This is just my opinion. Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon to blame whatever they can because their kid is out of control/doesn't listen/slow learner/heathen/whatever. These people want to blame anything they can except for themselves and the fact that the majority of them are too wrapped up in their own lives to be real parents.
A kid acts out in class, says oatmeal feels funny, and his socks are itchy. Well by God, you know that that has to be autism, can't be the kid being a pain in the ass. So these parents jump on that bandwagon that vaccinations cause their kid to act like fools. I don't buy it.
Yes, there are people with autism, I have a cousin with it, there is no mistaking it with him. It's not just a convenient label to slap on the kid when the parent doesn't want to discipline their kids. Had a gal I knew who swore up and down her kid had undiagnosed autism because she WebMD'd it. The kid was out of control little heathen who got away with murder. She asked me to watch him for a weekend. Told her I would, but I wasn't mollycoddling him in the least. You know, she got back a polite kid on Sunday evening. Asked me what I'd done. Told her that I did what she needed to so, put my foot in the kid's rear end, took away the video games and movies, opened the door and turned him loose on the farm. The kid had a blast. Just needed to know that there would be consequences for his actions.
There is a generation of Munchausen parents out there that want to slap every label they can on their kid so they have no responsibility on them when the kid goes insane from all the sugar, processed foods, violent video games, inappropriate programming and whatnot. One woman has dragged her kid to every doctor in the county and the counties surrounding us to get a diagnosis that satisfies her and gets a check each month from SSI on the kid. Sick, isn't it? There's nothing wrong with the kid that losing the video games and junk food wouldn't fix. This is also the same woman that went to 23 different doctors to have someone tell her she had fibromyalgia because she was certain she had it. All of them but 1 told her to lose weight, get a job, and exercise, that she'd feel better. The last doctor she bullied until he finally said that she 'might' have it.
Okay, I'm getting off my soap box now.