Bad Moon Rising

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This Benghazi fable is very bad

1) Fox news has been all over this from the beginning

2) The other noise networks couldn't care less
They trot out their comedians to ridicule Fox for investigating the story

3) ABC Shits the story about all the revisions of the talking points
Now the rest of the sheep news networks need to follow suit

4). This is going to get bad for the Kenyan in Chief
Bad for MadDamn Secretary

Does anyone remember The Hillary commercial at 3 o'clock in the morning?

What will be the next major non-news story to distract America?

What will be the next attack on Americans civil liberties?

The hotter it gets for Barry,
The more Tyrannical this government will be
Who will be the victims in this major power grab?
The doublespeak in this press briefing is disgusting

We truly are a doomed nation if a majority
of the population believes this **** !

Here is an example of Obama's doublespeak

For other uses, see Dystopia (disambiguation).
See also: Utopian and dystopian fiction
A dystopia is a community or society, usually fictional, that is in some important way undesirable or frightening. It is the opposite of a utopia. Such societies appear in many works of fiction, particularly in stories set in a speculative future. Dystopias are often characterized by dehumanization,[1]totalitarian governments, environmental disaster,[2] or other characteristics associated with a cataclysmic decline in society. Elements of dystopias may vary from environmental to political and social issues. Dystopian societies have culminated in a broad series of sub-genres of fiction and are often used to raise real-world issues regarding society, environment, politics, religion, psychology, spirituality, or technology that may become present in the future. For this reason, dystopias have taken the form of a multitude of speculations, such as pollution, poverty, societal collapse, political repression, or totalitarianism.

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