Helpful Info. Australians Aged Care/Nursing mandatory vaccine

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Mandatory vaccine??? What has happened to Australians? They were once known as people with balls who questioned and resisted authority. They used to be a model for us all.
Mandatory vaccine??? What has happened to Australians? They were once known as people with balls who questioned and resisted authority. They used to be a model for us all.
I’m sure they still question conservative authority and natural law
The Swiss used to be role models for many when it comes to defending the country and believing in their own people. Those times are over and you will not come back anytime soon, impossible to bring these times back again. Mainstream media, the destruction of history, immigration and left-wing schooling have destroyed the spirit of freedom and there are too many sheep and too few people who can still think for themselves.

Unfortunately, this is also a sad fact here, as in Australia, many people today recklessly do anything when they are thrown a little "freedom" or a piece of bread. Only the people do not notice that this is no longer freedom but that you are then regularly obliged to meet new government demands that your "freedom" is a flat freedom based on coercion. If things continue like this in terms of mandatory vaccination, we are heading for a major social catastrophe, behind the whole thing is not Corona, but another sinister plan.

Corona does not justify any compulsory vaccination and no social exclusion of those who are not vaccinated, Corona is definitely not dangerous enough and the mortality from Corona is too small for such vaccination experiments.
Why isn’t everyone outraged about mandatory vaccines for school children? I personally am not concerned about anyone being vaccinated for covid. Since it’s free, here in the states at least, there is no excuse to not have it. I’m vaccinated and don’t have any concern about it anymore. If your an adult you know the risks and take your chances. Unless you’re self insured to cover your medical bills I don’t have a problem with mandatory vaccination for anyone in a high risk group. I just don’t feel it’s fair to make me pay for anyone else’s decision to not protect themselves.
Why make something mandatory that it does not need? Why make vaccination compulsory, which actually achieves nothing, except to support the pharmaceutical industry and to accept thousands of vaccination damages?

I say it again Brendt S, Corona is from my point of view not so bad that these measures justify themselves and only since the governments in the large environment people with each method to the vaccination entice there are more and more mutations which become even more resistant.
Why do you want to vaccinate children? This is mainly to poison them with experimental vaccines, thousands of children will die and be harmed by these vaccines, thousands of children more than will ever die from Corona. Behind this whole vaccination strategy is a dirty plan, and I am sure we are being lied to by the government. At the moment, the only solution is to stop trusting the authorities and to vote for different people at every election than the corrupt bunch that is now in power.
anyone in the UK working in a care home as well as the residents will be required to have the vaccine.
Mandatory vaccines for school children are only required in California, that I know of. The excuse for that has been because so many illegals are flooding the school system and they are not vaccinated. In most states, it is ok for the parent to sign a waiver for vaccines for the child.
My mom lives in her apartment in assisted living for old people. They just had 3 people test positive for covid. One staff member and 2 residents. All three of these people had two pfizer vaccines and still got it. It wasn't mandatory for the residents to get the vaxx, but all of them chose to.

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