Australian Telegraph newspaper endorses medical child abuse: Unvaccinated children should be raised

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Feb 22, 2013
Australian Telegraph newspaper endorses medical child abuse: Unvaccinated children should be raised as outcasts

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My oldest daughter was unable to be vaccinated against whooping cough and I thought that there would be massive problems with the school. I was surprised to find that there was no edict that said she absolutely had to have it done and all that was required was for me to keep her home during an outbreak of whooping cough when she was in 3rd grade. The bad thing was and I think still is, she cannot leave the country without that vaccine.
Ok, this has been an interesting debate here in Australia for a while. Our country is big on immunisations, which is done for children at little or no cost. There is an anti vaccination group, using dubiously named web sites who are passing on unsubstantiated claims re vaccination. One group was recently ordered by Court to change their name of their website as it was misleading. I'm not 100% sure of the name, but it was something like "Australian Vaccinations", but was an anti vaccination site.
The newspaper article ( follow links ) is highlighting the need for vaccination. It can also be counter argued that NOT vaccinating a child is also a form of child abuse.
Yes, some ( a very small minority ) have adverse reactions, but the vast majority don't. Yes, it ultimately is the parents choice, but most do vaccinate. We do, and, if there was a major sickness going around our town - like at the moment there is scarlet fever starting to go through the schools, I sure don't want my kid playing with someone who isn't immunised!!
Problem with these "naturalistic" sites is they play on peoples fear, using their own 'scientific' research. I'm not downplaying natural therapy, just the means some of these groups use to get their political agenda across.
I'm not against most vaccinations, but there are a few new ones out there that I'm not sure about yet and my kid can get them if she wants them when she is of age.
Ok, this has been an interesting debate here in Australia for a while. Our country is big on immunisations, which is done for children at little or no cost. There is an anti vaccination group, using dubiously named web sites who are passing on unsubstantiated claims re vaccination. One group was recently ordered by Court to change their name of their website as it was misleading. I'm not 100% sure of the name, but it was something like "Australian Vaccinations", but was an anti vaccination site.
The newspaper article ( follow links ) is highlighting the need for vaccination. It can also be counter argued that NOT vaccinating a child is also a form of child abuse.
Yes, some ( a very small minority ) have adverse reactions, but the vast majority don't. Yes, it ultimately is the parents choice, but most do vaccinate. We do, and, if there was a major sickness going around our town - like at the moment there is scarlet fever starting to go through the schools, I sure don't want my kid playing with someone who isn't immunised!!
Problem with these "naturalistic" sites is they play on peoples fear, using their own 'scientific' research. I'm not downplaying natural therapy, just the means some of these groups use to get their political agenda across.
Jay I'm not downplaying what your say in cause, i do see your point, but do you see the descriptive phrases you just used to describe those people that you think ought to be ostrasized.... change two words and you described me and you perfectly. We are not in the majority either. What excuse will they use to remove us from society , because we don't buy their song and dance? The pipers piping and me and you ain't buying......
Jay I'm not downplaying what your say in cause, i do see your point, but do you see the descriptive phrases you just used to describe those people that you think ought to be ostrasized.... change two words and you described me and you perfectly. We are not in the majority either. What excuse will they use to remove us from society , because we don't buy their song and dance? The pipers piping and me and you ain't buying......
I grew up in the 50's and me and my 5 brothers and 2 sisters caught almost every ailment that was invented. Whooping cough, mumps, measels, every time we were tested in school for TB we showed positive. I played with kids on the playground who had polio, shrunken hands, arms etc. I can't understand why parents would want to deny their kids proven inoculations. My kids never felt any of the diseases that I went through. At the same time we hate any time that the government forces anything on us. I just ask, why are they rebelling? Why are they making this an issue?
I grew up in the 50's and me and my 5 brothers and 2 sisters caught almost every ailment that was invented. Whooping cough, mumps, measels, every time we were tested in school for TB we showed positive. I played with kids on the playground who had polio, shrunken hands, arms etc. I can't understand why parents would want to deny their kids proven inoculations. My kids never felt any of the diseases that I went through. At the same time we hate any time that the government forces anything on us. I just ask, why are they rebelling? Why are they making this an issue?
This makes me think...inoculations will stop, won't they? Another decline in the human population, we will truly go back to midevil times where diseases rules the earth.
This is just my opinion. Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon to blame whatever they can because their kid is out of control/doesn't listen/slow learner/heathen/whatever. These people want to blame anything they can except for themselves and the fact that the majority of them are too wrapped up in their own lives to be real parents.

