Bankers commiting suicide

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Awesome Friend
Jun 10, 2013
Wilmington N.C

It has been reported that so far 7 banker executives have commited suicide, several has jumped off buildings, another shot himself with a nail gun. Gerald Celente says it is more like 20+ that has died recently. 3 of which worked for JP Morgan/Chase. Could it be they finally realized what they were doing was wrong, and their conscious caught up to them, or do they know to much, and was ready to come clean, and was silenced? Or could it be they knew the economy was about to collapse because the bank corps they work for is causing it? And of course you will not hear of this in the Corp media. Either way this should be very concerning.
I'm glad I took my money out of the banks a long time ago when the dollar was worth something and invested it in stuff that will be worth more than money in the near future, like rice, beans, water purification, and ammo.:)
Banking has always been a high-stress career choice. I think you'd have to examine all the nuances of each to truly say if it is a connect-the-dots scenario, or just a bunch of folks losing all they worked for due to too much risk.
Banking has always been a high-stress career choice. I think you'd have to examine all the nuances of each to truly say if it is a connect-the-dots scenario, or just a bunch of folks losing all they worked for due to too much risk.

In some cases that may be true, but I highly doubt anyone would try to kill themselves using a nailgun, shooting themselves "10" times? That just does not sound like a suicide to me. I remember in the 90's a day trader in Atlanta that killed his wife, and child. The next day went to the place he was working, and shot up other people, that led to a police chase ending in a small town NW of Atlanta. I believe he shot himself. It happened before in the 70's, but nothing like this, or not this many so close together.
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Banking has always been a high-stress career choice. I think you'd have to examine all the nuances of each to truly say if it is a connect-the-dots scenario, or just a bunch of folks losing all they worked for due to too much risk.

At best, id say this is something like the chain reaction suicides that take place. You know, one student at school cant handle it, and decides to take the permanent solution to a temporary problem... Then another one says "Man, look at how much attention he got, maybe I should do the same," or might use the following excuse. Then a chain reaction starts. Bankers might say, "If he can do it, so can I. He must not suffer anymore... and I dont want to either" and use it as justification for their actions. Might also be the whole "when it rains, it pours" thing. Personally, I really have very little sympathy for those who are selfish enough to take their own life.

All this aside, I think it to be very odd how some of these take place. Like the nail gun incident..(Shot "7 or 8" times?).. I have to wonder what could push a banker to such a painful and bloody death. (Possibly guilt? I think more probably execution...) I dont think stress normally warrants these kinds of suicides. Im thinking stress related suicides normally deal with eliminating the source of the stress, then ends with them killing themselves. I AM NOT AN EXPERT, so thus I cant speak with medical certainty on it. I just believe that the nature of these deaths are rather odd for a stress induced action.

And if Gazrok is right... should we be worried that bankers are losing tons of money? Could it be a sign of a slow down? I dont know how that trickles down through the economy, so ill leave that up for interpretation.

In the end, I dont think it particularly matters if it was guilt induced or just government closing off valves that were about to blow. Both are extremely alarming and should be taken as a warning.
In some cases that may be true, but I highly doubt anyone would try to kill themselves using a nailgun, shooting themselves "10" times? That just does not sound like a suicide to me.

Have to agree with you there. If you're talking about bizarre suicides, that's a different story. Nobody is choosing that way to check out, that's just murder.
Someone needs to pass a law limiting the size of nail gun magazines to 3 rounds, then tragedies like this could be avoided.

OR, Keep the nail guns, but BAN the nails. OR put tougher regulations on nail manufacturing companies, and raise TAXES on them causing them to shut down or move to another country. Hell while they are at it why not make a law requiring nail GUN registration.
Maybe they know something we don't, something that makes death look like an attractive option.
I do not trust anyone with my money. I think it is disgusting how the bankers and "financial advisors" can get away with stealing peoples hard earned money or nest eggs and have no repercussions.

they can all jump off a bridge for all I care.

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