Blast in NYC, New Jersey

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woke up,put on the news and what has happened?
a bomb exploded in NYC,some 29 bodies..and earlier
in New Jersey at a charity event for wounded soldiers, a bomb blast.

Don't look good fellow preppers!
With all that's happened in the rest of the world I am suprised it has taken his long here. I think it was 29 wounded this time, no one was killed luckily. Isis is a lot smarter than most believe. Evil, but not to be underestimated. Using social media to incite the unstable people out there was an incredibly vile, but effective way to start a war.
One thing that suprised me is our media is trying to be so politically correct that they don't mention that these incidents are being done by muslum terrorists. I've heard things like mentally unstable and the like, then they say his name was Mohammad something or another....
read that atleast in that Minnesota stabbing;they call it for what it is = Terrorism.
There all getting there, but it took me seconds to come to the conclusion. I figure it this way, bomb blast equals terrorist act, at least until you prove to me otherwise. Seems like common sense to me.
Seems they found more bombs in NYC one just went up as the Ordnance disposals teams checked it out. NYC getting a taste of what we Brits got from the IRA some years ago.
There all getting there, but it took me seconds to come to the conclusion. I figure it this way, bomb blast equals terrorist act, at least until you prove to me otherwise. Seems like common sense to me.

That's the key: Common sense. Most lack it, and the press deny it.

Crazy, I just rode through Elizabeth, NJ and NY last week.
One thing that suprised me is our media is trying to be so politically correct that they don't mention that these incidents are being done by muslum terrorists

This surprises you? The press has been given their marching orders and their talking points. And they include specifically to avoid the phrase "terrorism" and "Muslim", and "Islamic", etc. because all of those key words skew to Trump's demographic because he's strong on the subject... and away from their gal Hillary.
but you have to get those pressure cokers either registred or banned,they are so dangerous..they can easily run out of the store and cause havoc and mayhem :rolleyes:
The Somali ‘ISIS fanatic’ who went on Minnesota knife rampage after checking whether victims were Muslims

followed by this..

Almost 100,000 Somali Refugees Admitted to US Since 9/11; 99.6% Muslim

followed by this..

More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship
You know, I lived with Muslims for about 3 years in Saudi...but while I'll judge an individual I know based on their actions....a Muslim stranger will simply have a bit more to prove to me, before my profiling stops. Sorry to be politically, actually I'm not sorry.
Got him an Afghan Muslim he shot a US cop before he was shot. Personally I believe if you have a Muslim community in your area you are not safe.

especialy if your a non-muslim women that dresses by western standards!

You know, I lived with Muslims for about 3 years in Saudi...but while I'll judge an individual I know based on their actions....a Muslim stranger will simply have a bit more to prove to me, before my profiling stops. Sorry to be politically, actually I'm not sorry.


I don't like profiling though logic and common sense dictate otherwise in many cases and situations, in today's society gun owners are profiled more in the media and from the left than are muslims but yet the left and MSM says profiling is wrong ah such hypocrisy.
Saw something funny on Facebook. Of course, it was a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) piece...but still...

The had an American girl, cute, and in a sexy outfit, ask folks to watch her bag. Of course, most did.

Then, they had an Arabic woman, in a full hijab/burka, whatever you feel like calling it, do the same. Totally different results.

Haha, we get it. Thing is though, it would have been far more telling of an experiment, to do it with an average looking gal, an average guy, and different races, etc. to get a truer picture of this.

Bet it wouldn't play in NYC right now, even if you were a frickin supermodel!
So glad to hear they caught the piece of ****! That was pretty quick. Poor bastard was shot a few times. Aww, I hope they do surgery without anesthesia. Sorry for the language here, but I'm about sick of giving these animals any compassion. The thought of hurting innocent people is so repulsive to me. If they have no decency, why not return the favor.
I'm very glad that law enforcement, both on duty and off, were successful in stopping the Muslim invaders in both St. Cloud and NJ. I'm also very glad to live in a place where Muslims are so rare that they stand out like a sore thumb.
I'm very glad that law enforcement, both on duty and off, were successful in stopping the Muslim invaders in both St. Cloud and NJ. I'm also very glad to live in a place where Muslims are so rare that they stand out like a sore thumb.

Give it time Billy, Barack wants more as does Hiliary .
Yet another reason not to elect her. I just don't get it. What is the BENEFIT of an influx of Muslim refugees? I can't see one.

Unless your a globalist that want to make the world one, you remember Bush 1 phrase "new world order" or is it "one world order" either way it is to destroy what was and that be independent countries that breeds individualism.
I see hilary got mad at trump and went off on him for calling it a bomb. Apparently trump wasnt allowed to call a bomb a bomb. And I also seen some jack wagon on msnbc said we should be greatful the muslim terrorist used a bomb and not a gun. Thats like telling the people of Hiroshima be greatful we used the atomic bomb and not a rifle. What a joke. Where do they come up with these people. And the government has known for over 2 years this guy was a terrorist. His own father turned him in. Yet they did nothing.