Boardwalk Empire

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1st Member Of DPF
Feb 19, 2012
DC Metro Area
Has anyone seen this show on HBO? I'm not a big TV fan per se, but this show is fantastic. It covers Atlantic City and it's ties to Philadelphia, Chicago, and NYC during the early 1900s. It is loosely based on real events about a man named Enoch Thompson that had some political involvement along with being a bootlegger. It has Al Capone before he was a Boss, Lucky Luciano and Myer Lansky as young men, and Don Maseria & Arnold Rothstein are pretty much the top dogs of the day. Even one of my favorite characters, Chalky White(Based on Chalky Wright), a black fellow who is virtually as powerful among the black folks as Nucky was with the white folks.

This fellow "Nucky" Thompson ends up going through some really interesting situations and there are some other supporting cast members that almost steal the show. It really is great. Those were some of the most interesting days in America in my opinion, and I've seen movies on the period, but never a show with that much character and plot development...

We're watching a marathon of the first few seasons preparing for the "Final" season that's coming on in September. Is anyone watching a good show right now other than Boardwalk Empire?
We finished boardwalk empire. Neat show. Right now we r watching house of cards.
Just waiting for the walking dead and game of thrones to come back on.
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I don't watch a lot of tv, mostly news, but in did catch a few episodes. You're right on with it being a great show. If I let myself I would be addicted in a heartbeat!

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