A kid acts out in class, says oatmeal feels funny, and his socks are itchy. Well by God, you know that that has to be autism, can't be the kid being a pain in the ass. So these parents jump on that bandwagon that vaccinations cause their kid to act like fools. I don't buy it.

Yes, there are people with autism, I have a cousin with it, there is no mistaking it with him. It's not just a convenient label to slap on the kid when the parent doesn't want to discipline their kids. Had a gal I knew who swore up and down her kid had undiagnosed autism because she WebMD'd it. The kid was out of control little heathen who got away with murder. She asked me to watch him for a weekend. Told her I would, but I wasn't mollycoddling him in the least. You know, she got back a polite kid on Sunday evening. Asked me what I'd done. Told her that I did what she needed to so, put my foot in the kid's rear end, took away the video games and movies, opened the door and turned him loose on the farm. The kid had a blast. Just needed to know that there would be consequences for his actions.

There is a generation of Munchausen parents out there that want to slap every label they can on their kid so they have no responsibility on them when the kid goes insane from all the sugar, processed foods, violent video games, inappropriate programming and whatnot. One woman has dragged her kid to every doctor in the county and the counties surrounding us to get a diagnosis that satisfies her and gets a check each month from SSI on the kid. Sick, isn't it? There's nothing wrong with the kid that losing the video games and junk food wouldn't fix. This is also the same woman that went to 23 different doctors to have someone tell her she had fibromyalgia because she was certain she had it. All of them but 1 told her to lose weight, get a job, and exercise, that she'd feel better. The last doctor she bullied until he finally said that she 'might' have it.

Okay, I'm getting off my soap box now.
Old Anorak, I agree. People are very quick to put a 'disorder' on people's behaviour. Down here, they are saying 1 in 5 has a mental illness - have you ever felt sad/depressed?? Yes - so you then have a mental illness.
Take ADD - attention disoder defecit - kids play up, so fill them full of drugs, problem solved!! I know of many parents who had kids diagnised as ADD - they refused the medication, changed the kids diet, dramatically decreasing sugar in the diet, few weeks/months, hypo kid back to normal. Problem seems to be that parents don't take responsibility anymore, and point the blame elsewhere. " I have a naughty kid, must be a medical condition". Too easy to load up a kid with drugs, when all they need is a bit of firm, loving discipline, and in many cases, a change in diet.

Vaccinations have again hit the news here - some states considering banning unvaccinated kids from schools ' in the event of an outbreak" ie - measles, mumps etc.

Anyway, I'm not a doctor, nor do I have any medical training apart from a 1st Aid certificate, so I am not speaking as a professional, just an interested observer.
Seems like a lot of these ADD and other diagnosed kids need to be kept away from the junk food and foot applied to their backside when needed. And I won't even charge for that advice.

Case in point. My brother has a son that is an unholy terror. He's so bad that when he started kindergarten, the school called my brother and told him not to bring him back. Now I have no idea why my brother hasn't dealt with the issue, he was raised the same way I was. His wife on the other hand... that kid is her entire world, he's a prince, can do no wrong, blah, blah, blah.
The boy is 11 now and they came to the house for a bbq last summer and the little brat tried to hit me because I wouldn't let him load up on soda and junk. Actually drew back his fist and let fly at my face. His mama near died when I snatched that little **** up and whooped his butt, and I mean whooped it. That kid is going to end up in jail if they don't get a handle on him. I've told my brother to send him to me for a few weeks, he'll get a different kid back, his wife won't do it though. I'm a big green meanie because I spanked her kid.
This is just my opinion. Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon to blame whatever they can because their kid is out of control/doesn't listen/slow learner/heathen/whatever. These people want to blame anything they can except for themselves and the fact that the majority of them are too wrapped up in their own lives to be real parents.

A kid acts out in class, says oatmeal feels funny, and his socks are itchy. Well by God, you know that that has to be autism, can't be the kid being a pain in the ass. So these parents jump on that bandwagon that vaccinations cause their kid to act like fools. I don't buy it.

