Border guard jobs

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Brent S

Awesome Friend
Oct 10, 2013
South East US
I'd be interested in hearing any info about new border/security jobs. If Obama even gets half of the 5billion he's asking for there should be a hiring boom in Texas. I'd almost consider it, partly out of boredom with my current work, and partly because Texas seems to be the most prepping oriented state in the country. I bet a fifth of all the people on this site are somewhere in Texas. I think most of those jobs pay pretty well and have good benefits.
I'd be interested in hearing any info about new border/security jobs. If Obama even gets half of the 5billion he's asking for there should be a hiring boom in Texas. I'd almost consider it, partly out of boredom with my current work, and partly because Texas seems to be the most prepping oriented state in the country. I bet a fifth of all the people on this site are somewhere in Texas. I think most of those jobs pay pretty well and have good benefits.
He's asking for $3.7 billion and none of it is intended to strengthen the border. It's to provide housing, food and lawyers for the illegals. That's why the House has already said "NO".
He's asking for $3.7 billion and none of it is intended to strengthen the border. It's to provide housing, food and lawyers for the illegals. That's why the House has already said "NO".
I did just read about the majority of the money would be used for detainment centers and judges. What crap! I was amazed when I saw the process one woman went thru. She was released in a community and given a hearing date, which of course she blew off. Who came up with this plan? I would collect all the people crossing the border and deport them within 24 hrs. Period. What kind of deterrent is releasing them in our communities. I'm not against immigration, just illegal immigration. I know it would cost to fly people back to their countries, but it would be a lot less than the billions they are talking about right now. I feel for all the people in Latin America that want more for their children. I think we should allow people to come in and work and be productive, but only when doing it correctly.
Trying to get it passed that it will only take 72 hours for a hearing instead of the years it takes now. . . . that's about 71 and a half hours more than they need in my opinion. I'm not against immigration either, that is what made this country into what it is today. But, only the legal way. The process cost money and some do not want to pay that. Why are these people risking their children's lives and then gripe saying that they want their children back when the kids get caught.
It really bothers me that they want to provide taxpayer funded lawyers to represent these kids in civil court. Americans can't get that.
What is the worst part of this is that a majority of those poor children really do need help and it takes a hard-hearted person to not be compassionate. But the circumstances that allowed them in also allowed the gang-members and drug dealers in, and most likely, the terrorists.
Seal the border and force people to enter legally. It's that simple.
legal immigration is ok, you come and want to work for your living, fine by any standards, you want to integrate you into society, fine by any don't wanna do any of the respect of ladys here on this forum I say nothing 'cause swearing and cursing isn't polite

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