biolite campstove

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
Haven't purchased one but seems to be a great product according to the reviews and info on their site. You can charge electronics with an attached device while burning several types of fuels at the same time. give it a look and say what you think.
I may get one as soon as a few bucks become available.
They are a good product :) I don't use the charger part but the stove is very effective though on the heavy side and not small, the heat charges the internal battery thus the fan only comes on when heat is detected. Personally I think it a little on the heavy side for serious backpacking.

Thanks for the pic Maverick. If your bugging in it would be a great thing but as you said, which I wasn't sure about, is the size. I thought I saw where they had different sizes, not sure. Thanks for the heads up too on the size. Have to give it a closer look. To stay warm and be able to charge things (not cel) is worth the $100+. Definately too big for a backpack. thanks.
It's a great stove though when it dies (burns out) it's done and it would have to be replaced though in 4yrs it hasn't burned out yet, I would say it would be a good for at least 6 months of everyday use of twice a day. The stove is little over two pounds in weight, it's a little over 8" tall 5" x 5" circumference.

Another point, if bugging out and being and on the move, the cool down period (safe enough for putting in the backpack) is roughly 30 minutes +/- depending on ambient temperature, it takes roughly 5 minutes to get stable temp for cooking but once its going good it cooks fast but bear in mind cooking a 2 quart pot (billy can) is about max I would cook on this stove, for longer cook times you will have to raise the pot to feed the fire a little cumbersome, It has its pluses and minuses for sure. Would I purchase another one when this finally takes a dump, probably not strictly because of the cost :(

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