Yes, there are people with autism, I have a cousin with it, there is no mistaking it with him. It's not just a convenient label to slap on the kid when the parent doesn't want to discipline their kids. Had a gal I knew who swore up and down her kid had undiagnosed autism because she WebMD'd it. The kid was out of control little heathen who got away with murder. She asked me to watch him for a weekend. Told her I would, but I wasn't mollycoddling him in the least. You know, she got back a polite kid on Sunday evening. Asked me what I'd done. Told her that I did what she needed to so, put my foot in the kid's rear end, took away the video games and movies, opened the door and turned him loose on the farm. The kid had a blast. Just needed to know that there would be consequences for his actions.

There is a generation of Munchausen parents out there that want to slap every label they can on their kid so they have no responsibility on them when the kid goes insane from all the sugar, processed foods, violent video games, inappropriate programming and whatnot. One woman has dragged her kid to every doctor in the county and the counties surrounding us to get a diagnosis that satisfies her and gets a check each month from SSI on the kid. Sick, isn't it? There's nothing wrong with the kid that losing the video games and junk food wouldn't fix. This is also the same woman that went to 23 different doctors to have someone tell her she had fibromyalgia because she was certain she had it. All of them but 1 told her to lose weight, get a job, and exercise, that she'd feel better. The last doctor she bullied until he finally said that she 'might' have it.

Okay, I'm getting off my soap box now.
Anorak mine was hereditary ...I remember when they called my parents to the school and told them I was parents were so happy that on the way home they bought me a drawing tablet and new crayons.....
ThT last post isn't altogether true...but I was an awful kid. But it was not nobody else's fault. I was just mean. I needed that kick in the pants. Heck I was even expelled from vacation bible school at the baptist church. That's gotta be a record of sorts. But more to the point.....all of the world wanted me to go to school and be a roll model executive or a banker or a lawyer or maybe a doctor.( sheeple) nothing against those jobs just wasn't what I wanted to be. I wanted to be a farmer like my they always talked that down like it was a disgrace to society. So I found myself struggling with the establishment which thought they knew what was best for me for the rest of my childhood. They made me feel like there was something wrong with me because I didn't care about the important things in life, money , power, and prestige. They tried to imply their values onto me. Made me hate everybody. I became a militant punk with a chip on my shoulder. I resented anyone trying to make me FULFILL MY POTENTAL. I wound up fighting at the drop of a hat. I always thought the other guy started it( when you get in 2 to three fights a week , it can't be the other guy.) And until I learned to understand that I was OK just different from them, I probably would still be fighting and resentful . But God made us all as unique individuals and we were created just the way he wanted us.....imperfections and all as some would call it. My parents done well with me. It just took a lot of extra work on their part. I'm not joking when I say I am the add or ADHD poster child. All my kids have it. All my grandkids have it. So I probably got it honest. But ...instead of trying to fix it, we need to look at steering it in a direction instead of trying to derail someone who is hyper. You would not believe what a hyper kid can accomplish because they can throw so much energy at something. So it becomes far more practical to steer young minds than to try to control them. You steer a horse because you are not gonna drag him if he don't want to go. We need to love people because of their differences not in spite of.makes life a whole lot more interesting. Man y'all are weird...but that's why I love y'all.
This is just my opinion. Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon to blame whatever they can because their kid is out of control/doesn't listen/slow learner/heathen/whatever. These people want to blame anything they can except for themselves and the fact that the majority of them are too wrapped up in their own lives to be real parents.

A kid acts out in class, says oatmeal feels funny, and his socks are itchy. Well by God, you know that that has to be autism, can't be the kid being a pain in the ass. So these parents jump on that bandwagon that vaccinations cause their kid to act like fools. I don't buy it.

Yes, there are people with autism, I have a cousin with it, there is no mistaking it with him. It's not just a convenient label to slap on the kid when the parent doesn't want to discipline their kids. Had a gal I knew who swore up and down her kid had undiagnosed autism because she WebMD'd it. The kid was out of control little heathen who got away with murder. She asked me to watch him for a weekend. Told her I would, but I wasn't mollycoddling him in the least. You know, she got back a polite kid on Sunday evening. Asked me what I'd done. Told her that I did what she needed to so, put my foot in the kid's rear end, took away the video games and movies, opened the door and turned him loose on the farm. The kid had a blast. Just needed to know that there would be consequences for his actions.

