Back at it again…

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Awesome Friend
Apr 16, 2021
After getting busy with family, work and just life in general I’m back now that things have settled down with a new little one born back in July. We officially have a full house.. haha
Been gone so long I noticed a lot of new folks and just wanted to reintroduce myself to the ones that I ain’t talked to yet
After getting busy with family, work and just life in general I’m back now that things have settled down with a new little one born back in July. We officially have a full house.. haha
Been gone so long I noticed a lot of new folks and just wanted to reintroduce myself to the ones that I ain’t talked to yet
How long were you gone? Have you been on since the merge?
All is well ! We had a good harvest in the garden this year..and got a lot of canning done and also put up 48 chickens to go with the hog and hopefully a deer or two this fall
I know that sounds like a lot but a now family of 7 we go through some grub! Haha
Well I don’t know anything about a merge??
I guess it’s has been a few months since I’ve been here

It’s also glad see no one forgot about me! Haha
I’m waiting for @Pearl to chime in anytime..
I was missing you!! Figured you were busy with the kids, family, and the dog! How is all of your bunch doing??? Glad to see you!!
I was missing you!! Figured you were busy with the kids, family, and the dog! How is all of your bunch doing??? Glad to see you!!
Well the kids keep growing and get more rotten everyday! I call them my feral kids haha
And Rooster ( my malinois) has turned out to be a good kid wrangler as well. He won’t let them get to close to the end of the yard before he herds them back torwards the house haha
Welcome back BT! Hubby had a 6 yard shot at a forky buck this morning, but wasn’t legal so had to just sit and watch it go by. (They have to be at least 3 points here.)
Will be looking forward to your input 😊

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