Besides 10mm sockets, what seems to always disappear?

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What ever the shop gnomes need for their projects, hammers, the more tools I have the less I can find.
And sharpies, are they like gold to gnomes, i have other brand permenent marker that stay around, but sharpies: poof
You guys actually have to PUT THE SOCKETS ON THOSE HOLDERS! A no blaming wives!! Y'all lose everything!! If I had a dollar for every time Hubby asked me where he put something or if I can find something I'd be rich!!
I do!





And it is usually me finding things The Princess has lost.

yes sharpies!! And pens, pocket knifes , duct tape rolls, scissors , tape measures , everything really. Husband continuously forgets where he put stuff, it's so bad I now have my own tool box...

oh and then he likes to keep broken stuff, like a whole bag of broken plastic thingies you attach electric tape to a t post with I found today . I asked " why did you keep these" ? Him" well, maybe I can use them for something"
They are BROKEN plastic pieces!!!
yes sharpies!! And pens, pocket knifes , duct tape rolls, scissors , tape measures , everything really. Husband continuously forgets where he put stuff, it's so bad I now have my own tool box...

oh and then he likes to keep broken stuff, like a whole bag of broken plastic thingies you attach electric tape to a t post with I found today . I asked " why did you keep these" ? Him" well, maybe I can use them for something"
They are BROKEN plastic pieces!!!
He keeps all that crap because if he throws it away he will have a use for it the next day or the next week. He has experienced that several times already.
often people think that organization like socket bars will keep things from disappearing It works to a point. for a one job at a time thing. but if you have several jobs going at once you spend more time going back and forth to the tool box for tools than you do fixing. I do job pails, every toll that I use goes in the pail ' til the jobs done, all the parts that come off to be replaced go in a pail, all the garbage goes in a pail. amazing how many times a missing fastener is in the garbage pail, no matter how careful one is.
Somehow the sharpies escape. I am going to train the shop cats to capture a shop gnome and convince it to trade tools for sharpies, Sharpies are relatively cheap and sockets are not
It's all about organization guys!!😉
that's what my neighbor says , you have to purge , keep it organized, until she need something weird, then she comes shopping in my less purged zone.
He keeps all that crap because if he throws it away he will have a use for it the next day or the next week. He has experienced that several times already.

Many times people have asked "if I have ..." I have turned a wicked grin and replied " You know you are just encouraging me don't you?"

Third row middle shelf in red case under the bins.

And sharpies, are they like gold to gnomes, i have other brand permenent marker that stay around, but sharpies: poof
Our shop has fairies 🧚. Must be the border 😂
Small straps - for strapping things on the trailer. The big ones are always there but I buy 4 packs and can never find them when I need one.
You guys actually have to PUT THE SOCKETS ON THOSE HOLDERS! A no blaming wives!! Y'all lose everything!! If I had a dollar for every time Hubby asked me where he put something or if I can find something I'd be rich!!
My first question every time is “Did you look 3” to the left?” He laughs because I have found things 3” from where he has claimed to have looked 😂
I call it going on an Easter egg hunt 😂
Our shop has fairies 🧚. Must be the border 😂
Small straps - for strapping things on the trailer. The big ones are always there but I buy 4 packs and can never find them when I need one.
OH crap now we might have to quarantine cross border traffic cause I seriously don't want them crossbreeding and start flying off with sharpies and socket wrapped in straps
OH crap now we might have to quarantine cross border traffic cause I seriously don't want them crossbreeding and start flying off with sharpies and socket wrapped in straps
I had to read that to Hubby. He’s over here cracking up 😂
My first question every time is “Did you look 3” to the left?” He laughs because I have found things 3” from where he has claimed to have looked 😂
I call it going on an Easter egg hunt 😂
Now that brings back memories, we would drop a nut or bolt, hunt around for awhile, Mom would come out and say where do you think it dropped, then start looking outside the suggested perimiter, Mom usually found it. Some what like the Woodruff key adventure from last week
I had bought supplies for painting inside. Got a good bit done, had to wait quite sometime before I could get back to it.
I now can’t find the rollers, my small rags, and somehow the ladder is back outside.
I’m always missing tape measure, straight head screwdriver, decent hammer.
There are specific size thingy doos, as shown in @havasu ’s photo, that are never in the case/box. I don’t think I can still blame it on LH since he’s not able to move it being, you know, deceased and everything….You can laugh, I think he’d appreciate it.
I tend to get wrapped up in what i'm working on, mentally and physically. My focus is on the object so I always lose the tools i'm using at the time. They end up underneath me or roll under something. Even something simple like changing oil in my truck. Between removing the drain plug and putting it back in I misplace the wrench i'm using. Have to stop what I'm doing and find the darn wrench!!!! 🤬 never lose the plug, it's part of the object, just the tools.
often people think that organization like socket bars will keep things from disappearing It works to a point. for a one job at a time thing. but if you have several jobs going at once you spend more time going back and forth to the tool box for tools than you do fixing. I do job pails, every toll that I use goes in the pail ' til the jobs done, all the parts that come off to be replaced go in a pail, all the garbage goes in a pail. amazing how many times a missing fastener is in the garbage pail, no matter how careful one is.
Somehow the sharpies escape. I am going to train the shop cats to capture a shop gnome and convince it to trade tools for sharpies, Sharpies are relatively cheap and sockets are not
My brother adheres to the bucket method and has all of the bucket organizers one could imagine. Works for him. I am too anal-retentave for that.

I restore mounting bolts to their original holes as subassemblies are removed and arrange parts like an exploded diagram. It is a calming practice to avoid the stress of reassembly.
