st resort for any buginess. I don't trust any gummint, no matter who's running it.
That stuff was only bad for birds.
They poured it all over people and food plants and nothing happened.
...Except it killed the crap out of bugs:eek:.
Now if you were a bird that ate birds, that ate dead bugs, you were in deep trouble.

If you're over 60 like me, there's a long laundry-list of deadly diseases we can walk up and laugh in the face of with 'immunity' thanks to the evil gubment.
And likely one or both of us two wouldn't even be here today were it not for the 'armor' they gave us.
Remember tuberculosis? Only us old folks do. Can we get it? No. We've been vaccinated.
TB is all over the globe, but not in the US. (Edit: or in Canada, GB or Australia)
Wikipedia said:
"It is the most widely used vaccine worldwide, with more than 90% of all children being vaccinated...
In 2016, there were more than 10 million cases of active TB [worldwide] which resulted in 1.3 million deaths."
Our kids are only being vaccinated because the government requires it.
Americans don't die from TB any more.
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