Two articles I came across, these type of news aren't new it's that they are evolving in a dramatic way...
Moody's Warns Cities to Address Climate Risks or Face Downgrades
"In a report to its clients Tuesday, Moody’s Investors Service Inc. explained how it incorporates climate change into its credit ratings for state and local bonds. If cities and states don’t deal with risks from surging seas or intense storms, they are at greater risk of default."
Students undergo ‘disturbing sensory experiences’ to drive out prejudice
"Some San Diego State University students are undergoing what organizers acknowledge is a “disturbing” series of “sensory experiences” in an attempt to drive out students’ prejudicial tendencies and help make them less oppressive."
Moody's Warns Cities to Address Climate Risks or Face Downgrades
"In a report to its clients Tuesday, Moody’s Investors Service Inc. explained how it incorporates climate change into its credit ratings for state and local bonds. If cities and states don’t deal with risks from surging seas or intense storms, they are at greater risk of default."
Students undergo ‘disturbing sensory experiences’ to drive out prejudice
"Some San Diego State University students are undergoing what organizers acknowledge is a “disturbing” series of “sensory experiences” in an attempt to drive out students’ prejudicial tendencies and help make them less oppressive."