Bill Gates-funded plan to dim the sun's rays... yep!!

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Yeah, on the surface that's what he says the particles will do, reflect the warming effects of the sun. But what they fail to mention is that this has a profound impact on OUR health and COVID deaths. It will hamper our ability to get enough sun to produce Vitamin D through the skin's processing of sunshine. And what is greatly needed to ward off COVID (along with HCQ, Zinc and Arith)? VITAMIN D! So in doing this, it may or may not have a global warming impact. I'll let the scientists duke that one out. What it will do is make those that otherwise might contract COVID, be asymptomatic and suffer little, likely will have a devastating reaction to a COVID infection, perhaps resulting in even MORE deaths. But then we all know Bill Gates et al are all about depopulation ASAP, for their "future, perfect world" (she says sarcastically).
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Yeah, on the surface that's what he says the particles will do, reflect the warming effects of the sun. But what they fail to mention is that this has a profound impact on OUR health and COVID deaths. It will hamper our ability to get enough sun to produce Vitamin D through the skin's processing of sunshine. And what is greatly needed to ward off COVID (along with HCQ, Zinc and Arith)? VITAMIN D! So in doing this, it may or may not have a global warming impact. I'll let the scientists duke that one out. What it will do is make those that otherwise might contract COVID, be asymptomatic and suffer little, likely will have a devastating reaction to a COVID infection, perhaps resulting in even MORE deaths. But then we all know Bill Gates et al are all about depopulation ASAP, for their "future, perfect world" (she says sarcastically).
While I do have some trepidation with letting the author of the BSOD monkey with a planetary climate, I'm having a hard time finding a problem with every Texas day in 2020 being 10F lower than it was. As for Vitamin D, lots of folks don't go outside for more than a few minutes between May and October as it is. We got wasps, hornets, bees, fire ants, gnats, fleas and ticks and that's just what follows you into house. Texas got drought, dried cracked ground, 98F in the shade with 98% humidity. We have plants here like poison ivy and oak that are best suited for use as a biological weapons. Don't get me started on eye sweat sting, heat stroke and swamp butt. Come to think of it, it's these qualities probably keep most liberals away from Texas. How about Bill sticks to fixing BSOD and the whole climate predicting profession work on an accurate 3 day weather forecast before we start believing they can aptly tinker with the climate or even forecast it out 30 years. need to send that rant to every "letters to the Editor" newspaper in California!!!!

PS... add that a Chupacabra will eat their butt in the end!
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No matter what temp it is outside here in Texas, I am outside everyday for at least an hour at the minimum. And on those days, it is only because of rain that keeps me in. During planting season thru harvest, I am out for at least an hour or 2 just hoeing and picking. Here in Texas, along with much of the south that lives close to the Gulf that gets a high humidity level adjust their schedule around the sun and wakes up early enough to do their work before the sun is completely up or when the sun is going down for the day. That is how I have done my schedule for years now. Seems like common sense to me and think so many more. Dont see why we would need to alter the sun's rays. . .
Yeah, on the surface that's what he says the particles will do, reflect the warming effects of the sun. But what they fail to mention is that this has a profound impact on OUR health and COVID deaths. It will hamper our ability to get enough sun to produce Vitamin D through the skin's processing of sunshine. And what is greatly needed to ward off COVID (along with HCQ, Zinc and Arith)? VITAMIN D! So in doing this, it may or may not have a global warming impact. I'll let the scientists duke that one out. What it will do is make those that otherwise might contract COVID, be asymptomatic and suffer little, likely will have a devastating reaction to a COVID infection, perhaps resulting in even MORE deaths. But then we all know Bill Gates et al are all about depopulation ASAP, for their "future, perfect world" (she says sarcastically).
Totally support what you say even though " We got wasps, hornets, bees, fire ants, gnats, fleas and ticks and that's just what follows you into house. Texas got drought, dried cracked ground, 98F in the shade with 98% humidity. We have plants here like poison ivy and oak that are best suited for use as a biological weapons". . . I love my natural vitamin D. Been exposed to Covid at least 3 times that I know of and yet have not caught it. Natural vitamin D may be helping in the long run here,
Here’s what Bill Gates wants to inflict upon the world.


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