There is a generation of Munchausen parents out there that want to slap every label they can on their kid so they have no responsibility on them when the kid goes insane from all the sugar, processed foods, violent video games, inappropriate programming and whatnot. One woman has dragged her kid to every doctor in the county and the counties surrounding us to get a diagnosis that satisfies her and gets a check each month from SSI on the kid. Sick, isn't it? There's nothing wrong with the kid that losing the video games and junk food wouldn't fix. This is also the same woman that went to 23 different doctors to have someone tell her she had fibromyalgia because she was certain she had it. All of them but 1 told her to lose weight, get a job, and exercise, that she'd feel better. The last doctor she bullied until he finally said that she 'might' have it.

Okay, I'm getting off my soap box now.
You're right on target.
ThT last post isn't altogether true...but I was an awful kid. But it was not nobody else's fault. I was just mean. I needed that kick in the pants. Heck I was even expelled from vacation bible school at the baptist church. That's gotta be a record of sorts. But more to the point.....all of the world wanted me to go to school and be a roll model executive or a banker or a lawyer or maybe a doctor.( sheeple) nothing against those jobs just wasn't what I wanted to be. I wanted to be a farmer like my they always talked that down like it was a disgrace to society. So I found myself struggling with the establishment which thought they knew what was best for me for the rest of my childhood. They made me feel like there was something wrong with me because I didn't care about the important things in life, money , power, and prestige. They tried to imply their values onto me. Made me hate everybody. I became a militant punk with a chip on my shoulder. I resented anyone trying to make me FULFILL MY POTENTAL. I wound up fighting at the drop of a hat. I always thought the other guy started it( when you get in 2 to three fights a week , it can't be the other guy.) And until I learned to understand that I was OK just different from them, I probably would still be fighting and resentful . But God made us all as unique individuals and we were created just the way he wanted us.....imperfections and all as some would call it. My parents done well with me. It just took a lot of extra work on their part. I'm not joking when I say I am the add or ADHD poster child. All my kids have it. All my grandkids have it. So I probably got it honest. But ...instead of trying to fix it, we need to look at steering it in a direction instead of trying to derail someone who is hyper. You would not believe what a hyper kid can accomplish because they can throw so much energy at something. So it becomes far more practical to steer young minds than to try to control them. You steer a horse because you are not gonna drag him if he don't want to go. We need to love people because of their differences not in spite of.makes life a whole lot more interesting. Man y'all are weird...but that's why I love y'all.
Man it takes big ones to put that out there, open up to the public. I applaud you.
Bill, I wasn't saying that ADD wasn't a real diagnosis for some adults and children. What I was saying is that too many people are too quick to label a child with ADD if the kid is a handful. Autism is another one. My oldest girl has Asperger's, she's not good with people, but she can get an animal to do anything for her. We learned to adjust things for her so she wasn't overwhelmed and didn't completely withdraw. She works with the disabled adults now and trains and grooms dogs on the side. She's happy and healthy, just doesn't do crowds well.

I don't want kids to be cookie cutouts of what the establishment think that they should be. I abhor that idea actually. What I do expect though are manners, an understanding of what is right and wrong, a knowledge that for every action there is a reaction.

I wasn't a model child to say the least. I was angry all of the time. I got into fights from grade school all the way up and through high school. It didn't matter if it was a guy or gal, if someone started something I was throwing down without warning. I have a violent temper and it's taken me years to get it under control. Even though I was meaner than a snake, I knew to behave when I was supposed to, but the problem the teachers had with me was that they couldn't keep up with how fast I was learning. They didn't have programs back then like they do now and as a result I would tune out in class and read. I wasn't disruptive, I just was past what they were doing.
My English III teacher thought I was being a smart ass when I told her at the beginning of the class that I already knew the material. She told me that if I could pass the final exams then she'd pass me for the class and I could do whatever I wanted to for that hour. I took the test that day and aced it. I was accused of cheating. Took it again in the principal's office with witnesses, once again I passed with flying colors. The principal told the teacher that she had to follow through on her offer. I spent a lot of time in the library just wanting to be left alone.

What helped me was the fact that my parents saw the problem and did something about it. They channeled my energy to put it to use instead of me sleeping in class. My senior year in high school, I had only 1 credit left before I could graduate but I had to be there the entire day for one class. My counselor managed to get me enrolled in college courses that year to keep me occupied and did this with my parents' blessing.

Okay, I'm rambling and didn't mean to be. Basically what I am trying to say is that a good number of today's parents need to tune out of their own crap and tune into their kids lives. I get so angry when I see a child trying to get their parent's attention and the child is told to shut up because mommy or daddy is on the phone or playing a game or on face book.

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