Boston Terror Narrative Starts Falling Apart

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They clearly said the 7-11 robbery was not them, it was coincidence, however they did both rob a man and forced him to withdraw money from the ATM. They told him "you heard about the Boston Bombings? That was us, we did it."
So this car jacking victim is to believed?
In a time where twitting and farce book,
Why did 48+ hours go by before this guy
Made a statement ?
Still no video of the explosives
Boston Police Chief calls brothers 'Actors'?
Stories are inconsistent.
What color is Merc. SUV ?
From the Ministry of Propaganda I have heard
Black or Silver?
Those colors are not indistinguishable
Blue and Black yes.
Stories are never going to be consistent, especially with a police work. Want to play a game, host a party, have two fake terrorist bust in screaming for 20 seconds and hold people up, and then run out.

Then ask him, who the two men were. Weight, age, height, hair color, hair type, what clothes were they wearing, sneakers, boots, jeans or cargo pants. What guns were they using? How many shots fired. You'd be amazed at the inconsistency of things.
With people that would be at my party,
Identification would be easy
You see those 2 sorry ass holes over there
Who look like a spaghetti strainer?
Those are the doers !
I am putting forth the proposition that eye witness accounts are not reliable. Just like the Trayvon Martin case, dozens of people saw the same fight, others swore Trayvon was on top, others swear that Zimmerman was on top. Were they all seeing the same thing?

Could it be a false flag attack, anything is possible, but there is more evidence that these two men are the bombers and not some innocent bystanders who were framed.

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