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New Friend
Oct 30, 2013
Hello all,
I am a freshman in college and as a part of the writing course I am in I have to research/write a paper on a specific subculture, well, what better subculture to write about then Doomsday Prepping?! Instead of Googling all of my questions, I figured why not ask the people behind the magic themselves. So with the help of all of you, I hope you can help me better understand this extremely fascinating subculture and assist me in writing the most kick ass paper!

  • Why do you doomsday prep?
  • What values are involved with doomsday prepping? (Ex. Precision, generosity, collaboration, independence, etc.)
  • What does it take to be a prepper? (Emotionally, politically, creatively, etc., and in terms of identity and self-expression.)
  • What made you decide to become a prepper?

Well, those are all the questions I have for now. If you would like to further help me feel free to private message me! Also if you can think of ANY information that may help me out even if it wasn’t directly related to any of the questions from above, please, please, please feel free to tell me everything that’ll help me understand Doomsday Prepping. Thanks so much for your time! :m4:
the best way i know for you to get ur answers here is to read what ALL you can when it comes to the diffrent topics and'll not only learn about prepping and how to..but you'll also learn about us.for what we post and how we post,is what we are.we're like anyone see in town,in a park school libray cafe or where ever.only one thing diff..WE prep for what ever might happen..

i admit to haveing a few lose screws..i even admit to some might be missing..and thats why im a special kind of :p
For me, its definitely a form of independence. Also, I dont consider it a 'doomsday' prep, I prep for anything from a job loss to a natural disaster. The media has sensationalized someone who is a 'prepper' when its really just ordinary folk putting something aside for leaner times because, as history has shown to me, theres always going to be some sort of fluctuation in the economy and theres always some sort of war going on. Some people are much more extreme while others are not, I have friends of both types. Sometimes Ill get weird looks when talking to some people but then someone else comes along and has the same frame of mind as I do. We'll have a good, long conversation and never even get each other's name. I, like everyone else, dont really appreciate being viewed as 'having some screws loose' but I've decided to answer your questions as best I thought.
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look back to the 1500's up to the early 1900's.maybe as far as the 1950's...ppl as it has been said(prep)..they canned foods for when times were/are other words they prepared for the worse if and when it happened.and had food to eat because of that.while others starved to death.
My apologies to all that took offense to my post. I didn't mean to offend any of you. I just simply have always been fascinated with the concept of Doomsday Prepping and found this paper a great way to not only fill a requirement for a class but also fill myself in on exactly what it would take to partake in such an amazing thing. For the record, I don't think any of you have "loose screws" if anyone has loose screws it would be the people who aren't preparing like the rest of you. Once again I apologize to those I offended.

Oh and a big thanks to those who replied with answers to my questions or with any information for that matter. Your words are greatly appreciated.
I am just obeying FEMA:

But seriously, I have personally been through two hurricanes and several periods of unemployment. I was a member of a Red Cross Disaster Action Team in the late 1970's and watched other people deal with the aftermath of hurricanes, floods and tornadoes.

The only reason more people aren't prepared is that they have a false sense of security thinking "That won't happen to me." And when it does they can't believe it happened to them.

Do YOU want to be "That Guy"???? I Don't

And then you add the economic situation. The Fed is apparently going "To Infinity and Beyond!" with QE3. That's going to collapse the dollar at some point, I don't know when. The whole world is pissed at us right now.

And my spidey senses seem to be constantly tingling lately.
Q1 - Why do I prep - That is fairly easy to answer. It is better to prepare for nothing, than be unprepared for a worse case scenario. Natural, or man made.
Q2 - Values - I mainly do it for independence from Government. As clearly shown these days. Fed Gov wants all of us dependent on them.
Q3 - What does it take - I would have to say it takes knowledge with an open mind. If you keep an open mind about anything it becomes easier to understand the importance to be independent from Government or anyone for that matter. That is the biggest problem with the "unprepared", they are closed minded. They want to believe mainstream media, and the Government we have are here to "help, and protect us".
Q4 - What made me decide to become a prepper - Same as above. I do not, and WILL not be dependent on any Government for any reason. The only person I am dependent on is 1. Myself, and 2. GOD!!!!

Some will argue that money is not the root of all evil. "Absolute power corrupts Absolutely". While that is true, it takes a lot of MONEY to gain power. Therefore Money is the root of all evil.
I really don't consider myself a "prepper". I do what I do because it is a lifestyle for me and my family. I like the fact that we can grow and raise our own foods along with the benefits of not having extra chemicals and hormones mixed in with it. I know exactly what I put in my garden and what I feed my critters. I give to them and they get back to me. Critters get spoiled rotten around here, even the one that will be going into slaughter. We fed them well and love on them and they provide us with more lovin and meat. I get my eggs and milk from them; it being both cow and goat milk. With this, we have fresh milk to drink and can make my own cheeses. With the garden, we have fresh veggies most of the year and the leftovers get dried, canned and frozen. We slaughter our pig for all the meat, including heart, kidney, liver and lights for gravy, the head for headcheese and get the fat to make our lard and soap. Nothing goes to waste around here. We also fish and crab since we are near the coast. It's the "way life should be" at least for me and my family. Hunny and the boys deal with home security and are well equipped and trained in various weapons. I can shoot when need be, but hopefully that day will never come. I do not want to ever have to rely on our government. Not only because of this administration, but with some of the past included in there too. I like the fact that we are self-sufficient for the most part.
XX XXX XXX XXXXX XXX XX I'll tell all. :) Better yet ask a later day saint person they've been doing this for a 100 years it's not new and not a sub-culture
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I find it interesting that after she didn't get much she moved on and never posted anywhere else but, She was sooo interested in becoming a prepper...

You were just waiting to use the BS flag. . . lol, but yes you are correct. If she was actually interested she would have asked questions
I find it interesting that after she didn't get much she moved on and never posted anywhere else but, She was sooo interested in becoming a prepper...

You were just waiting to use the BS flag. . . lol, but yes you are correct. If she was actually interested she would have asked questions
She was only interested in getting help for her homework. I am sure it will read in a manner that makes us all look like we are, at a minimum, 5149 ½
I don't think she was all that interested. I think she was just trying to get some info so she could write a term paper or something along those lines. Something about "Subcultures"... I would imagine that she realized many(Most?) people don't like to be thought of as a subculture. Especially if there are people who are trying to give them a bad name. They want it to seem as mainstream as possible.

My guess is that she either picked up a new handle here or moved on to another forum where she won't reveal that part of her inquiry.

BYW, Cyde, what do you know about 5150? The only people I seem to find that know about that are people who ARE INDEED 5149 1/2!!!:bday:Shoot:bday:Shoot
I don't think she was all that interested. I think she was just trying to get some info so she could write a term paper or something along those lines. Something about "Subcultures"... I would imagine that she realized many(Most?) people don't like to be thought of as a subculture. Especially if there are people who are trying to give them a bad name. They want it to seem as mainstream as possible.

My guess is that she either picked up a new handle here or moved on to another forum where she won't reveal that part of her inquiry.

BYW, Cyde, what do you know about 5150? The only people I seem to find that know about that are people who ARE INDEED 5149 1/2!!!:bday:Shoot:bday:Shoot
You haven't met my ex-in laws.
Plus the Sheriff's Academy

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