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user 7704

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HCL Supporter
Nov 27, 2015
Did you guys see the length of the line to see Trump last night. This was in a town in East Tennessee?

If the momentum keeps up, there will NOT be the blue wave we hear about.

As posted on another thread, Missouri is now in play because of McCaskill being against Kavanaugh. White men, and moms of sons are scared of these false accusations and will vote Red.
If the momentum keeps up, there will NOT be the blue wave we hear about.

This blue wave nonsense is brought to you by the same folks who tried to convince the voters that Hillary was going to win in a landside. Meanwhile, the silent majority just sits back and chuckles to itself.

I personally think we'll see a slight red wave in the midterms. And why shouldn't it be? The economy is doing great (Trump seemed to have a magic wand after all), folks have a more secure future, and people have jobs.

Meanwhile, the libs are sipping pumpkin spice lattes and too busy on their Instagram feeds to bother going to do something stodgy like vote. (though they'll Tweet out pics saying they did).
Wow, I was just on my favorite conspiracy board, which is usually (in the political mud pit section), pretty 50/50 red/blue. Holy crap. So many former Dems that can't wait to help usher in a red wave come Nov. LOL.....

Like rats leaving a sinking ship.

Like I said, this whole deal really opened a lot of voters' eyes as to what it'd be like in a Dem run regime....and they didn't like it one bit. So much so, that the thought of them even getting a majority in Congress has scared them into action.
A couple of thoughts here.

When you think of a blue 'wave', what do you think of? I see the blue chemical swirling around the toilet as it flushes down into the sewers.

When you think of a red 'wave', college football fans will first think of the red tide, a crazy powerful team. Or you think of the River Nile turning red with blood before Moses and Pharaoh. THOSE are powerful images!

So just the imagery is no comparison.

Next is the "October Surprise". I think the libs were planning on a slam dunk against Kavanaugh. Show their power, rile up their base, and take the ballot box by storm! They had it timed perfectly. And when they went up for the dunk, Shak (Trump/BK) stepped up and rejected them, shoving the ball down their own throats.

This massive gamble is turning into the biggest political suicide in all of history. The dems are 4 weeks from election and they don't see the massive block right in front of them. They need surgeons on standby with ambulances at the ready when the vote pushes BK through. Their jaws will hit the cement and shatter. We'll see if Flake tries to weasel any other deals, but I suspect Trump will 'talk with him' if there are any problems. I don't know if it'll be Friday or next week, but it's imminent.

I don't think it'll be a massive red wave, but it'll be enough. And it's not just numbers, there will be other big benefits like replacing lame RINOs like Flake with someone with a backbone. That will be as valuable as any seats they gain.
I can agree with those points. I too expected just a minor red wave, but now, it may be bigger.

So just the imagery is no comparison.

For me, the imagery is looking at a map of the US, and seeing a wave of red wash over it, like there was on election day in 2016.
Wow, I was just on my favorite conspiracy board, which is usually (in the political mud pit section), pretty 50/50 red/blue. Holy crap. So many former Dems that can't wait to help usher in a red wave come Nov. LOL.....

Like rats leaving a sinking ship.

Like I said, this whole deal really opened a lot of voters' eyes as to what it'd be like in a Dem run regime....and they didn't like it one bit. So much so, that the thought of them even getting a majority in Congress has scared them into action.
Lord, I hope so. I've been praying for our country. Please God help us and bring some morals back.
A couple of thoughts here.

When you think of a blue 'wave', what do you think of? I see the blue chemical swirling around the toilet as it flushes down into the sewers.

When you think of a red 'wave', college football fans will first think of the red tide, a crazy powerful team. Or you think of the River Nile turning red with blood before Moses and Pharaoh. THOSE are powerful images!

So just the imagery is no comparison.

Next is the "October Surprise". I think the libs were planning on a slam dunk against Kavanaugh. Show their power, rile up their base, and take the ballot box by storm! They had it timed perfectly. And when they went up for the dunk, Shak (Trump/BK) stepped up and rejected them, shoving the ball down their own throats.

This massive gamble is turning into the biggest political suicide in all of history. The dems are 4 weeks from election and they don't see the massive block right in front of them. They need surgeons on standby with ambulances at the ready when the vote pushes BK through. Their jaws will hit the cement and shatter. We'll see if Flake tries to weasel any other deals, but I suspect Trump will 'talk with him' if there are any problems. I don't know if it'll be Friday or next week, but it's imminent.

I don't think it'll be a massive red wave, but it'll be enough. And it's not just numbers, there will be other big benefits like replacing lame RINOs like Flake with someone with a backbone. That will be as valuable as any seats they gain.
I read that there are people in CA that are protesting murderers not being charged as adults. They get out and are free to go on with their lives. Thanks to Gov. Brown who signed it. If CA wants any justice they need to vote the liberals out but it seems that the beggars are taking over. I almost forgot to mention, and got side tracked. RED is a power color, I have read that if you want to be portrayed as being powerful wear red, this is why you see Trump and other politicians wearing red ties a lot. I hope K gets in. The damn thing is a medieval inquisition!
Their were a time when the Republican were blue... any ways, All I want is to see CNN and MSNBC cry on tv again. If Mr. K gets sent to the Supreme's Repubs keep the Senate and House (cry-fest 1) and the bitch gator (aka ginsburg) dies (cry-fest 2) in fact cry-fest 2 I am so looking forward and before trumps first term is up... wonder how many liberal suicides we will have. This may sound mean... but I don't give a ****.
There's no hope for California or New York. Let's face it, these are the folks who put Pelosi, Waters, and the like in office. Most of them shouldn't be trusted with a crayon, let alone a voting ballot. :D

Please give me a heads-up when you say things like this. I could have choked if I had been drinking when I read this about 'crayons'.

