Big balls or just nuts?

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Awesome Friend
Nov 25, 2017
They said it took a little over 100 tries and a whole bunch of bruised ribs per news report this AM
Ok, I can ALMOST understand the guys who want to do this (after a couple bourbons, I understand much better). The guys I don't get at all are the ones who jump out of the plan intending to land on the ground in one of these wing things without a chute ... those guys are certifiable!
That’s one LZ you don’t want to overshoot. ✅
I'd write it off as too much Red Bull...after all, it "gives you wings"...right !? :drinking:
They did that 100 times? Yep they are certifiable nuts. I feel you can only dare death so many times before your home is in the dirt. I believe there have been one or two recent cliff divers killed this year. One thing is it must be like a bug splattering on the windshield. Very little pain felt.
When I was in the Army they tried to talk me into jumping OUT of plane and not jumping into one. So my curiosity lead me to the jump stations at Fort Benning where I was stationed. I watched the future airborne jump off the 75 foot towers and the second guy that came down rolled on the ground an puked his guts out. I asked one of the trainers why he rolled and puked and screamed. The trainer told me his straps around his legged weren't tight enough and they came up over his gonads. I said to myself- "self, you don't need to crush your gonads to wear airborne wings on your fatigues. Then I dropped that idea immediately.

Big balls. Small brain. Definitely nuts.