Not sure if I'm not looking in the right forum but how about a section to list books you find usefull and recommend adding to your preps for a good resource or just a good read.
just got this book from Amazon called: 52 Prepper Projects, a project a week to help you prepare for the unpredictable. Author, David Nash.
I thought it best to keep books instead of downloads. If power were to go out for extended period you would not have access. Also you may forget some skills you havent used in a long time and need to refresh your memory.
just got this book from Amazon called: 52 Prepper Projects, a project a week to help you prepare for the unpredictable. Author, David Nash.
I thought it best to keep books instead of downloads. If power were to go out for extended period you would not have access. Also you may forget some skills you havent used in a long time and need to refresh your memory.