Their were a time when the Republican were blue... any ways, All I want is to see CNN and MSNBC cry on tv again. If Mr. K gets sent to the Supreme's Repubs keep the Senate and House (cry-fest 1) and the bitch gator (aka ginsburg) dies (cry-fest 2) in fact cry-fest 2 I am so looking forward and before trumps first term is up... wonder how many liberal suicides we will have. This may sound mean... but I don't give a ****.

If RBG keels over, it will be less violent than WW3. I can see Trump walking out, and starting with this: "First, I must apologize because I am going to do a dis-service to the state of Texas. Reagan nominated RBG to fill a conservative seat on the Supreme Court. With RBG's passing, I am going to repeat what the great Ronald Reagan attempted to do. I am nominating Ted Cruz to SCOTUS. I wish the great people of Texas great success in replacing Senator Cruz with someone just as loyal to the Constitution and to our Country." There are not enough handcuffs or jails in the country to arrest all the nutjobs that will pour out. Hey, maybe that's the plan, the nutjobs explode killing each other, and only sane people are left!
I don't wish RBG (rhymes with RPG --- funny) to die but I do want her to retire, ASAP. A 6 to 3 or better a 7 to 2 conservative court would be outstanding. A Ted Cruz appointment as number 7 would be just too outstanding.
First, they are going to lose their minds on Saturday.

Then, they are going to lose their minds again on Monday (though to a lesser degree), when polls start showing MAJOR dips for Dem candidates up for reelection, even in states that were considered "safe" for them.

Next, they are going to lose their minds on election day, as hopes of a "blue wave" start to evaporate. This is going to be some fun TV folks. Then, the shock and horror on their faces as it turns into a "sea of red" will just be priceless.

The week after the midterms....that will be trying. No doubt Soros and the gang will stage riots and protests all over. It will get a lot of press, but really, it's just a prep exercise for 2020.

It's going to be a dangerous time for the POTUS, as they could pull out a JFK on him. Or they'll at least attempt it.

One thing's for sure, it's gonna get weird after the midterm.
One thing's for sure, it's gonna get weird after the midterm.

It's going to get interesting in 2020 when they realize they'll have 4 more years of Trump. Trump talked about some people getting tired of winning today. Imagine how tire the libs are TODAY of losing? And 2 more years of losing like this? AND THEN they'll realize they have yet 4 more years of losing? Oh my.
While I love the optimism, don't let over confidence rule the day. In every challenge (military or commercial) under-estimating your opponent leads to disaster. Celebrate after the mid-terms and them prepare for the 2020 election. Get out and vote and get other conservatives to get out and vote.
Wife is a Democrat and made this mistake of trying to talk about the Kavanugh hearings to me. I informed her that if she had not watched the hearings, then all she was spouting was political / media bias. Well she got highly insulted and sat down and watched a replay of the entire hearing. She came away feeling ashamed of those politicians and stated that to me. She is still a Democrat but at least now, she understands what her party has become and will be watching ALL the candidates more closely. I will count this as a win. No more straight party line voting.
These liberal Democrats are just giving the Democratic party a bad name and need to break off into their own socialist party. They are no longer the party that JFK stood for and a lot of the people, especially the older generation are seeing that more and more now. I can see why we can expect a red wave at the polls in November. Even my lifelong Democratic 95yo MIL has stopped voting for her party in the presidential race. She wised up in '08.
These liberal Democrats are just giving the Democratic party a bad name and need to break off into their own socialist party. They are no longer the party that JFK stood for and a lot of the people, especially the older generation are seeing that more and more now. I can see why we can expect a red wave at the polls in November. Even my lifelong Democratic 95yo MIL has stopped voting for her party in the presidential race. She wised up in '08.
Its the leftist that are giving the democrats a bad reputation.
Its the leftist that are giving the democrats a bad reputation.

Isn't there any hard working family values pro American Democrats left? No, I guess they'd be Republicans if there were.

There may be some "reasonable" democrats out there, but they have no say in the party and no visibility in policy. The dems have been completely usurped from within by radical, wacked-out lefties. Pink hats, Antifa, the idiots shouting at senators, that is the face of the democrat party.

The problem for their party is that millions of 'normal' democrats are going to stay home next month. They cannot stomach voting for the likes of Beto or Ortiz. These people may like unions but can't stand Antifa.

I've read where 'the media' has said the hearings have energized both parties. I think the whole of the republican side are energized and ready to vote. But I think the left is completely fractioned. The radicals will show up, but the heart of the party (middle age and elder) are completely dishearted and disgusted. Their turnout will show that.

I think the red wave is growing with every action the left takes. The Left is in a lose-lose situation: they tick off one side or the other side of their own party whether they do some thing or do nothing. It's wonderful!
I informed her that if she had not watched the hearings, then all she was spouting was political / media bias

Unfortunately, that's the norm though.

Thing is...I think that all the folks who are the most vocal (on the Blue side) are pretty much those who were already voting Blue anyhow.

Those on the Red side, were pretty much already voting Red.

Going into the hearing, a lot of us who were more in the middle, were more likely to just vote incumbents out (and do our own swamp draining).

However, the Dems, with this desperate and despicable tactic, have made it clear that it is FAR more important to ensure that we keep the leadership in place that is currently WORKING for us in Congress. So while this whole fiasco hasn't changed dedicated party voters, what it HAS done, is galvanize those of us who weren't predisposed to vote party lines, to NOW vote Red down the ballot.

It's the same silent majority that went for Trump in 2016. And it's going to be a HUGE surprise for both Dems, and the media (AGAIN), come election day.... Or at least that's my hope for it.

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